Oh,God.Bloodrushed to her cheeks as she remembered the way she’d spilled her guts about her stupid family history.Alump formed in her throat as embarrassment rushed through her.Whyhad she told him that?Shenever talked about that shit, not with anyone.Nowhe was going to remember her as the chick with daddy issues.

Okay, it was definitely good that she was unlikely to see him again.EvenifCarriecame back to shoot the video here, it would only be for a few days, tops.Evenin a town this size, it had to be possible to avoid someone for three days.Right?

Butthen there was that weird tug in her chest again, because it wasn’t true that she didn’t want to see him again.Embarrassedas she was, she knew she’d jump at the chance to spend time withJack.Whichmeant she already liked him too much.

“Girl,” she said to herself, shaking her head as she turned the shower off. “You’rea mess this morning.”

Shedried off, got dressed, and pulled her hair into a messy bun, giving herself a once over in the mirror before heading downstairs.Shechecked her phone again, noting a few emails she needed to deal with.Satisfiedthere was nothing urgent, she double checked that she had everything and then headed downstairs.

Autumnsat behind the front desk, and she smiled warmly atRosalie. “Howwas your night?”

Rosaliewas pretty sure she was imagining things, but she could’ve sworn there was a knowing glint inAutumn’seyes.

“Itwas great,” she said, fishing in her bag for her wallet. “Thisplace is amazing.Thankyou so much for your hospitality.”Shepaid for the room on her corporateVisa, tucking the receipt into her bag. “Thanksagain,” she said, turning towards the door.

“Wait!” saidAutumnsuddenly, casting aside the folder in her hand. “Doyou want a ride to your car?”

“Oh,” saidRosalie, stopping in her tracks. “Yeah, actually.Thatwould be great.”Shewas a little thrown by the offer, but happy to accept it all the same.

Autumnnodded, and then picked up the front desk phone. “Hey, it’s me.I’mjust going to give a guest a ride to her car.I’llbe back in twenty minutes or so.CanIforward the phone to you?”Shelistened for a minute and then laughed. “Sure.Okay, thanks.”Shehung up, hit a few buttons on the phone, and then placed a “Staffwill return shortly” sign on the front desk. “It’squiet today, soIdon’t think anyone will knowI’mgone.”

“Well, thank you for the ride.Iappreciate it.”

“Ididn’t think you’d want to trudge through the snow in those boots,” saidAutumn, glancing down atRosalie’sfeet. “Whichare gorgeous, by the way.”

“Oh, thank you.Andyou’re right,I’mnot exactly decked out for walking in the snow.IguessIshould’ve planned better.”

Autumnshrugged. “Sometimesthe best things happen when things don’t go to plan.”Okay, she definitely knewsomethingbecause that glint was back in her eyes again. “Ihope your stay gave you the chance to fall in love with our little town.Youknow, really sell it to your boss.”

Oh.Ormaybe not.God, she was touchy this morning.

“Whereis your car?” askedAutumn, pulling a set of keys out of her purse.


Autumnnodded and stepped out from behind the desk. “Noproblem.”

Whenthey stepped outside, the air was fresh, clean and crisp, birds chirping happily from the snow-crusted branches.Itfelt like a completely different world than the one she’d experienced withJacklast night.Whenthey’d walked from the pub to the hotel, it had felt like they’d been in their own personal snow globe, just the two of them, no one else in the world.

ShefollowedAutumnto her car and got in the passenger’s side.Assoon asAutumnturned the car on, aSabrinaCarpentersong came on full blast.Shequickly reached forward and turned down the music.

“Sorry.IguessIshould be listening toCarrieClark.WhichIdo.Butthis song makes me…think of someone,” she said after a second, her cheeks going a little pink.

Rosaliesmiled and shook her head. “Thisis a great song.Sheactually opened forCarrieon her tour last year.She’sreally sweet.”Rosaliereached forward and turned it back up, bopping her head in time with it.Theylet the song play, filling the air with lyrics about mixed signals and longing.

“Itmust be so interesting working in the music industry,” saidAutumnafter a moment. “Doyou like what you do?”

Rosalienodded. “I…do,” she said. “It’sdefinitely interesting, andIlove music in general.”Itwas the most honest answer she could give without getting into details.

“Itmust be consuming, working for a big pop star like that,” she said, coming to a stop at one of the few traffic lights in town.

“Itcan be, butIlike to work.AndIlike the travel that comes with it.”Thehollowness she’d been feeling lately, though…not so much.

“Mustmake it hard to date, though,” saidAutumn, and something flickered inRosalie’schest.Itdid make it hard to date, which was just fine with her.

Rosalieshrugged. “I’msure running a hotel is like that, too,” she said, deftly turning the subject away from herself. “Yousaid that this song reminds you of someone?”

“Oh, you’re good.”