Page 49 of Unleashed

“Uh, no. It’s a trade. I’m not a total bitch. I won’t report you, even if you don’t help me. But just so you know, I have special access to Finn. He could probably help your career if I feel like asking him. In whatever you do. He has a lot of connections.”

He looks at me with enough skepticism to fill a barge. “Did you date him or something?”

“Eww, no.”

Rhodes thinks it over before he sighs. He has nice lips. I’ll give him that much. “What am I supposed to do?”

“Be your normal, cocky, piggish self. And you’re only to touch me when Greg is around.”

He frowns. “Why would I do that?” Now, he has standards?

“Because I told you to. Keep your eyes on the prize.”

“When I lived here, Finn was a new sports anchor, but he was my favorite. I watch him online still. It was so cool to meet him.”

“Christ. Don’t drool all over him. Major turnoff. Just remember that I have the key to make you. Don’t blow this for either of us because I can easily revoke your endorsement.”

“As long as you keep your end of the bargain, I’ll keep mine.”

“I’m glad you see things my way. We have to make an appearance together.”

He frowns, and I walk. If he’s smart, he’ll follow.

We walk a windy path that takes us past a paver patio surrounded by a brick wall on one side and tall bushes all around it with white twinkle lights. That would be a fantastic place to have sex if Greg and I were still together.

Pursing my lips, I focus on each step in my chunky-heeled sandals. Archer is silent next to me. Thank you, Baby Jesus. I don’t have any interest in the dude other than to use the hell out of him. I don’t have a side angle with Clay, so maybe having one with this prick will help.

We approach the other side of the house, where chatter grows louder, and I hear familiar voices. I first see Betsy, a downer that sours my mood more. She waves at me, and I scrounge a half-assed smile. I’m especially bitter toward the cunt because she’s been giving Greg a hard time about his name. Yeah. That makes me a hypocrite since I’ve been slinging Rod at him. But I’m a horrible human, as I’ve already established.

Betsy walks over as I drag Archer with me. She steps in front of us, and her eyes strip me naked. This bitch muff dives for sure, but I wouldn’t sit on her face for a billion dollars. “Who’s your new fellow?” Lord. Without Shasta, she doesn’t know how to function.

I wave my hand toward him. “He’s Archer Rhodes.”

Her eyes turn into larger sinkholes. “Rhodes? You’re Brandon’s grandson? I haven’t seen you in years!” She says Brandon’s name with such reverence. There’s no doubt she masturbates to Shasta and Brandon fucking.

Archer hoarsely answers, “Yeah. That’s me.”

“And you are dating Simone?”

I jump in ahead of Archer. He doesn’t need to fuck up my narrative. “We’re not dating, Betsy. Only screwing. That patio back there sure is nice to get it on while you can see everyone, but they can’t see you.” I bite my lip and glance at Archer, who’s clenching his jaw. I run my finger along it and purr, “Damn, baby. Let’s leave soon. The side of a busy highway sounds hot.” Eww. I’d have no problem flashing my tits at people, but I don’t fuck for spectators. At least, I haven’t yet. I’m always open to trying new things.

Brandon stands on the balcony overlooking the side yard. I tug on Archer’s hand. “Come on, Archie. Let’s talk to Gramps.”

He cringes and grits his teeth again. I giggle at his reaction and then at Betsy’s short-circuiting, half-smile, half-frown situation. I’m enjoying this shit.

I lead him to my brother’s table, where Greg is sitting. Like every other time I’m near him, my heart is a thumping bass drum. I grab the seat across from Greg, who ignores me. To be fair, I’m competing with hummus.

Val’s sympathetic glance alternates between Greg and me. I didn’t intend for her to see me with Archer, but she’s caught in the crossfire.

I introduce him to everyone but chicken out at Greg since my voice trembles. I take a calming breath, but I’m almost unable to utter his name.

I paw Archer’s chest, stare at him when he speaks, and giggle more than a bimbo scoring free drinks at a craps table. I also sound like that walking broom wearing a top hat on that old black-and-white sitcom with the hand in a box and a creepy butler. Still, Greg appears indifferent. Maybe he moved on already, and I don’t need to keep up this fucking charade. Even though I need him to be over me, the thought of him with another woman kills me.

Val asks Archer questions, and he responds like an intelligent person. Thank God. I thought he didn’t have a single working brain cell.

Sylvie joins the table and sits next to Nico. They seem friendly, but he doesn’t seem interested in her. That doesn’t matter since the slutbag can’t keep her eyes off Greg. Thankfully, Greg doesn’t appear to be impressed, either.

Although I try to focus on Archer in front of Greg, I can’t help but watch him and remember the love we shared. And fuck. How is he possibly hotter now than when we were married? How was I able to walk away from him? I want to run into his arms, but I’ve adopted cold detachment around him. However, I think it helps me more than it hurts him.