Page 151 of Bossy Romance

“Not really.”

Tension lines her shoulders. “Have you at least goneintothe hospital?”

“I don’t think I need to visit Alexa too much.”

Nova frowns. “Why not?”

I sigh heavily. This is one of the few moments I get to spend with Nova without Vision Tech or Rowan or something else distracting us. I just want to enjoy my time with her.

Nova pulls her leg out of my lap and sits straight up. Given the fire in her eyes, I know this will not be a relaxing conversation.

“You can’t just put Alexa in a private room, pay for a personal nurse and then just… forget about her.”

“I haven’t forgotten about her, but I’m not going to act like there’s a relationship between us when there’s not.” My voice is rising with frustration. I don’t understand why Nova is so obsessed with this.

“She’s dying,” Nova hisses.

“You think I don’t know that? I’m doing everything I possibly can to help her.” A muscle in my jaw clenches. “But I won’t do it at the expense of us.”

She goes still.

“Alexa is Rowan’s mother. We had something of a relationship and now she’s in a bad place, but she’s not my priority. You are. And in all of this, I don’t want to give you a reason to feel insecure.”

Nova’s lips fall into a thin line. “So the reason you’re holding back on being there for her is because of me?”

“I didn’t say that.” I scrub the heel of my hand over my face.

“You just did, Adam,” she answers hotly. “Fine. Let’s say there was even a reason for concern. Let’s say I was such an insecure person. Why would I worry about you and Alexa? What could you possibly do with someone in such poor health? It would make more sense that I’d be jealous of you falling for one of the nurses than for her.”

“Dammit, Nova. What do you want me to do? I can’t share my heart. I only know how to love one person at a time. I only know how to focus on one. And that person isn’t Alexa.”

“Maybe she doesn’t mean anything to you, Adam. But she’s the most important person to yourson.”

Nova starts putting her shoes on.

Groaning, I push off the couch. “Where are you going?”


“I’ll take you.”

She looks like she’s about to argue, but I grab my keys and holler for Rowan.

Nova allows me to take her home, but we don’t say a word to each other on the entire ride.

* * *

I never usedto fight so much with Nova when we were just boss and employee. It’s inconceivable to me that we seem to be clashing so much now, and over my ex no less.

Last night, I went to bed frustrated, annoyed and promising myself that I wouldn’t cave.

I’m right. Nova’s wrong.

And that’s that.

Then I woke up this morning and I realized that I’d rather be wrong than live without her.

Besides, it’s a given that, between the two of us, I’ll have to apologize first. Nova’s cold shoulders are legendary. I’ve seen them unleashed on other people. She has sharp scissors that she uses to cut off anyone who needs to leave her life.