“Nokidding.Butnothing that’s worth doing comes easy.Thehard stuff is the good stuff.”

“Amen,” saidTrevor, and they all laughed.

“Imean, he’s not looking for anything serious either,” saidRosalie, moving away from the chill of the window and back toward the couch. “Soit’s not like anything withJackcould go anywhere.”

“Whyisn’t he?” askedTrevor.

“Idon’t know.Igot the sense that there was something there, something heavy, but he didn’t share andIdidn’t pry.”

Carrieshrugged. “So…see him again when we go back for the video shoot and see where it goes, no labels, no expectations.Becauseyou’re clearly into him, soIthink you owe yourself at least that much.”

Athrill coursed through her at the thought of seeingJackagain, and she pulled out her phone, scrolling through their text messages again.

“Haveyou been texting him?Already?”Trevorasked, neck craned as he tried to read the texts.

“Yes, and honestly,Idon’t know why you’re so interested in my love life.”

“Becauseyou don’t have one, honey,” saidTrevor, but his tone was kind. “AndIhave never seen you blushing and excited over a guy.Thatmeans something.”

“Hejust asked me to text him whenIgot back to the city to let him knowI’dmade it safe and sound.That’sall.”TrevorandCarrieexchanged a knowing look, andRosaliedarkened her phone screen. “What?”

“Thatis not one night stand behaviour,” saidTrevor, andCarrienodded in agreement.


Rosalie’sstomach dipped and swooped, and she felt like she was a high school girl who’d just found out the star quarterback liked her back.Itwas a giddy rush of excitement and nerves, tinged with a hint of disbelief.

“Whenis the next full moon?” askedCarriesuddenly.

“Um…”Rosalielooked it up on her phone. “Inabout three weeks.”

“Iwant to film the video with the full moon in the background.Idon’t want aCGImoon likeIknow the production company’s going to suggest.Iwant the real thing.”

Rosaliegrabbed her notebook and started jotting whatCarriewas saying down.

“Iwant to showcase the legend of the falls, really use the scenery.Threeweeks is perfect.Wecan get through pre-production and have everything ready to go.”Sheturned her assessing gaze onRosalie. “Andthat gives you three weeks to figure out how you feel about this guy.”


Sundaynight dinners at theShephardhouse were a tradition, and one thatJacklooked forward to.Unlikesome people, he genuinely enjoyed spending time with his family, and considered himself lucky to have such a loving, close one.Sure, they had their differences and argued sometimes, but they always sorted it out.They’dalways been a close bunch, and had grown even more so after their father,JohnShephard, had passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack a couple of years ago.

“Areyou excited?”Jackasked, glancing into the rearview mirror of his truck to whereChloewas sitting in the backseat,NintendoSwitchin her hands.Shedidn’t look up.

“Aboutwhat?” she asked after several seconds, frowning at the screen.

“CarrieClarkcoming to town,” he said, his own stomach giving a little jolt as he said the words.Rosaliehad texted him yesterday to let him know that the music video shoot was a go, and they’d be back in a few weeks to film under the next full moon.

Jackhad never been so excited for a full moon in his entire life.

“Oh,” saidChloe, tongue pressed to the corner of her mouth as she jammed at the buttons. “Dammit!”

“Hey, hey, language,” he said, frowning.


“No, not whatever.”Hepulled up to the curb in front of his mom’s house and put the truck in park. “Idon’t care what your friends are allowed to say, butIdon’t want to hear swear words coming out of your mouth.”

“Dammitisn’t a swear word.Theysay it onTV, and on the radio.”