She felt a tremendous sense of release, and a wave of joy and pleasure swept through her. When she heard a faint cry, hope surged in her chest.

With a big smile, Meshka sat up between her thighs, quickly wrapping up a small bundle and then handing it to Scarlett. Her arms could barely hold the baby, and he fell against her chest, his beautiful purple cheek resting against Scarlett’s heartbeat.

Grux watched over Scarlett’s shoulder as his son was placed against his mate’s chest. He was very glad Meshka had proved true and delivered the healthy child. If anything had gone wrong, her head would have been the first to come off, no matter what he promised his mate.

His focus was completely taken by the baby male’s sweet face, the tiny, curved lips that already seemed to be smiling, and the big, dark eyes. The child’s skin was a dusky violet, a scattering of lilac hair gracing his head. Grux watched in amazement as the child nuzzled into Scarlett’s chest and found her breast, beginning to nurse.

Meshka stood up suddenly, and Grux looked up at her, daring her to disturb the moment. Dezar came to the door of the parlor at the same time and looked at Meshka uncertainly, shaking his gun.

“Everything okay in here?” Dezar asked.

Grux nodded. “Yes, we’re okay.”

Dezar spared a glance at Scarlett and the baby, smiling happily at them.

“Congratulations, Your Highness,” Dezar said, bowing slightly.

Grux felt new emotions competing inside him. He was overjoyed by the birth of his son, but the responsibility was quickly filling up his future.

My father will be very pleased.

The thought didn’t comfort Grux. He knew his father would use this to his political advantage, and he could do nothing about it.

Scarlett sighed with pleasure as she stroked the baby’s soft head, cuddling him against her while he fed. Grux looked up to see Meshka still watching them with wide eyes.

“What do you plan to do?” Grux asked her, his voice hard.

She shook her head, her face twisting in shame. “I have seen the heir of Lorr born right before my eyes,” Meshka said. “I was wrong to try and hold a Lorr mate and the unborn heir. I will never again quarrel with your kingdom, Prince Grux.”

Grux could see that Meshka was sincere, but he still did not trust a single creature on this planet. He got up slowly and kept a close eye on her, even though Meshka kept her eyes down and her head bowed.

When his son had finished his first meal, and Scarlett was ready to stand, he helped her to her feet and supported her out to the foyer. Dezar cheered, and the sound was taken up by his men.

Grux saw Scarlett blush as red as her name as she took in the adoration of the pirates. Even Targol was watching her with a kind of awe. He gave a low bow to her but did not approach too closely.

“I offer apologies to you, Scarlett,” Targol said. “I did not fully understand the situation. I see now that you are, indeed, a mate of the royal prince and a princess in your own right. I will never meddle in Lorr business ever again.”

Grux was getting tired of hearing it. The two of them should have known not to interfere. Perhaps seeing the faint purple blush of the baby’s skin convinced them. The hue was almost identical to his own.

And they know my father will unleash the full might of the Lorr army against them should they try to keep a royal heir from him!

The moment of silence was broken by a rushing sound outside. Grux hurried to the door to see that the airship was landing in the courtyard, flattening quite a few of the trees. Dezar must have sent his men for the vehicle while Scarlett was still in labor.

Grux wrapped his arms around his mate and escorted her to the ship, helping her up the ramp and into a big, plush seat.

He wrapped a blanket around her, gently kissing her forehead as he made sure she was comfortable. “Are you all right, my love?”

Scarlett nodded. “I’m fine. A little sore. I still can’t quite believe this. We’re going back to Lorr?”

“Yes,” Grux said apologetically. “It’s the only way to keep you safe.”

Scarlett nodded, not protesting. Grux was pretty sure she didn’t care where they went, so long as it was far from Xoyosis.

As the ship took off, Scarlett held out the small bundle to Grux. “Would you like to hold your son?”

Grux held out his hands awkwardly. “I don’t know how.”

“Just wrap your arms around him… like that, yes. Support his head and snuggle him against your chest. There.” Scarlett sat back and watched him with a satisfied smile.