“RosalieCrawford,” he said, in a low, sweet voice just before kissing her again.Shewound her arms around him, savoring the feel of being surrounded by him.Afterseveral minutes, the kiss gentled, and he kissed along her jaw, down her throat.

“Ilike you wearing my shirt,” he said.

Butterfliesexploded in her stomach, catching her completely off guard.Shegiggled. “Thanks.Ilike that it smells like you.”Sherolled her lips inward, as though that could stem the flow of things she shouldn’t say.

“That’sso hot,” he growled, kissing her again. “Ican’t stop kissing you.”

“Thendon’t.We’vegot all night, right?”

She’dmeant it as a positive, but from the way he frowned and huffed out a breath, she had the distinct impression she’d said the wrong thing.

“Speakingof things we like…” he said, toying with her hair. “Thatlingerie you were wearing…”Heblew out a low whistle. “Goddamn.”

Shesmiled, her cheeks warming. “Ihave a thing for fancy lingerie.”Hiseyebrow arched, and she nodded. “Ihave a whole collection.”

“Awhole collectionI’llnever get to see,” he said, rolling her beneath him. “You’rekilling me here,Crawford.”

Aknot formed right in the center of her chest, a tangled snarl of emotion and lies she told herself and things she never let herself want.Itsat there, cold and heavy, asJackkissed her, slow and deep.

“Goeasy on me,Shephard,” she whispered. “Ican’t…”Sheshook her head, her eyes suddenly burning.

“Iknow.Iknow,” he said softly, kissing her again. “It’sokay.”

Justthen, her stomach rumbled loudly, reminding her that she’d never gotten around to eating dinner, andJackpulled away with a quiet laugh.

“Igot you,” he said, sliding off of her.Shetried to ignore the way she missed him already as soon as he left the bed, instead focusing on appreciating the hell out of his round, firm ass as he crossed the room to the mini bar.Heopened it, emptied it, and returned to the bed, dropping everything in the middle. “Midnightsnack buffet,” he said, sweeping his hand over everything on the bed.

Shelaughed and then popped open the top of a mini can ofPringles, shoving two in her mouth at once. “Please,” she said through a mouthful of crumbs. “Digin.”

Hehesitated, surveying all the snacks. “It’s…”


“You’regoing to laugh at me.”

“Maybe.Tellme anyway.”

Helaughed. “Idon’t really eat any of this stuff.Ionly have one cheat meal a week, and it’s onSundayswith my family.”Herubbed a hand over his abs, and she believed thatJackwas not a man who ate junk food on the regular.

“Howabout ifIguess which one of these is your favorite, you make an exception, just this once?”

Hiseyes sparkled, little lines fanning out around his eyes as he smiled. “Okay.Deal.”

Shesurveyed the options in front of her, then tilted her head as she studied him, weighing the snacks against what she knew aboutJack.Shepushed all the salty snacks to one side.

“I’mgoing to go with sweet tooth,” she said, tapping a finger against her lips. “Andthat’s not just becauseIwant all the chips for myself, whichIdo.”Shelined up theSnickers,Reese’sPeanutButterCups,Skittles, and the little clear plastic boxes of candy with the logo of a local store on them.Shelooked up atJackagain, who was watching her with amusement, hands on his hips, and she pushed the chocolate bars aside. “I’mthinking candy over chocolate.Becausewhen you eat sugar, you want the pure stuff.We’retalking corn syrup and food dyes.”Shesquinted and then picked up the box of gummy bears and handed it to him.Hehesitated just for a second and then took it with a grin, dimple flashing, and popped it open.

“DidIget it right?” she asked excitedly.Hetossed a couple in his mouth and nodded.

“Nailedit.These, or jelly beans are my weakness.Myonlyweakness,” he added, and they both laughed. “What’syour favoriteTVshow?” he asked, picking up the remote and sitting down on the bed beside her, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight. “AndI’mnot talking the answer you say to impress people or look cool.I’mtalking ultimate comfort watch, can quote every line show.”

“Oh, that’s easy.Seinfeld.”

“Shutup,” he said in a perfect imitation ofElaineBenes. “That’smine, too.”

“Really?NotwhatIwould’ve guessed.”

“Whatwould you have guessed?” he asked, turning theTVon and navigating toNetflix.