Prologue 1

Tuatha Dé Danann of the glorious light.

Who rose from the mists in the time before kings.

These Druids complete in their wisdom and gifts.

They came in ships like smoke, full of magick and valor in service of the One.

The Dagda He is the light and the truth. He is the mist from which the Tuatha sprang.

The Father of the Druids and on Him the crown of all kings.

Out of the mist, the Dagda raised His strong and noble people.

His blood from the womb of every mother and on the field with the slain.

Then, His time came and He was laid in the earth under a mound to rest.

His treasure entrusted to the glory of the kings of Ireland

Until His people arise and mighty Uaithne calls Him forth with the sun.

A new age of glorious light.


It begins.

Tuatha Dé Danann of the glorious light.

Who were the keepers of the sacred sun and protectors of His treasure.

These Druids, most trusted and loyal, guardians of the heir.

They hold the memory of the fallen and call Him forth with the spring.

The Dagda He is the light and the truth. He is the mist from which the Tuatha sprang.

The Father of the Druids and on Him the crown of all kings.

Under the mound he rests, awaiting the rise of His most beloved and worthy of sons.

His hearth kept warm with the Coire Ansic and His line defended by a ruthless Log Mór.

Then, His faithful will pray and join with Him under a youthful, growing moon.

Until His people arise and mighty Uaithne calls Him forth with the sun.

A new age of glorious light.


It begins.

—Translated by P. Columb from Leabhar Fintan mac Bóchra (c. 1106)

Prologue 2