This was the Rocks State Park and Nox recognized the stacked boulders and the bright blue sky peaking through the trees. He’d made the challenging hike to the King and Queen Seat with his father so many times, Nox had memorized the cracks in the stones and the number of roots rippling through the soil and leaves beneath his feet.

He moved with determination, but Nox didn’t understand why he was so angry as he came around the bend in the trail. He didn’t understand why he was there. He hadn’t been back since his father died, afraid of the memories that might linger. It had been their favorite climbing and bonding place and Nox’s fury was like a burning blister in his core as he stepped around the precariously arranged boulders. He spotted his father on the narrow outcropping, overlooking the soaring peak and Nox was incandescent with hatred.

Lucas was whistling to himself as he inspected his harness, then smiled and turned when he heard Nox.

“What are you doing here?”

“You can’t keep him from me. He’s mine,” Nox growled, striding toward Lucas and picking up speed. He raised his arms, gathering the wind with his rage and bitterness.

“What are you doing?” Lucas held out his hands, throwing a cautious look over his shoulder as he backed up. “What are you doing, Nox?”

Nox snarled, his hatred swelling, “He is mine!”

“No!” Lucas shook his head, tears spilling from his eyes. “Don’t do this! Please don’t take my boy. Let him go,” he begged when his foot slipped on the edge. His arms windmilled as he pitched forward.

“No! He’s mine!” Nox howled, charging at him.

“Stop!” Lucas reached for Nox, his eyes huge with terror. Nox slapped his hands away and with a hard shove to the middle of his chest, threw Lucas over. “Nox!”

“Dad!” Nox reached, blind and crying in the dark, his heart scalding and spewing with every lurching beat as he gasped for breath. His distorted scream echoed in his ears while his body shuddered and glitched.

Nelson’s arms and hands slid around Nox and pulled him back to safety. The soothing warmth pushing away the hot, awful grief and calming Nox. “Shhhh! It was just a dream.”

“I killed him. It was me,” Nox whispered, scrubbing the tears from his face and burrowing into Nelson.

“No, you didn’t. You were in California, remember,” he murmured, kissing Nox’s hair and kneading the tension from his back and neck. “Hold onto me and don’t think about it. Just breathe and listen to our hearts beat.”

“Okay.” Nox let go. His heart settled, matching Nelson’s soft, steady beat, and Nox drifted into dark, dreamless peace.


Heaven was sliding into Nox, feeling him slick and tight, his gripping heat pulling Nelson deeper and deeper with every grinding thrust. No matter how hard Nelson rolled his hips or how swiftly his pelvis slapped against Nox’s ass, he couldn’t get close enough. Nox begged for more, his body lithe and glistening as he writhed in Nelson’s arms, like a dark, pagan deity.

Heady, praising words spilled from Nox. Words of love and shouts of joy. But Nelson grit his teeth and held to a driving pace, rushing to please Nox before they ran out of time. He ignored the heat coiling in his own core, instead focusing on the rolling of Nox’s eyes and the spasming of his passage around Nelson’s cock.

“I’m so close, Nelson! Fuck, I’m so close!” His hoarse cry beckoned Nelson to let go and send them tumbling into ecstasy, but he shook his head, determined to hang on. He could touch heaven, he just couldn’t follow Nox through the gates and into the ethereal beyond.

Not after what had happened in New Castle.

“Come for me,” Nelson whispered in Nox’s ear, suppressing a shudder as he recalled hearing the same words in his dreams.

“Now, Nelson!” Nox’s hand searched for Nelson’s on the bed, blindly reaching and clawing at the covers. Nelson pulled his hand away, afraid of the warm, flaring pulse that resulted every time their palms touched. He tangled his fingers in Nox’s hair, pinning him for a searing, seeking kiss, desperate to keep this Nox in his arms.

A leg curled around Nelson’s hip, a heel tucked under his ass, and an arm wound around his neck, locking them together. That was trouble, but Nelson reveled for just a moment in the seductive sliding of their bodies and the blissful friction. This had to be the deepest and the hardest they’d ever fucked. It had to be. They’d be sharing molecules if they got any closer.

Nelson sucked on Nox’s tongue and lapped at his lips, the sweet taste intoxicating and addictive. After three and a half months, he still couldn’t get enough and the compulsion to satisfy Nox had grown into obsession. Nelson knew down to the minute, the last time Nox climaxed and craved the exhilaration of his next. And he could feel Nox’s libido as if it were his own, as if it had taken up residence in the vacant place in Nelson’s psyche where none had been before.

Keeping Nox sated and happy had also proved to be the key to Nelson’s physical freedom. He could get as far as the Hoover Building and function almost normally while Nox was lecturing at Healy Hall, if he was basking in his post-coital glow. And Nelson could feel it waning and the drums and the aching sick in his core would return when Nox’s desires began to stir again.

Unfortunately, Nox’s desires showed no signs of waning after three and a half months. If anything, Nox was growing just as obsessed and addicted to the enthralling, glowing connection they shared. And unlike Nelson, Nox wasn’t afraid of it. If anything, he seemed almost helpless—at times unwilling—to resist. Their hands slid together like they were magnetized and Nox became more potent and alluring. He grew lush and evocative like a flower in bloom and Nelson a helpless bee trapped in his petals, drunk on dew and nectar.

“Oh, gods!” Nox’s body arched, his head back and his jaw stretched and his beauty brought tears to Nelson’s eyes.

He closed them and tucked his face in the corner of Nox’s neck, licking the sweat from his skin and cherishing the warmth for just a moment. He’d have to let go and cut himself off from it but Nelson gave himself a few seconds to feel their souls unmooring and lifting together. The heady lightness and ecstatic joy swirled around and between them as pressure and throbbing heat swelled in Nelson’s groin. He heard a harp song, birds chirping, and bees buzzing as they were bathed in radiant light, just before Nelson wrenched his lips free and pulled out.

“Wait!” Nox cried in shock, his arms flailing as he fought to pull Nelson back to him. His eyes were golden and glowing and the flesh around his tattoos looked raw. Nelson wondered if they felt fresh or if Nox even noticed that the runes and sigils were moving or that his back had come off the mattress.

“Need to taste you.”