Page 105 of Doug

“That’s gotta be your friends,” Doug said, rising from his seat next to her. “Stay put.”

Pixie giggled. “I’ll only move if you carry me,” she retorted freshly.

Doug grinned and went to the door.

Julie and Ian bustled in, and as Ian passed off to Doug a small suitcase she recognized as her mother’s, Julie came careening toward her. “How are you feeling sweetie?”

As she got a load of Pixie’s non-outfit, her mouth dropped open. “Uh, forget I asked.” An impish grin crossed her lips. “It looks like things here are just peachy.” She gave Pixie a quick, gentle hug, then turned to her husband. “Okay, Ian. Time to go,” she told him.

He looked a little confused, but Julie, bless her heart, hustled him out without a backward glance.

When the door closed behind them, Doug threw back his head and laughed. “I like your friend. She really knows how to read a room.”

“She does,” Pixie agreed, her breath quickening as Doug stalked toward her.

When he was standing between her knees, she declared boldly, “You’re overdressed. You need to lose the shirt.”

Without hesitation, he took one step back and whipped it over his head, tossing it on the floor before nestling back into her heat. “Andyouhave to have those buttons undone.”

She leaned back, and his fingers did their magic faster than she could have accomplished. When he had her front bare, from her panties to her chin, he let his eyes wander, freely. “Such soft skin,” he said, running a finger around her belly button. Gazing back into her eyes, he said, “I want you, Pixie. But if I go too fast, or do anything you don’t like, please tell me.”

“Same,” Pixie said. “I know you might have triggers, so…” She was hoping he’d guide her into safe territory for him.

His smile faltered, as if he were remembering something.

“What is it,” she prompted, concerned. “If you’ve changed your mind, we can wait.”

“No,” he said forcefully. “I don’t want to wait, but I hear what you’re saying.” He chewed the inside of his cheek beforehe spoke again. “I’m, uh, pretty sure I need to be in charge,” he told her. “And maybe you won’t…touch…things unless I put your hand on me?”

Just the fact that he had to ask, nearly broke Pixie’s heart, but she was quick to reassure him. “I’m not the controlling type in bed, Doug. At least from what I remember. So I won’t touch you unless you give me permission.”

He gave what she could only imagine was a relieved sigh. “That’s good.” He looked more confident, now that was out of the way. “Put your right hand on the back of my neck,” he ordered, and she immediately and happily complied. The short hairs on his neck were soft, and she stroked them carefully.

“Now, if it’s okay, I’m going to rest your left hand on my shoulder.”

“It’s more than okay, Doug.” She didn’t normally let people touch her compromised limb, but this was Doug, and she trusted him implicitly.

Once they were settled, Doug spent a long time exploring her neck with his mouth. “I would be kissing you on those luscious lips of yours, but your face has to be hurting.”

It was, so Pixie didn’t argue. “It’ll only be a few days,” she sighed as he nipped her collar bone. “Then I’ll want to kiss you for hours. My guess is you’ve never made out on the couch like a teenager,” she speculated.

“Not once,” he confirmed. “But I can’t wait to experience it with you.” His face slid down to her breasts, and he sucked one nipple into his mouth.

Pixie hissed. “So good, Doug.”

He took that as his cue, and sent his hand to her bereft side, plucking that ripe berry between his thumb and forefinger as well.

Pixie began rocking her hips into the hardness at the front of the jeans he’d changed into before company had arrived.

“Hold that thought,” Doug said, and sending both hands under her ass, he hoisted her up. “Lock your feet around my back,” he commanded, and she quickly obliged. The position didn’t hurt her soles at all.

That was when Pixie realized that Doug had mashed them together so tightly that her sopping pussy was smack up against his hard cock. She couldn’t help herself, she rubbed unrestrainedly.

“Yes,” she cried out, knowing that it would only take her a short minute to come. But Doug wasn’t having any of it.

“Nope. Wait until I get inside you.” he stated. It wasn’t a question, and Pixie wondered if she’d overstepped. As if Doug read her mind, he immediately set her straight. “It feels too damned good, what you’re doing, Pixie, and I don’t want to shoot off in my pants and spoil everything.”

Pixie nearly purred. “It wouldn’t spoil a thing,” she told him. “I’m pretty sure I could find a way to recapture your interest. I’m good like that.”