Page 152 of Bossy Romance

Snip. Snip.

They’re gone.

To save myself from a similar fate, I swallow my pride and drive to Vision Tech to apologize.

Rochelle waves from her desk. She’s been extremely helpful these days, always sliding me Nova’s schedule and giving me a heads-up if Nova hasn’t eaten for the day.

She seemed to dislike me before, so I appreciate the fact that she’s mysteriously switched sides.

“Nova’s in a meeting right now,” Rochelle says the moment she sees me sauntering down the hallway. “But she’ll be out soon.”


She smiles like she knows something I don’t.



Okay then. I frown. “How has Lyra been doing?”


“Your assistant.”

“Oh, er… she’s doing fine.”

I scowl. “What’s wrong? Is she giving trouble?”

“She’d have to show up to give trouble,” Rochelle mumbles under her breath.

“Lyra hasn’t been coming to work?” My eyebrows arch. With all the things I’ve had to deal with, checking up on Nova’s sister slipped my mind.

Rochelle shakes her head. “Miss Delaney told me to give her walking papers the next time she shows up.”

I cringe. I guess Nova was right about Lyra. She’s not dependable at all.

Just then, Nova’s office door opens.

She walks out with the finance director, the PR director and the HR manager. Shaking their hands, she opens her mouth to say something when she sees me standing by Rochelle’s desk. Her dark skin turns blotchy and a guilty expression crawls over her face.

“Mr. Harrison!” Roberts waves. My jaw drops to the floor when he rushes over, grabs my hand and shakes it profusely.

I pull my arm out of his reach.

The other directors give me curious looks. I press a hand to the back of my head, wondering if I’ve suddenly sprouted antennas.

I haven’t. I’m still just a regular ole’ human.

“You can return to your desks now,” Nova tells them, not-so-subtly shooing them away.

“Sure. Sure.” Roberts pats me on the back and laughs. “Looking forward to working with you, Harrison.”

Working with me?

Don’t we work together now?

I follow Nova into the office and shut the door. Hooking a thumb over my shoulder, I ask, “What was that about? And since when do you meet the directors in your office instead of the conference room?”