But he did agree to do one live performance, recorded in the studio’s performance space, for a small audience. And his record company was happy with that.
Devon’s first song comes to an end, and everyone around me breaks into applause. I feel my heart swell as I join them, so proud of my husband. He catches my eyes again, then nods his chin in that subtle way that tells me it’s time.
Oh, God. I don’t know if I can do this.
“For this next song, someone very special is going to join me on stage,” Devon says into the mic, keeping his eyes on me the whole time. “Come on up, Kaci.”
I stand, shaky with nerves, and feel everyone’s surprised eyes on me—and my pregnant belly—as I make my way up to the stage.
“This is my wife, everyone,” Devon warmly tells the audience.
The stares are even stronger now. A stagehand rushes up to set out a chair for me, and I quickly sit down on it, feeling like I might pass out from my nerves.
Devon leans away from the mic and moves his lips to my ear. “Pretend it’s just you and me. You’re going to be great, sweetheart.”
I take a fortifying breath and try to block out the audience and the cameras that are filming us right now. Just focus on Devon, I tell myself. But my heart is still racing like crazy as he starts to play our song.
By the time the chorus comes around, I’m still a nervous wreck. But I just take a deep breath and open my mouth and start to sing. And, somehow, I make it through. I have no idea how I’m doing, but I do it, and when the song is over, everyone in the studio bursts into applause.
Devon leans over to kiss me in front of everyone, and several whoops ring out from the audience.
After the performance, Devon and I meet up with his old bandmates for drinks at a nearby bar. Well, drinks for them, a sparkling cranberry juice for me.
“So good to see you, man,” Franz says, reaching out to squeeze Devon’s shoulder. “Congrats on the hit record.”
Lars and Colin join in with their congratulations, raising their glasses for us to cheers.
“Thanks, guys,” says Devon, looking a little emotional. “It’s really good to see you, too. How’s life? What are you all up to?”
As the guys catch up, I sit close to Devon and feel so happy for him that he has this chance to reconnect with some of the most important people in his life. Even though Devon insists that he’s happy making a home in Peach Ridge with me, I know he misses these guys, and I’ve told him time and time again that we can always fly down here whenever he wants.
“How’s that small town treating you, Dev?” Colin asks.
Devon grins. “It’s great. I love it. You guys should come up and visit us sometime. I can’t promise that folks won’t stare at you at first, but they’ll get used to it. They got used to me, anyway.”
“Yeah, we’ll totally visit,” says Lars. “We’re gonna want to meet this kid of yours after she’s born.”
Devon reaches over and smooths a broad hand over my belly. “Hear that, kiddo? Your Uncle Lars just offered to come up and help change your diapers.”
“Whoa, whoa,” says Lars as Colin and Franz burst out in laughter. “I never offered that!”
“I know, man,” says Devon. “I’m just messing with you.”
“Are you ready to change dirty diapers, Dev?” Colin asks, raising a doubtful eyebrow toward his friend.
“Absolutely,” says Devon, grinning. “I’ve been practicing, dude. I’ve already got my technique down.”
Iknow I have a tendency to be a hard-ass dad. I can often be overprotective of my girls. But when Aurelia comes rushing downstairs in a tube top and a tiny skirt, I just about lose my shit.
“No,” I say, pointing upstairs. “Go back up to your room and change.”
My sixteen-year-old daughter rolls her eyes. “Ugh. You’re so annoying, Dad.”