Grux looked into the little boy’s sleeping face, amazed by the sensation he felt holding his son. He had never felt more alive than he did at this moment, so strong and vital yet so weak at the same time.

“He’s so beautiful,” whispered Grux.

“Of course, he is.” Scarlett smiled. “He’s yours.”

Grux felt tenderness overwhelming him at her words. He looked down into the baby’s face again and was entranced by the child yawning and turning in his arms. The baby snuggled against him, pressing its tiny body against his chest as if to listen to his father’s heartbeat.

Grux could not believe this tiny, fragile child was the heir to Lorr, the next prince, and ruler of his entire kingdom. Just by being born, the little one had changed the fates of everyone around him, especially his mother and father.

He stroked the soft purple fuzz on the baby’s head, rocking him gently as he slept. He may be a great ruler with a future full of promise, but right now, the tiny baby was simply his son, and Grux knew he need never be more than that to be loved, wanted, and cherished for all of his days.

Chapter 23

Butterflieskickedupinher stomach as soon as the seamstresses clipped her veil to the back of her hair.

She’d opted for pulling the front pieces of her hair back in small barrettes in order to show off the natural makeup that had been painted on her face. She looked at herself in the mirror and brushed her hands over her elaborate gown.

It was a beautiful snow-white color—as was the tradition on her planet—with incredibly detailed beadwork in the shape of flowers and other fauna-like plants that covered the entire garment. The train in the back was over ten feet long with a veil to match.

Soft gossamer sleeves fell down her arms and parted right at the ditch of her elbow. It made her feel like a princess set to marry a prince.

Which, Scarlett supposed, was exactly what she was doing. Wasn’t she?

The thought made her a little dizzy.

“Miss Scarlett, they’re ready for you.”

Her heart pounded. The ceremony was beginning already. It felt like she’d just barely rolled out of bed this morning, and she was already being shipped off to walk down the aisle where an entire kingdom was waiting for her.

Scarlett breathed in slowly, calming herself before turning away from the mirror.

“Where’s my baby?”

One of the nursemaids, Cardil, came over with him. Gruxor was tucked in her arms, safely and comfortably. It made Scarlett smile; he was such a good baby. She didn’t know how she’d gotten so lucky.

Scooping him out of the nursemaid’s arms, she cradled her son to her chest and waited until one of the seamstresses picked up her train before she began walking. She wasn’t far from the throne room—the venue where they were having the ceremony.

The nursemaid trailed behind, ready if the baby cried or spit up on the dress. Scarlett smirked to herself, thinking it was lucky the bodice was white.

Scarlett turned the corner carefully, spotting the row of guards lining the hallway leading into the throne room. They straightened as soon as they saw her, pulling their spears up close to their chests as she passed through them.

The doors to the throne room were closed, making her stop right as she reached them. Behind her, the seamstresses laid out her train and fixed her veil before stepping away and giving her room. She readjusted Gruxor in her arms, making sure he was comfortable.

“Ready, little one?” she murmured to him, smiling when he opened his eyes briefly to look up at her.

She rocked him in her arms, letting him take hold of one of her fingers while his eyes gradually closed again.

She could hear the sound of music playing on the other side of the doors, some kind of march tune that she wasn’t familiar with. When the doors to the throne room opened, she looked up, shocked to see all of the people standing inside.

Holy cow…

Thankfully, Grux was waiting right at the doors for her.

He grinned, spotting her. “Wow.”

He was so handsome in his uniform—a finely tailored suit with gold badges clipped along both sides of his chest to signify his royal status. He had a gold rope strung from one shoulder up to the button on the top of his waistcoat and finely tailored pants that hugged his thick thighs.

He beat her to the compliments first. “You look incredible.”