Page 46 of Just Like Magic

Shenodded, and only then did she realize that for the first time since her divorce, she was in her bra and panties in front of a new man.Awave of nervousness suddenly pushed through her, and as though he could sense what she needed, he kissed her again, guiding her slowly toward the bed.Theback of her legs hit the mattress and she pulledAdamdown, springs creaking softly under their weight.

Hecupped her breast, thumbing her nipple through the delicate lace, making her arch up into his touch.

“God,Hazel.You’reso fucking beautiful.Ilook at you andIfeel likeIcan’t breathe.Youmake me feel likeI’mgoing to lose control,” he said, the sandpapery edge to his voice ramping up her own arousal.

“Solose it,” she said. “I’myours.”

“Oh,God,” he ground out, pulling down the cups of her bra and letting her breasts spill free.Helowered his head and sucked one nipple into his mouth, making her back arch off of the bed as gentle flames licked at her skin.

“Yes,” she hissed, threading her fingers into his hair and holding him exactly where she wanted him.Shewrapped her legs around his waist, working herself against the ridge of his cock.Hegroaned, the vibrations hot on her hard nipple.Slidingher hands up under his sweater, she traced the tips of her fingers over his warm skin, across his flat, hard stomach, up to his pecs.

“Off,” she said impatiently, tugging at the hem of his sweater. “Iwant to see you.”

Herose to his knees, reached over his head, and yanked the sweater off, tossing it to the floor.

“OhmyGod,” she whispered, her hands tracing over him again.Hewas even better than she’d imagined.Allhard muscle and taut skin, thick arms and the hint of abs.Adusting of dark brown chest hair covered his pecs, and a line of the same arrowed down from his navel and into his jeans.

Shefelt as though she were magnetized to him, and any distance between them was painful.Shereached forward and undid the button on his jeans, then slid her hand inside, palming him over top of his boxer briefs.

“Oh, fuck,Hazel,” he groaned as she stroked him, his eyes shuddering closed. “That’sit, sweetheart.Strokemy cock.Sofucking hard for you.”

Hiswords thrilled her, emboldened her, so she stroked him with more confidence, quickly learning the length and shape of him, which, like the rest of him, was perfect.Longand thick and so incredibly hard.

Shewas ruining her panties at this point, but she didn’t care.Shewanted this, all of this—Adam’sdirty words and her out of control arousal and the feeling that she was on the precipice of something monumental.

Helowered himself down with her hand still in his pants and kissed her again, then rolled onto his side, his hands in her hair, her breasts pressed against his bare chest as they kissed, slow and deep.Sheliked the way his chest hair teased her nipples.Theway she was aware of his hard body pressed against hers.Thescent of his skin.

“Tellme what you like,Hazel,” he said, kissing along her jaw. “Iwant to make you feel so fucking good.”

Hercheeks went hot, and she felt suddenly shy.Unableto form the words she needed.Liftingup onto his elbow,Adamrested his head in his hand, his curls a mess from her fingers.

“Well, um…Ilike…”Shesucked in a breath. “Ilike you.AndIwant you.”

“Ihave an idea,” he said, a sexy smile on his full lips as he trailed his fingers between her breasts, down her stomach, and then stopping just shy of the waistband of her panties. “Whydon’tImake suggestions?” he said, his fingers skimming just beneath her panties, teasing her with a tantalizing graze.Herlegs fell open in invitation. “Andwe’ll use your reactions as a barometer.”

“Abarometer?” she asked, not quite following.Butthen her brain stopped working as he removed his hand from her panties only to push them to the side, his thumb tracing gently over her clit.Hereyes fluttered closed and she moaned, heat and pleasure curling through her.

“Mmmhmm,” he said huskily, trailing his fingers up and down her slit, toying with her clit in slow circles, then doing the same to her dripping entrance. “Likethis.”Heslid a finger inside her, working her open, and she moaned loudly and clenched around him.Hefucked her slowly, stretching her, thumb working her clit as her entire existence went fuzzy around the edges.

“You’reso wet,Hazel.Sohot and tight around my fingers.I’mgoing to fucking die whenIget inside you,” he said, his voice taking on a throaty quality.

“Wetfor you,” she whispered, and he stroked her clit in approval.

“Youlook so goddamn beautiful, all open and spread.Youlook like a fucking feast.”Helowered his head to her breasts again and licked and sucked at her nipples until she was panting, her breasts feeling so heavy and full.

Aftera minute or five or ten—time had ceased to have any meaning at all—he slid another finger inside her, making her feel deliciously full.

Henipped at her shoulder. “Good.Nowwe can talk.”

“What?I…”Herhead lolled back and forth as she fought to be coherent. “Talk?”

“Mmm.Forexample…”Henipped at her ear, her jaw, his thumb slow and steady on her clit. “Ithink you like having my fingers inside you.”

“Ido,” she nodded, clenching around him. “Itfeels so good.”

Hestroked her clit slowly. “Wouldyou like me to eat your pussy,Hazel?”Shesighed, stomach twisting in anticipation at the thought, and clamped around him.Helet out a low chuckle that she felt through her entire body. “Thatwould be a yes.”Hestroked in and out of her once, and she wasn’t even embarrassed at the wet sound it made.Shewas beyond that at this point, just a bundle of nerve endings and lust and adrenaline. “Tellme what you want me to do with my mouth onceI’mbetween your pretty thighs.”

“Oh,God,” she whispered, her hips writhing of their own accord. “Kissme.Lickme all over, slow, at first.Nofingers.Andthen faster.Ilike it when…Iwant you to suck on my clit.”Thethought of his mouth on her was making her lose her mind.