“I am sure that you would have enjoyed the walk more had you been on Lord Matlock’s arm.” Selene's voice was a mere murmur as she spoke from her spot next to Catherine on the bench.
Though spoken softly, Selene’s words were quite jarring to Catherine. Catherine's gaze landed on the woman with pretty, raven hair, and tried to smile happily. “You both made a very pretty couple. I think you will make a wonderful match if things work out that way. I can assure you he is the best of men.” Catherine was determined to conquer this petty jealousy. She would rise above it, even if it killed her.
Despite what Catherine hoped was encouragement, Selene's eyes widened, and she responded with a sudden rush of words. “Oh, do not hurt yourself by saying such things. I fear you will break if you try to smile any harder. I am simply trying to help you. Please do not think that I am interested in your gentleman.”
A furious blush crept up Catherine’s cheeks. Had she been that obvious to everyone? “I am sure I do not know what you mean. I have no gentleman to call my own. If you are under the misconception that you need to step aside on my account, that perhaps I have a prior claim, it is not so.”
Shaking her head, Selene reached over and took Catherine’s white knuckled hand in her own and squeezed it. “Don't try to be a martyr; it won't do any good. Trying to give him to me won't benefit either of you, since he likes you in return.”
Catherine looked into the woman’s cerulean eyes in wonder. What had she just said? She opened her mouth to question Selene but found she could not come up with the words she wished to speak. Closing her mouth after having said nothing, she bit her lip in silent contemplation, her mind a whirl. Theodore liked her in return? She had already convinced herself that it was not possible, but here Selene was telling her it was the truth. Was it possible that her foolish love was not so foolish after all? Trying once more, she looked at Selene, her voice almost desperate. “How can you know his feelings on the matter?”
“Well, for one thing, if you were to look up you would see him watching you with concern. I strongly believe that he can perceive your distress at the moment.” Looking up, Selene appeared to observe the man they spoke of more closely. Catherine could tell from her snicker and raised eyebrow that she had a clear opinion on the matter. “I would also guess that right now he is contemplating the best way to come over and see to your wellbeing.”
A furtive glance in his direction did reveal that Theodore was concerned. The mere thought that he might be concerned about her sent a wave of goosebumps up her arms and down her back, creating an almost irresistible urge to shiver. Clamping down on the hand that held her own for support, Catherine whispered, “I have been trying for some time to conceal my feelings. With this possibility before me, I find I do not know what to do.”
“Do? I suppose there are several things that you might do. You could play as if you do not know and watch him follow you around like a puppy until he gains the courage to let you know of his feelings on his own. Or, if you are very brave, as I suspect you are, I say you should confront him about it.” Selene smiled at Catherine, squeezing her hand again in support before casting a glance over her shoulder. “And perhaps you can confront him about it sooner than expected. He is coming this way.”
Lizzie sat on the floor next to her beloved husband. They were taking advantage of the free time they had managed to wrangle and were spending it with Artie. His little hands clapped as his father stacked the blocks for him. Resting her head against Darcy’s shoulder, she sighed in happiness.
Leaning down, Darcy kissed her forehead before asking. “So do you think our Kitty will lead him on a merry chase?”
“I suppose it is possible, but my sister does not strike me as the type to force a man to chase after her. We both know she has developed a regard for him, though I suspect she thinks she has succeeded at hiding it. How would you like to have him for a brother as well as a cousin?”
Artie reached out and knocked over the stack of blocks and then giggled in glee as they all tumbled down. “Good job, little man.” Darcy reached out to ruffle their son’s hair. He seemed to think for a moment before looking at his wife with a smile. “I am already close to my cousin, but I would love getting closer. I know I can never be a replacement for Cedric, but I think it would be nice for him to have a brother to rely on again. He already fits in so well with our family. Ever since he worked with me to help free you all from Mr. Bennet, he has been warmly embraced by all, especially your mother.
“Bock! Bock!” Waving his hands wildly, Artie picked up a block from where he sat and showed it proudly to his parents. Artie's wide green eyes and curly dark hair marked him easily as their child if their love for him had not.
“Yes, my love, you knocked down the blocks. Do you want your papa to stack them up again?” Lizzie took the block and held it out to her husband. She flushed when he took the block from her and kissed her wrist before stacking the block with its friends. “I would love to see them both happy the way we have found happiness. Who would have thought that my little sister would become a countess?”
Leaning down, Darcy nuzzled Lizzie's temple. “Everyone deserves to find such happiness, my love. Especially your sisters. It would bring me great joy to see them all in loving matches.”
Watching Artie start rubbing his eyes, Elizabeth drew him to her. She recognized the look as only a mother could. Her son would very soon be asleep. She was slightly sad that their time together was over now that he needed a nap, though she got an idea looking down at his sleepy face. “Do you know what I would love to see?”
“What would you love to see?” Darcy stood and then leaned down to help his young wife up off the floor while she held their tired son in her arms.
The nurse came up to them, and Lizzie handed over her sleepy son, taking a moment to kiss his curly crown before letting go. With a playful grin, she tugged her husband into the hallway. “I would love to see Artie get a little sister.”
“It took us nearly a year before we managed Artie.” Darcy tried but failed to maintain a doubtful demeanor. His uncontrollable grin, complete with dimples, gave away his true thoughts. “I am not opposed to attempting that endeavor, but what if we have another son? Will you be disappointed?”
“Not at all. We can always keep trying.” She headed towards their room. Walking down the hall together, she felt his fingers intertwine with hers, and it brought a smile to her face. Sharing a room was not common among couples of the ton, but they had always done things differently. Lizzie laughed as they made it to the room they shared and pulled him in after her. “I won't complain.”
“Miss Catherine, are you well?” Theodore's voice was laced with worry as he spoke.
The sound of Theodore's voice coming from right behind her sent another wave of goosebumps down Catherine’s arms, and this time she did shiver. Turning, she looked at him. She knew she was blushing, but there was nothing she could do about it. “I am well, though I would not mind continuing on the walk we were taking.”
“I would be more than happy to oblige you.” Offering his arm, he smiled when she took it.
Catherine noticed that Mr. Burgess had taken both Selene’s and Lydia’s arms and was walking with them as well. The change in the pairings left her feeling nothing but happiness. She much preferred walking with Theodore. Despite trying to maintain propriety, Catherine relished the sensation of holding his arm. The goosebumps had come back, or had they never left? Trying to distract herself, Catherine watched the trees blowing in the slight breeze of the spring morning. “It is a lovely day to be out for a walk. I always enjoy watching the trees in the breeze. I have attempted to paint it, but never have gotten it quite right.”
Looking around, Theodore appeared to take note of the breeze moving things about. Looking back at Catherine, he seemed concerned. “It is lovely, but I would hate for you to catch a chill.”
“Oh?” Catherine replied, caught off guard by how his protective tone seemed to kindle something within her. If she was allowed to feel these amazing things about him instead of trying to ignore them, she might get carried away.
To prevent the breeze from reaching Catherine, he moved his larger body in a protective stance. “I noticed you shiver earlier. Are you feeling cold? Do you want to return to Darcy House?”
Unable to keep a smile off her lips, Catherine nervously licked them before speaking. “I am enjoying my time with you. Maybe we can take the longer path back?”
“Of course.” Turning, Theodore took the path that would lead them in a larger loop before returning to Darcy House.