“Idon’t know.Somethinggrittier, likeBreakingBadorLawandOrder.”

“Soshe’s good at guessing favorite candy, but terrible at guessingTVshows.Noted.”Heturned to look at her, and for a moment, their eyes caught and held. “Favoriteepisode?”

“‘TheChineseRestaurant,’ obviously.Yours?”

“It’sa toss up between ‘TheChickenRoaster,’ and ‘TheLibrary,’” he said.

“Oooh, ‘TheLibrary’ is a good one, too.Yourcall.”

Hegrinned at her and then put “TheChineseRestaurant” on.


Rosalieclutched her stomach, tears once again forming in her eyes.Shecouldn’t remember the last time she’d belly laughed so many times in one night.SheandJackhad spent the entireSeinfeldepisode happily munching on treats—he’d even allowed himself a couple of jelly beans, the horror—and quoting lines at each other, both of them knowing the episode practically by heart.She’dpolished off two mini cans ofPringles, along with theSkittles, and her stomach was no longer rumbling.

“OfcourseI’mnotCartwright!” they said in unison towards the end of the episode, both doubling over in laughter. “Seinfeld!Four!”Afterseveral seconds, their laughter died and their eyes met.Heatseemed to spark in the air, andJackshoved the snacks onto the floor, hauling her into his lap so that she was straddling him.

Itscared her, honestly, how right all of this felt.Howeasy and natural and effortless.Itwasn’t an awkward hook up.Shewouldn’t forgetJack’sname a year from now.Shewished they had more than just tonight.


Jackwove his hands through her hair, holding her close as he kissed her, his tongue sliding almost lazily against hers.

“CanIfuck you again?” he murmured against her lips. “Please?”

Itwas his last word that practically undid her, making a mess of her insides, and she nodded against him, the kiss growing hotter and needier.Hishands slid under her shirt—hisshirt—as theTVcontinued to play quietly in the background, and she wondered if he could feel the wild beat of her heart below her breast.Histhumbs traced over her nipples, making her arch into him, making her bite at his lower lip.Slowly, completely unhurried, he lifted the shirt off over her head and then lowered his mouth to her breasts, licking and sucking.Rosaliemoaned, her head falling back as she started to writhe against him, each pull of his mouth on her nipples shooting an arrow of pleasure right to her clit.Shespread her legs wider, and his hand dipped between them.

“Christ, you’re dripping,” he said, a note of awe in his voice.Andit was true.Shewas already wet and aching for him, wanting more.

“Foryou,” she whispered, and she felt his cock jerk in his boxer briefs.Hisdelicious, perfect cock. “Fuckme,Jack.Please.Ineed it.Ineed you,” she moaned as he slowly spread open her pussy, tracing his fingers up and down all of her sensitive flesh.

“Ilove the way you say please like that,” he said, his voice taking on that gruff tone that did funny things to her insides.Hetoyed with her clit as he leaned over the side of the bed, fishing another condom out of his pocket. “Thisis my last one,” he said, and she didn’t miss the note of regret in his voice.

“Thenlet’s make it count,” she said, kissing him as he slid two fingers against either side of her throbbing clit.Shewas so wet that she’d left a mark on his gray boxer briefs.Shelifted her hips off of him just long enough for him to toss them aside, and they both moaned when she slid her ridiculously wet pussy against him, his skin hot against her.

Heripped open the condom and rolled it down his impressive length, but instead of pushing inside her like she’d been expecting, he kissed her again, palms sliding up and down her back, into her hair, down to her ass.Kissingher and kissing her until she was writhing in his lap.Hechuckled and moved one of his hands between them again, petting and stroking her clit.Hedropped his face to her neck, kissing and licking and sucking as he worked her with his fingers.Shegasped and shook in his arms.

“Sosweet and responsive,” he murmured against her skin, fisting his cock and sliding it against her pussy, over and over, until they were both moaning.Heteased his head through her slit, the wet sound filling the space between them. “Andso fucking wet, myGod.”

“Jack,” she moaned, lifting her hips and clinging to his shoulders.

“Siton my cock, sweetheart,” he said, his voice like sandpaper. “Takeme deep.”

Slowly, she sank down on him, savoring the burning stretch of his thick cock sliding inside her.Jackheld her tight, his face a mask of ecstasy as she sank lower and lower, taking him inch by delicious inch.Shekept moving until he was buried deep inside her, so deep she could feel him in her stomach.

Andthen his hands were in her hair again as he kissed her slow and deep, her pussy stretching around him.Heflexed his hips upward, making them both groan.

“You’reso hot and tight,Rosalie.Howthe fuck didIlast before?”

Sheshook her head, words failing her. “Youfeel so good,Jack.”

“God, what are you doing to me?” he asked, an almost dazed expression on his face.

Wordsfailed her again, so she lifted her hips and rocked back down onto him.Jackgroaned, andRosaliegripped the headboard behind him, using it for leverage as she started to ride him.

“It’sso fucking good,” she said, her head thrown back, tension and heat already curling low in her belly.

“Damnright it is,” he gritted out. “That’sit, ride me, sweetheart.Fuckingride me.”