Pixie sucked in a breath. “Really?” Her voice both squeaked and quaked from the delicious sensation of having her nipples rubbed.
“Uh, huh. And it went really well.”
“Which means?” she managed.
“Which means I don’t think I’ll have a problem making love with you.”
“Oh,” she marveled, and knew her mouth had dropped open. “Seriously?” Now her attention was split between what Doug was telling her, and what he was doing to her body.
“Seriously,” he answered. “Now lift up so I can get this dress off you.”
She almost wailed when he took his hands away.
Pixie’s limbs shook, but she managed to comply, raising first one butt-cheek, then the other, so that Doug could whisk the material over her hips and down her legs.
“Mmm,” he intoned. “Pretty panties.”
She’d forgotten all about the cream-colored, lace confection she’d chosen to match her dress, but she hoped Doug didn’t look too closely. Pretty they might be, but they were also soaked. For him.
She stared at her man with wonder as he continued stripping her, carefully cradling each of her feet before freeing them of the gauzy material. It seemed that this new…closeness, was coming fairly easily to him. But was he…?
She dared glance at the front of his dress pants and saw a significant bulge behind his zipper. Pixie had her answer. Doug was just as lust-filled as she was.
Would they…?Dammit.Pixie groaned.
“What’s the matter,” Doug asked, turning to her with a face filled with worry. “Did I hurt you?”
He’d been nothing but honest with her, so Pixie had to tell him the truth.
“I was just thinking I like where this is going, and I’m wondering if we might…” She felt a blush work up her fair cheeks, but forged ahead. “I thought we might make love, but…”
“But?” Doug’s eyebrows went up, and he didn’t look the least bit perturbed over what Pixie had admitted.
“But Julie and Ian will be here soon with my stuff.” She sighed.
Doug leaned forward and kissed her nose, while at the same time snagging his shirt off the bed to drape it around her naked shoulders. He helped fit her bad arm into the sleeve while she dealt with the other, then began buttoning her up, pragmatically. “Which just means I’ll feed you first, then we’ll take up where we left off after your friends leave.”
“We will?” Pixie asked. She was afraid if they stopped now, Doug might have second thoughts.
He leaned forward and kissed her chest, right about the top button. “I promise. Now instead of trying to drag some of my sweatpants over your feet, how about you scoot under the blankets, and I’ll bring your feast to you.”
Pixie shook her head. “I want to go out and sit with you, and I don’t need pants because your shirt is certainly long enough.” The thing hung down to her knees. Then she had another thought. “Unless you don’t want to carry me around. I can understand— Eeep!”
Before she’d gotten the last word out of her mouth, Doug had scooped her up and was striding toward the door. One arm, like before, rested on the sensitive skin at the back of her thighs, and she shivered.
“Cold?” he asked.
“Nope.” And here she went with honesty again. “Aroused. Everywhere you’re touching me feels hyper-alert.”
“Same,” he replied gruffly. “Now stop distracting me, or your friends are going to find you naked, underneath me, screaming my name when they come in.”
Pixie gasped, wondering if there was drool coming out of her mouth. Was this the same Doug who’d had trouble holding her hand just a few weeks earlier?
Pixie made a snap decision. No more second-guessing. From herselforDoug. She’d do what felt right, and hope he did, too. In that regard, she nuzzled her undamaged nose into his Henley’s neckline, stuck out her tongue, and tasted him.
He snorted, but didn’t seem at all upset. That was good. Because Pixie wanted to lick and sample every inch of his delectable body.
Half an hour later,as she perched on the sawhorse table so her feet could dangle above the floor, she’d just finished off a slice of wedding cake when there was a knock at the door.