Page 45 of Just Like Magic

Afteranother moment, they slid apart and he stood from the table, taking their plates with him, the sadness gone from his expression.

“CanIhelp you with the dishes?” she asked, bringing their empty wine glasses over to the counter and setting them down.

Heshook his head, leaning back against the counter, his arms braced behind him. “Absolutelynot.”Shenoticed that he had a white knuckled grip on the counter, and she realized she could see the outline of his cock pressing against his jeans.Hefollowed her gaze and shifted his weight. “Wecould watch a movie,” he said, his voice a little rough, and she laughed.Shecouldn’t help it.Hewas so freaking charming.

“What?” he asked.

“You’retrying so hard to be a gentleman,” she said, stepping closer and walking her fingers up his chest.

Heswallowed thickly. “Iam trying not to maul you, quite honestly.”

Shearched up onto her tiptoes and dragged her mouth along his razor-sharp jaw. “MaybeIdon’t want you to be a gentleman.”

“Fuck,Hazel,” he groaned, his mouth claiming hers in a kiss that had her stomach dipping and swirling and her toes curling inside her socks. “I’vebeen thinking about you all day,” he breathed, nipping at her lips hungrily.

“Whathave you been thinking?”

Heburied his face in her neck, his mouth scorching a path from her collarbone to her jaw, the drag of his lips against her sensitive skin exquisite.

“ThatIwant your eyes on me.Yourhands on me.ThatIwant all of you.”

“Oh,God,” she moaned, melting into him.Hekissed her again, his tongue sweeping against hers in a way that made her pussy ache with arousal.Herpanties were wet, and she was rubbing her thighs together, trying to get some relief for her throbbing clit.Hepulled her tighter against him, and his hard cock was like a brand against her, even through the layers of clothing separating them.Sherocked into him, and he groaned gruffly against her mouth.

“Iwant all of you, too,” she whispered, sucking his bottom lip into her mouth. “Iwant to watch you come undone.”

“Tellme you’re sure,” he moaned, his hands dropping to her ass, his lips moving over her throat.

“I’msure,” she breathed.Shecouldn’t remember the last time she’d been more sure of something. “Iwant you,Adam.Ithink you’re the sexiest manI’veever met.”Herfingers tangled in his hair as he slid a hand up under her sweater, his fingers teasing along the underside of her breast.Hottingles followed in the wake of his touch, making her feel fizzy and alive. “Makeme yours.”

“Mine,” he groaned, his mouth crashing into hers again. “Hazel.”Hebroke the kiss with a low, anguished sound and then took her hand. “We’dbetter go upstairs beforeIfuck you on the kitchen counter.”

“Imean,Iwouldn’t complain,” she said, hurrying to keep up with his long strides.

“Notfor the first time.Ineed you in a bed.Nakedand spread out.”

Herstomach dropped to somewhere around her ankles.Sethhad never talked to her like that, with dirty-edged words tinged with need.Itmade her feel like she could soar.Likeshe was sexy and desirable and ready to combust.

“Yes, please,” she murmured as they mounted the stairs and then turned to enterAdam’sbedroom.Itwas dark save for the moonlight shining in through the large window, and she could see the silhouetted trees of the forest outside.Thewalls were paneled in wood, and a soft, worn area rug covered the floor beneath her feet.Againstthe wall to the right was a king-sized bed, neatly made, with a large stack of books on the nightstand.

“Icame home and fantasized about you,” he said, pulling her close and kissing her.Shefelt as though her bones were dissolving.Shewas too hot.Steppingback, she tugged her sweater up over her head, tossing it onto the floor.Adam’seyes flared at the sight of her lacy pink bra.

“Whatdid you fantasize about?Specifically?” she asked, wanting the words.Sheslid her arms around his waist.Hiscock pressed against her, and he stifled a groan as she rubbed against him.

“Makingyou come with my tongue,” he rasped, and she let out a shuddery moan, molten heat pouring through her.

“AdamShephard, you have a dirty mouth.”

Hepulled back slightly, one eyebrow arched in such a sexy way that she wanted to shove him onto the bed and have her way with him, patience be damned. “Ido.Isthat a problem?BecauseIcan…”Heseemed to lose his train of thought when she reached between them and stroked him over top of his jeans.

“Mostdefinitelynota problem,” she said.Hegroaned and pressed into her touch.

Hekissed her and snapped open the button of her jeans, and she shimmied out of them haphazardly, not wanting to break the kiss.Notwanting to lose the connection.

“Iwant to fuck you so bad,Hazel.Wantto fuck you so hard and so deep that you feel me for days.”

Shegasped out a moan and arched into him. “I’madding dirty talker to my list of thingsIlike very much about you.”
