Rosalieswallowed thickly.Shewasn’t going to get into details about her steamy hook up withJack.Sharingwasn’t her style, and she especially wasn’t going to whileCarriewas nursing a broken heart.

“Nothingelse,” she said, but even to her own ears, her voice didn’t sound convincing.Notat all.

“Bullshit,” saidTrevoraffectionately.

“Didyou bang a hot cop?” askedCarrie, turning back to the piano and playing the opening chords of “CarelessWhisper.”

“I…”Carriestopped playing and she andTrevorlooked at her with amused expectation. “Did.Yes.Ibanged the hell out of him.”

Trevorheld his fist out for a fist bump. “That’smy girl.Now, tell me everything andIwon’t punish you for holding out on me.”

Atthe mention of the word punish, her night withJackstarted playing through her brain like a movie.Avery dirty, very sexy movie.

“Wedon’t…”Shesaid, shaking her head, cutting her eyes inCarrie’sdirection.

“Oh, please,” she said. “I’mfine.Or,Iwill be.Ifthere’s one thingIknow how to do, it’s heal from shit.Don’tdeprive us of good gossip on my account.”

“There’sno gossip,” saidRosalie, feeling self-conscious. “Iwas stuck there for the night, we met at this cute little pub in town, we went back to my hotel and had a one night stand.”

“Andthen he changed your flat tire this morning,” addedTrevor, eyebrows wiggling.

“Hedid.”Rosalietook a sip of her tea. “I’djust gotten the flat and he happened to be on his patrol route.”

“Isit still a meet cute if you’ve already banged?” askedCarrie, a mischievous grin pulling at her full lips.

Rosalielaughed, and so didTrevor.

“Areyou going to see him again?”Carriepeered atRosalieover the rim of her mug. “Whenwe go back for the video shoot?”

Rosaliebit her lip, grinning down into her tea. “Maybe, yeah.Hegave me his number after the flat tire thing, and he made it clear he wants to hang out again.”

“Hangout,” saidTrevor, making exaggerated air quotes. “Meaninghook up.”

“Netflixand chill,” addedCarrie.

“Prettymuch,” saidRosalie. “And…IthinkI’lltake him up on it.”

Carrieblinked slowly as she studiedRosalie. “Oh.Oh!Youlike this one!”

“OfcourseIlike him.Idon’t bang guysIdislike.”

“That’snot whatImean.Imean like like.”

“Playgroundcrush like,” addedTrevor.

Rosaliefelt heat flood her cheeks, and she stood, pacing to the floor to ceiling windows that looked out over the city.Everythingwas so cold and gray here compared toGossamerFalls, with its cute shops, snow covered roofs, and beautiful waterfall.Buthere, there was no color.Justan endless sea of gray sky and gray buildings and gray streets filled with too many people.

She’dnever felt like that while looking out at the city before.Huh.

“Doyou like him?” askedCarriesoftly. “Iknow you don’t really do relationships, but maybe…”

Rosalieturned. “Maybewhat?”

“Maybeit’s time to rethink some of those long-held beliefs.Iknow you think they’re protecting you, and maybe they are.Butwhat if all they’re doing is keeping good stuff out?”

Rosalieswallowed thickly, her legs suddenly heavy.Sheglanced back out the window, eyes roving over the city.She’dfelt unmoored ever since getting back into town.Lostand adrift without a compass.Whichwas completely disorienting because she’d lived here her entire life.

“Ithink that’s a lot easier said than done,” she said after a moment, andCarrielaughed softly.