Page 48 of Unleashed

Brandon’s widening grin worries me. “Simone works at the firm until she goes to grad school.” Archer nods woodenly as Brandon beams and turns back to me. “Simone, I was hoping you could introduce Archer to everyone.”

My skin crawls, but I smile. “Oh, sure.”

“I think you and Archer will become friends. Or...” he trails off, and I narrow my eyes at him. The geezer wants me to date his grandson? Not even if he has a monster cock like my non-husband.

“Well, I’m needed inside. Or you both don’t have to stay...” Oh, I know. Please skip the party and fuck my horny grandson. I curb the desire to stab both with my car key.

Brandon goes into the side door leading to the downstairs kitchen. When he’s gone, I glare at Archer Rhodes, who looks the same. “What are the fucking odds that you go to Duke and are now in Richmond?”

He clears his throat and appears uncomfortable. Good. “It’s Grandad’s alma mater. I’m from Richmond, but my parents moved to Norfolk. I haven’t been here in years, with going to Duke.”

“I don’t want you around me.”

Archer starts to argue, but the look on my face changes his mind. He sighs. “I’m sorry. I had nothing to do with Tanner harassing you.”

“You were there, asshole! You called me hot stuff!” I stick out my tongue, gagging.

“Shh!” He looks over his shoulder and puts his hand on my elbow, but I jerk out of his grasp and stomp my foot.

“Don’t touch me.”

He drops his hand and shifts to crossing his arms. “I don’t even talk to Tanner anymore. I didn’t tell him to attack you like he did.”

“Like he did?” I shriek.

“At all. I’m sorry. We were drinking.”

“That’s no excuse! He grabbed my tit! You would’ve watched him go further if Amos hadn’t intervened!”

He shakes his head. “I wouldn’t have let him go that far. He was way drunker than I was.”

“Oh, that makes me feel so much better.” Archer’s blue eyes scrub my face, begging me to not tell Brandon. I seethe, “You owe me, Rhodes. I was pregnant. I lost my baby when I fell. I don’t know if that caused it, but...”

The color drains from his face. “Holy fuck. I’m sorry. I remember you told Tanner you were married.”

“Yep. To that hot-as-hell bartender, who kicked the shit out of Tanner, from what I hear.”


“He’ll be here tonight.”

“Simone, come on. Really?” He looks around like Greg will jump out of the bushes. Who would’ve thought any man would fear Greg Rodwell? I love it. Looking at me, he says, “You said I owe you. What do you want?”

I grin because if I don’t, I’ll scream. “If you pose as my on-call boyfriend, I’ll introduce you to Richmond’s favorite sports anchor and daredevil, Finn Wilder.”

Archer grins but then screws up his handsome mouth. “Boyfriend? You’re married.”

“Not anymore.” My heart pounds hard in frustration and sadness.

“Still, your ex will recognize me.”

I shrug with a bored sigh. “Even better.”

“But why?”

I wag my finger at him, feeling sick yet relieved. “Uh-uh. No questions.” I don’t need him to know that I’m stewing in severe guilt and don’t have enough backbone to live with it.

“Is this blackmail?”