
Ivery much want to see you again


Metoo <3


Ikeep thinking about how much fun we had


Meh, it was okayIguess




Stillcan’t take itIsee.We’llhave to work on that


Please.Ican take anything you give me




Onerequest though




Canwe use real handcuffs next time?


Onlyif you bring your sexiest lingerie



Jackgrinned to himself and tucked the phone back in his pocket, his heart thrumming in his chest.Hewas counting down the seconds until he could see her again.Andhell, that had to be progress, right?They’dhooked up and he wanted to see her again.Wasexcited to see her again.Thathad to count as growth of some kind.

Hepassed the living room on his right, a fire crackling merrily in the stone fireplace against the far wall.Onthe mantel above, there were several framed family photos, including one taken about a year before his dad had died.Steppingcloser and letting the fire warm him, he picked it up off the mantel, examining it.Hisparents stood in the middle, arms looped around each other’s waists, whileAdam,Oliver, andBeckettstood beside their dad, andFinn,Autumn, andJackstood beside their mom, withChloein front ofJack, his hands on her shoulders.

Hiseyes roved over the picture, taken almost four years ago now.Chloewas so much younger, only about seven, reminding him again of how fast she was growing up.Helooked atFinn, who he hadn’t seen in years now—something that would’ve been unthinkable before grief did its work on all of them—smiling happily as the sun caught his dark brown hair.Helooked at his father, feeling that familiar stab right in the middle of his chest.Hishair had been white and thinning, but he’d still been strong and healthy, standing tall and proud surrounded by his family.Littlehad they known that he’d soon be gone, the victim of a sudden, massive heart attack.Nota day went by that he didn’t miss him.

Witha sigh, he set the picture back in its place and made his way into the noisy kitchen, which was filled with people and food and the soft jazz music his mother loved so much.Theache in his chest softened into something warm and sweet as he stood in the entrance to the kitchen, watching his family.Allthese people who he loved, and who loved him, unconditionally.Withoutquestion, without fail.