Darian chuckled. “How about I set up a bank account and a computer program we can share between us so you can see everything I’m doing? You can also add or take out as much as you want at any time.”

“That’s great.” Ridge grinned. “Now, how much are you going to charge me?”

“I tell you what. Larkin loves horses, and I haven’t been out of the city for a long time. Either build on a visitor wing to the house, or a separate cabin for us to stay in when we come visit.”

Ridge laughed. “I love the idea, and you know you’re welcome whenever you can get away.”

“How big is the house now? I know you added on a kitchen in the last few years.”

“I’ve got about five thousand square feet right now. It has the main floor with a living room, office, kitchen, and Maggie’s apartment off the kitchen. The upstairs has four bedrooms and bathrooms. I think it would be a great idea to build out. We can put in a pool and game room. And I’ll make the master bedroom on the new side and have an office upstairs. It’s something I’ve always wanted.”

“Do you know of an architect and builders in your area?”

“Yeah.” Ridge grinned. “This is going to be great.”

“Just make sure the bedroom we use is soundproof. Larken tends to be a bit loud.”

Ridge threw his head back and laughed.

“If there’s nothing else, let’s go meet her, and you’ll stay for the night at least?”

“I can stay for a night, but then I’ve got to get back. I’ve been gone a week already buying cattle.”

“I’m just glad we can spend time talking.”

Ridge stood when Darian did and followed him out of the room. The possibilities Darian had brought up were sliding through his head, and he was excited to get started.

Chapter Two

Ridge followed Darian out the back of the house. He grinned when he saw the two large men sitting in chairs watching the pool and several girls giggling and trying to splash them, but the guys would raise their legs out of the way or move their chairs back a bit.

“I think a few girls will be getting a nice spanking tonight.”

Ridge laughed. He knew all about Darian and Larkin’s relationship, and he was thrilled his cousin was able to find the type of girl he’d always wanted. Although Ridge hadn’t been around that type of woman, he didn’t know what the appeal was. Hell, he hadn’t been around any woman in longer than he could remember.

Darian whistled, getting everyone’s attention.

The two men stood with smiles.

“Out of the pool, girls,” Gage said.

They all moaned but walked to the stairs and got out. Each grabbed a towel and then walked over to the men.

Gage and Kaleb shook his hand.

“Long time no see, Cowboy,” Gage said.

Ridge grunted. “Well, it takes a lot of time wrestling cows.”

He heard a gasp and turned to see all the girls’ mouths open.

“You wrestle with cows?” Larkin asked.


“You must be really strong.”

Darian chuckled and wrapped an arm around her. “As you probably guessed from my description, this is Larkin.” He went on to introduce the five other girls.