LoganHuxleywas a longtime family friend and the head chef at the hotel’s restaurant.Butback in the fall, he’d had some family stuff to take care of, and had been granted a leave of absence.Jackalso suspected thatAutumnhad long been carrying a torch for the chef, who’d been best friends with their runaway brother,Finn, before he’d abandoned all of them.

“Whatdo you mean?” askedJack, stepping towards her.God, she looked so sad.Sotired and distraught.

Shebit her lip, worry slicing throughJackat how paleAutumnlooked, her normally pink cheeks a sallow gray. “Youknow about his dad, right?”

“Iknow he’s some kind of biker asshole who lives on the other side of the country.”Huxhad spent a lot of time with theShephardsgrowing up because his own family hadn’t been there for him, for a lot of complicated, heavy reasons.

Sheswallowed and nodded, shuffling through the same pile of papers again. “Yeah.Well,Iguess his dad’s in jail, and he might be going to prison.Heowns a bar inArizona, and he needsHuxto run it for him while all the legal stuff gets sorted out, otherwise his half-sister won’t have any money, or something.”Shefrowned, as though she wasn’t fully buyingHux’sstory. “Idon’t know why he doesn’t just tell his dad to…to…”Tearspooled in her eyes, and she wiped at them hastily. “I’mnot crying for me.I’mcrying for him.Hisfamily’s always treated him like a burden, like an inconvenience.Butthe first sign of trouble and he’s there for them, even though they were never there for him.Never.”Hervoice shook on the last syllable.

“Familiesare complicated,” saidJack, trying to pull his little sister in for a hug, but she sidestepped him.

“Nooffense, butIdon’t want your sex hands on me.”

Herolled his eyes. “Ido wash my hands, you know.”

Shesighed, wrapping her arms around herself. “Sorry.I’m…tired.”

“It’sokay,” he said. “I’msorry thatHuxmight not be coming back for a while.Thatmust be stressful.Forthe hotel,” he added carefully.Hedidn’t want to pry intoAutumn’sfeelings for him.Clearly, there was something there, but until she made it his business, he was going to stay out of it.

Shenodded, worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. “Yeah.Itis.AndImiss having him around.He’smy friend, andIwishIcould help him, you know?”

“Youare helping,” saidJack. “Keeptalking to him.Bethere for him.I’msure he appreciates having someone safe to talk to about all of this.”

Shenodded again. “Wewere on the phone until like three in the morning.”

“Maybeyou should see ifAdamcan help out for a bit this afternoon so you can get some rest.I’msure he wouldn’t mind.”

Shetilted her head, considering. “Yeah, maybe.”

Hestepped forward and gaveAutumnanother hug.Thistime, she didn’t resist. “Youcan’t solve everyone else’s problems,Autumn.Okay?”


“Igotta go,Ineed to get ready for work.ButI’llsee you onSunday, right?”

“Ofcourse.Don’tforget, you’re on dessert duty.Ifyou’re taking requests,I’dkill for some cupcakes fromYouLittleTart,” she said, referencing the local bakery.

“Noted.”Hepulled away, lifted his hand in a wave, and stepped out into the dark morning.


Rosaliestretched and rolled over in bed, sliding one hand across the rumpled sheets to find the other side of the bed empty and cold.Jackhad told her that he had to leave early because he had to be at work by six-thirty, which was…she squinted at her watch.Whichwas over two hours ago.So, yeah.Hewas long gone.Whichwas fine.Ideal, even.Noweird, awkward goodbyes to stumble through, no regrets.Justa perfect night, filled with amazing sex and great conversation with a super hot guy.She’dbe greedy to ask for anything more.Greedy, and foolish.

Shesat up in bed and stretched, her muscles a little sore.Shechecked her phone, knowing she needed to flip back into work mode, but there were no urgent texts or emails to claim her attention.So, she flung the sheets back and crossed to the window.Acrystal blue sky greeted her, the sun shining brightly, not a cloud in sight.Freshsnow covered everything, the sun glinting off of it, making the world look bejeweled.Wrappingher arms around herself, she took several deep breaths.Sheknew she should get herself together, walk to where she’d left the car, and head back to the city.

Andyet…she wanted to linger.Almostas though a part of her was clinging to the magic of last night.

Shesighed and headed for the shower, feeling as though a tug of war was taking place inside her.Onthe one hand, she was relaxed and sated.Gloriouslywell-fucked.She’dhad her share of one night stands, and last night withJackhad been the best.Theabsolute best.Shefelt grateful and happy that they’d met and had so much fun together.

Sheturned on the shower, running the brush through her hair and then twisting it up with an elastic she’d found in her purse as she waited for the water to warm up.Onthe other hand, she felt…sad.Thesadness was an echo of what she’d felt last night, and the last thing she wanted to do was unpack it.Sadnesswas messy, and she knew if she prodded at it, it would be like trying to put toothpaste back in a tube.Onceit was out, it was out, and you had to live with it.Betterto leave it where it was.Safeand contained, and likely to fade as soon as she got back to normal life.

Shetested the water and then stepped under the spray, the hot water glorious against her sore, tired muscles.Slowly, she lathered up the lavender-scented soap and washed away last night while memories of it flitted through her mind.

“God, he was sohot,” she said out loud to herself, her stomach dipping and swirling as she remembered the feeling ofJackinside her, of his lips on her nipples, her clit, the way his muscles had flexed and bunched when she’d ridden him hard.Sheslipped the washcloth between her legs, gasping a little at the contact.Shewas sore and tender.Butin the best possible way.

Sheworked the washcloth over her hips, noticing the tiny bruises emerging in a line, right whereJackhad gripped her when he’d fucked her from behind.Asmile pulled at her lips as she traced her fingers over them.Adirty little souvenir, just for her.

Shefinished washing and then lingered under the hot spray, letting last night replay again and again.Andnot just the filthy parts, although those were definitely on repeat in her brain, but all of it.Thesound ofJack’slaugh when he’d tripped over his jeans and practically face planted.Theway he’d held her as she’d talked about her dad.