Maybe I should quit and stay here, look for another job.

I refuse to be a burden to Aaron, no matter the circumstances. Maybe I can stay with him for a few months and search for a job in Boston before returning. Subletting my apartment seems like a viable option, but there’s not enough time. I gently run my thumb across his smiling face in the picture before placing it carefully inside the box.

God, I miss him.

“What are you doing?” Sammy Laub, my work wife, struts over and hops on my desk, knocking over a fake potted plant as she pokes her head inside my box. “Are you moving to a new cubicle?” She smacks her gum with an audible pop.

“Yeah, in New York City,” I mutter, placing some binders in the box.

“What?!” Sammy yells, and I shush her, snatching my planner out of her hands. She slaps my arm playfully. Sammy and I have been friends since the first day I started at Bloom Public Relations. We have lunch together almost every day and have a refreshingly straightforward relationship. No bullshit from the start. I suspect everyone at the office dislikes us, which is what drew us together in the first place.

“I’m being relocated. Karma is a bitch and loves to teach me hard lessons,” I whisper, trying not to feed the hungry gossipers sharpening their ears.

“Did someone find out and tell HR?” she hisses, her brown eyes turning into saucers.

“No. I suspect Greg is just trying to cover his ass. Get ahead of it by getting rid of me. I should have known he would pull something like this.”

Maybe I knew all along and didn’t care. I love to self-sabotage; it’s one of my strong suits.

“Oh my God…that motherfucker! I’m going to kill him.”

“Shhh…I’m pretty sure the town over can hear you.” I try to throw a bundle of pink sticky notes into my box, but she grabs them from my hand.

“Did you speak to HR? Tell them what’s been happening?”

“No. Why would I?”

She hops off my desk, firmly grabbing my shoulders. “Zo…you can’t do this. He’s getting away with harassment if you don’t speak up. You can’t let him ship you off like this.”

“It’s not harassment if I wanted it too.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it. He is your superior, and he took advantage. He should be the one getting fired.”

Biting the inside of my cheek, I scan the desk for anything else that might be mine.

“It doesn’t matter, Sam. It’s done. I already accepted the job. Digging myself a bigger hole won’t help me right now. Sometimes, it’s easier to just walk away.”

She frowns. “But you always walk away.”

Moving aside, I continue packing my things into the box, but Sammy reaches her arm in, taking my stapler out.

“Hey...what the hell?”

“You’re not leaving. Go to HR. This is absolutely ridiculous.”

“Betty was in Greg’s office. It’s done. I’m not going back.”

I sink into my chair, pressing the heels of my hands against my eyes. A headache is starting to throb at the back of my skull from this conversation.

“This place is the worst.” Sammy rustles around, withdrawing more items from the box. Leaning back further in my chair, I open my eyes and notice her holding the picture of Aaron and me, closely examining it.

“I know it’s awful timing, but it’s my duty to remind you that your brother is a total smoke show. And that means a lot coming from a lesbian. I wouldn’t kick him out of my bed, that’s for sure.”

I roll my eyes and let out a laugh. “Doesn’t that mean you’re not a true lesbian?”

“No. It just means I make special exceptions for super-hot older brothers.”

“I’m sure he’d be thrilled to know even lesbians would fuck him.”