“Son, you look frightful. Where have you been?”

“I was kidnapped by Jorvlens!” he roared. “They kept me all night! The bounty hunter took Scarlett!”

His father’s face darkened with rage. “When?”

“They took us in the middle of the night.” Grux struggled to calm himself down. “The Jorvlens kept me for a few hours so I couldn’t raise the alarm, but the bounty hunter took her. She’s probably off planet by now.”

Grux could tell by his father’s expression that the king was angry but controlling himself. Grux considered it a small mercy that his father didn’t immediately accuse him of being the cause of this. Of course, all he cared about was political gain, but he didn’t like when his plans were thwarted.

If we’d stayed put, she’d be safe in the royal bedchamber, right now.

“They have probably taken her back to Xoyosis,” the king said. “To the Flemlars.”

“I know,” Grux said, taking deep breaths. “I must get her back!”

“Of course, we must,” the king agreed. “Put together a guard and take a ship. They cannot keep a pregnant Lorr mate—especially one of royal blood—from us. It’s diplomatic suicide.”

Grux bit his tongue. Of course, his father wouldn’t give a damn about Scarlett’s feelings or his son’s heart. Grux was prepared to let it go, though. At that moment, he only needed his father’s help, not his sympathy.

Grux gathered a team and took a royal airship toward Xoyosis. Because it was official business, he was able to approach the main towers with full imperial rights.

He stood behind the pilot of the ship, watching the shadow of the planet slowly swallow the great, wide windows. Grux stared at it as if the power of his rage could make the ground itself give up his pregnant mate.

The Xoyosans have no legal right to hold her. In just a few minutes, I’ll know she’s safe and she’ll be on her way back to me.

“Hail them,” he said.

The pilot did, asking permission to dock. “Negative,” came the reply. “We see you, Lorr vessel, but you are denied entry.”

“Why?” Grux roared, taking over control of the mic. He knew they couldn’t refuse without a good reason.

“Quarantine rule,” came the smooth voice from the tower. “We aren’t accepting foreign ships at all at this time until we can resolve our current security issues.”

Grux stared out the window, wishing he could ring the neck belonging to that snarky little voice. It was a flimsy excuse, but it would hold, at least for now.

Grux was locked out of Xoyosis.

Chapter 19

Afterherfirstnightback in captivity, Scarlett awoke feeling heavy and dull. The stress was too much for her poor, tired body, and the baby seemed to be protesting the harsh treatment by kicking extra hard.

She was surprised that she’d been allowed to sleep so late, but she appreciated the rest so much she didn’t say anything. Her guard brought her a small bowl of tasteless porridge to eat, and even though the texture left something to be desired, Scarlett forced it down for the sake of her child.

Then she was taken to the main hall by her guard to see her masters. The muscular attendant did not exactly manhandle her, but she did stay very close behind her.

Meshka and Targol were sitting at the far side of the room at the end of a massive table where they would usually entertain guests. Scarlett kept her head down as she approached, trying to hide her fear.

“Look up, Scarlett,” Targol snapped. “You will pay attention when you are spoken to.”

“Yes, sir,” Scarlett answered, looking up to take in both of them. Along with her fear and disgust, she felt a heavy dose of incredulity. She really couldn’t believe she was back here again, especially after finally escaping, even if it was to a grimy bar.

I would rather have died in that forest! At least it was a beautiful place to die, and I was free to choose my own fate!

Meshka smiled cruelly. “I trust you have had a good rest. You must resume your duties today, so I think we have been lenient enough. Genia will show you the way and keep an eye on you while you work.”

The female attendant beside her nodded assent. Scarlett gulped, realizing she was even more trapped than before.

“I feel I must inform you as to the state of your mate,” Targol spoke and Scarlett’s heart leaped in her chest. Both of them looked so satisfied that she was sure they were going to tell her Grux was dead.