“Didn’t you say his friends are hot too?”

“Maybe. I don’t know.”

“I’ll take that as a yes. Have you boned any of his friends?”

I quirk an eyebrow at Sammy. “Are you serious? My brother would murder them right in front of me and force me to watch the entire thing.”

“Overprotective much?”

“You have no idea,” I respond, standing up to grab the frame from her hand.

Sammy doesn’t say anything else or fight me for my things anymore. She hovers quietly as I finish packing up my small cubicle. The minutes begin to weigh me down as I realize there is nothing left. It’s time for me to go.

Looking up, I notice Sammy leaning against the small opening. Her arms are crossed and her chin is quivering.

Shit. I don’t know how to say goodbye to her.

“I’m sorry, Zo. You deserve better.”

I hate this. How am I supposed to walk away from her? From my apartment? My home? This city? I’ve never lived anywhere outside of Boston.

My eyes sting, and this time, I don’t fight the tears. Not with Sammy. I want her to know how much she means to me. Closing the distance between us, I pull her in for a tight hug.

“I’ll see you soon. This isn’t goodbye.”

“It better not be. You and I are connected, bitch,” she whispers into my hair.

I lean back, forcing a smile as a lone tear slides down her cheek. “I know.” My thumb brushes it away.

“I’ll quit too. I’ll come with you.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Zo…I won’t survive a day here without you. I hate everyone. They’ll fire me for saying something supremely inappropriate or getting into a fist fight with Platinum Ashley.”

“Promise me we’ll call and text every day. We’ll be one another’s lifeline, okay?” Grasping her shoulders, I look into her big, golden eyes. “You’ve got this, and if you hate it that much here, you should find something else. Something that you love, and leave this all behind you.”

She rolls her eyes, pinching my chin. “You’re always great with the advice except when it comes to yourself. Why don’t you do the same? New York is the city of opportunity. Don’t go there just to be miserable somewhere else. Take this opportunity to create a better life. One you’re proud of and happy with. Let someone love you, Zo.”

“All right. That’s enough.” I laugh, pulling her in for one last hug.

Grabbing the final item off my desk—the fake ficus plant—and plopping it on top of the pile of crap I’ll likely never use again, I lift the heavy box and take a deep breath.

My heart and chest feel heavy, filled with emotions I can’t quite process or don’t want to confront at this moment. Nevertheless, I muster a forced, sizable smile as I gaze up at Sammy.

“Guess this is it.”

“No, it’s not. I’ll see you soon, bitch.”

Repositioning the box on my hip, I lean in and plant a kiss on her cheek. Her face is wet as she wraps her arms around my neck.

“I love you,” she exhales, and I realize she smells like Twizzlers. She always smells like candy.

“I love you too, Sammy Bear. Call me anytime.”

My left heel wobbles, unstable like my life, as I place the tough girl mask back on my face.

I give Sammy a wink, step out of the cubicle, and walk with my head held high. I avoid making eye contact with anyone as I head toward the elevators. This is my final stroll through this hallway. Tomorrow, I won’t be returning. It’s that simple; it’s over. All those years, the tears shed over deadlines, the meetings I endured—they all feel like it was for nothing.