The guard hauled her to her feet and held her up with a tight grip on her upper arms. Through her blurry vision, Scarlett registered the bounty hunter swiftly leaving the house.

Targol and Meshka looked at her disapprovingly. Scarlett couldn’t speak. She was so afraid that she could barely breathe. Meshka looked Scarlett up and down, shaking her head.

“Look at that belly,” she sneered.

“I know,” Targol muttered, as if disgusted.

Meshka stepped forward and held Scarlett’s chin firmly, forcing her to look into her eyes. “As soon as that thing is born, we will sell it to compensate us for all the trouble you’ve caused,” she snapped.

Scarlett shook her head helplessly. “No, please, no!” Scarlett begged.

Targol shook his head, turning away. “Confine her to her quarters!” he snapped at the guard who still held Scarlett by the arms. “Clean her up, too.”

The big woman practically carried Scarlett back to her quarters where she fitted her with an elaborate ankle bracelet. It would cause alarms to blare through the entire castle should she try to escape.

“I’ll be on your door, as well,” the stern guard told her. “I’m your guard now, and I’ll be watching you everywhere you go.”

Scarlett watched the muscular woman check the anklet one last time, before going to stand at the entrance of the room. She knew she was going to be a prisoner—aslave—for the rest of her life.

And now that Grux was dead, no one was coming to help her.

The first thing Grux was aware of was movement. His head ached so fiercely that the slight tossing back and forth of the vehicle felt like nails being driven into his skull. He moaned softly and tried to move.

“Hey, our passenger is awake!” someone sang out. Grux groaned.


He growled, trying to gather his thoughts for speech. All he could do was mutter unintelligibly. He tried to swing a punch instead, quickly finding out that his hands were tied behind his back.

“Let’s ride!” someone yelled. The craft suddenly shot up to high speed and then spun out in circles, making the three Jorvlens whoop and scream. Grux tried to focus on his breathing as his sore head swam under the fierce momentum.

“What do you want?” he muttered. It felt like he’d been hit in the head hard enough to kill him. He was almost wishing that it had.

“Just to take you for a joyride, old pal!” One of the Jorvlens laughed. “Aren’t you having a good time?”

“My father will kill you if you hurt me,” Grux moaned.

“We know.” One of the other Jorvlens chuckled. “That’s why we aren’t killing you!”

They all laughed like deranged hyenas. Grux tried to figure out a way to get free, but the cords on his wrists and feet were too strong. He vaguely understood that all these Jorvlens intended to do was delay him, and therefore, slow down his father and the royal forces. It was a cruel trick, especially now that Grux was awake and counting every second before he could be reunited with Scarlett.

They drove him around for hours, staying on the outskirts of the city and performing reckless maneuvers that made Grux feel seriously ill as he tried to recover from his head wound. Just as the sun began to light the sky, the Jorvlens gagged and blindfolded him, making sure he didn’t know where they were going.

After some time, Grux began to doze. When the hovercraft suddenly pulled to an abrupt halt and he was thrown out, he was so shocked he tried to scream, only to remember he was tightly gagged.

Grux waited. Even though the sun was rising, it was very cold. He couldn’t see or cry out, let alone move. He fought the restraints, exhausting himself as he tried to get free.

I have to get to Scarlett.

Grux struggled so hard, he exhausted himself and fell into a light sleep. For a short, blissful time, he was unaware of anything, even the pains in his body. When he heard voices and approaching footsteps, he tried to get up in a hurry, hurting his shoulders and neck as he fought the bonds again.

“Prince Grux?” an incredulous voice asked. The blindfold was pulled from his eyes and Grux’s grateful gaze fell upon six members of the royal guard.

“Where the fuck am I?” Grux snapped.

The guards cut his bonds and Grux jumped up, seeing that he was not far from the main courtyard at the entrance of the palace. The bastard Jorvlens had left him so very close to being discovered, but with no way to call for help.

Grux didn’t wait, he turned on his heel and raced into the palace. He found his father in the main dining area, just starting breakfast.