“Itis in my book.”

“Justbecause you’re the chief of police doesn’t mean you get to decide what’s a swear word or not.”

Jackreached into the back seat and gently took theNintendoSwitchout of her hands. “Chloe.What’sgoing on with you?”Shewas a typical tween with her sullen, testy moments, but it wasn’t like her to be openly rude.

Shecrossed her arms over her chest, looking out the window. “Nothing.”

“Doesn’tseem like nothing.”

“Ialready talked toMom, so it doesn’t matter.”Herchin quivered. “Andyou’re a guy, soIcan’t…”Thechin quiver got stronger.

Norahhadn’t mentioned anything to him about any issues withChloe, but maybe she hadn’t realized that whatever it was was bothering her this much.

“I’mnot aguy,I’myour dad.Youcan tell me anything,Chloe.”

Shehuffed out a breath, eyes still trained out the window. “BraydenLewiscalled me sasquatch in gym class because of my hairy legs, and everyone laughed.”

Oh, that little shit.Jack’sgut clenched and he swallowed, hard, tempering his papa bear emotions.

“SoIaskedMomifIcould start shaving my legs, and she saidIwas too young.ButI’mnot!”Chloeinsisted, whirling around to faceJack.Hercheeks were pink, her eyes bright with tears. “IfIlook like a sasquatch,I’mnot!”

Jacksighed.Chloewas almost twelve.Herchest wasn’t flat anymore, and she’d started getting the occasional pimple.God, how had she grown up so freaking fast?

Henodded slowly. “Firstof all,I’msorry that happened to you.Itsucks to feel like everyone’s laughing at you, but—andIknow this is small comfort—it’ll pass.Second,I’lltalk to yourMomand see what she says, okay?I’mnot the expert, but maybe you’re not too young.”

Shenodded, inhaling a shaky breath. “Okay.Thanks,Dad.”

“Andone more thing.”Hereyes flicked to his. “BraydenLewisis a goober.He’sprobably only picking on you so no one picks on him first.Middleschool is a jungle.Butit gets better.”

Thehint of a smile pulled atChloe’slips, and it was the best part ofJack’sday.

“Heis a goober,” she agreed.

“Butdon’t call him that at school,” saidJack, undoing his seatbelt. “Grabthat box of cupcakes, would you?”Chloenodded and undid her own, grabbing the box of mint chocolate cupcakes fromYouLittleTart.Jackstudied her as they walked up the path to the house’s front porch, which was neatly shoveled thanks toBeckett.She’dgrown again, getting taller and taller, all gangly arms and awkward legs.Herhair was a dark blond, the same shade as his, and she hadNorah’sbig brown eyes and freckles.Hisnose, her mouth.Hisstubbornness, her love of books and learning.

“Iam excited,” she said as they stepped into his mother’s house, picking up their conversation from earlier.Thesmell of pot roast and garlic potatoes filled the air, and something insideJacksettled as they shrugged off their coats.Thiswas the house he’d grown up in, where his mother and his sisterAutumnstill lived.Itwas home, in the purest, truest sense of the word.Homeas a place, but also home as a feeling of safety and belonging. “Doyou thinkI’llget to meet her?” she asked, toeing off her boots and placing them on the rack by the front door.

“Idon’t know, kiddo,” he said.Hehoped he’d be able to arrange something, maybe withRosalie’shelp, but he didn’t want to make any promises. “We’llsee.”

Shenodded, and then took off into the house. “AuntAutumn!Didyou hear aboutCarrieClark?”

Jackchuckled and took off his boots.Thenews thatCarrieClarkwas coming toGossamerFallsto film her new music video had burst across the town that morning, and everyone was buzzing about it.Injust a couple of short weeks, the mega superstar would be here.

WhichmeantRosaliewould be here.Asmall smile pulled at his lips as his blood heated.Inthe few days since she’d gone back to the city, he hadn’t stopped thinking about her.Hell, he hadn’t even tried to stop thinking about her because he didn’t want to.Heliked thinking about her.Howpretty she was, how good she smelled.Howamazing she’d felt pressed against him, all soft and warm.Howmuch he’d laughed with her.Howthe hours he’d spent talking with her had felt like minutes.

Hepulled his phone out of his back pocket and opened up their last string of text messages.


Ihave good news!We’recoming to town to film the music video!Pleasedon’t say anything yet, though.We’lldo an official announcement in a day or two when we’ve got all of our ducks in a row.


Sothat meansIget to see you again?


Ifyou want, yes