My hand doesn’t waver. “Change.”

Aurelia huffs out a sigh, but obeys me. As she’s storming away, I hear a key turning in our front door and Kaci walks into the house.

“She hasn’t left yet, has she?” Kaci asks worriedly, setting down her things.

I shake my head. “Nope. You got back just in time.”

Kaci sighs with relief. “Good. I was worried. I got caught up talking to Tammy. You know how she is.”

I laugh, knowing exactly what my wife means. Tammy is a nice woman, but she can sure talk your ear off. She once cornered me at a PTA meeting and I couldn’t escape her for forty fucking minutes.

Aurelia comes back down the stairs, wearing a slightly less skimpy outfit—a crop top and a tight pair of jeans.

“Better?” she asks, throwing me a challenging look.

I wish she’d put even more on, but I know it’s not fair of me. I nod. “You look beautiful, hon. Have fun. Be safe, but have fun.”

“Have a wonderful time, sweetie,” Kaci says, embracing our daughter with a hug.

Aurelia’s expression relaxes. “Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad. I’ll text you when we get there.”

A car horn blares out on the street, and Aurelia rushes out the door, calling goodbye as she throws it shut behind her. And then, for the first time in longer than I can recall, it’s just the two of us in the house.

“She’ll be fine, Devon,” Kaci says, coming over and wrapping her arms around me.

“I know,” I say, sighing. “Fuck. Her first concert. I think I’m more emotional about this than on her first day of kindergarten.”

Kaci laughs. “I mean, it’s not that surprising.”

“How were the twins when you dropped them off?” I ask, thinking of our twelve-year-old girls.

“Excited for their sleepover. Especially when Tammy told all the girls that she bought supplies to make hot fudge sundaes for dessert.”

“Mmm. Maybe we should get ourselves some dessert.”

“That sounds perfect.” Kaci looks up at me with sparkling eyes. “You do realize that this is the first night we’ve had the house to ourselves in a really long time, right?”

I smile at her. “We better make the most of it, wifey.”

Kaci yelps with laughter as I sweep her up into my arms. She protests as I carry her upstairs, saying it’s dangerous and that I might drop her, but I just hold her more firmly in my arms and keep climbing.

Upstairs, in our bedroom, I set her down on her feet and capture her lips with mine. She moans against my mouth and starts pulling off my clothes. When she drops down on her knees in front of me and takes me into her mouth, I choke out a curse. I watch my cock disappear into her mouth, the pleasure unbelievable.

“Mmm,” Kaci moans, closing her eyes as she takes me deeper. It’s so hot, seeing how much she enjoys it too. But I need to be inside her in a different way. I reach down and urge her up onto her feet, then push her up against our bedroom wall, right next to all the framed photographs, hitching her gorgeously thick thighs around my waist.

Kaci cries out with pleasure as I penetrate her, not bothering to dampen her moan since we have the house to ourselves. I groan as I punch in and out of her hot pussy. Sixteen years with this woman, and I’m still completely, utterly smitten with her. I still can’t believe I get to live life with her, and have a family with her, and be with her forever.

“I love you, Devon,” she moans as I pummel into her. “I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart,” I tell her. “More than you’ll ever know.”

I drive into her deeply, giving her two orgasms in a row before joining her the third time. Afterward, breathless and dazed, we slide down against the wall and I pull her perfect curves into my arms. We lay there like that for a long time, content and peaceful, our bodies still buzzing with warmth.

When the silence is broken, it’s me who speaks. “I’ve been working on a new song.”

Kaci looks up at me with soft, pretty eyes. “Really?”

I nod. These days, I spend far more time being a dad and a husband than writing music. It’s been years since I’ve put out an album—something I’m totally at peace with. But every so often, a new melody makes its way into my head. Or a few lyrics. And these latest ones I haven’t been able to stop thinking about.

“Can I hear it?” Kaci asks.

I smile. I lean down and kiss her—slowly, eternally. Then I lean my head back against the wall and start to sing her the new song. It’s about her, of course. These love songs always are.