Page 175 of Unleashed

Everyone talks at once as I turn to leave the field. My brother storms after me and Ricky meets me near the fence with a questioning look. “What’s up?”

“I’m getting my life back.”

He laughs but looks behind me at Finn, panicked or confused. “What do you mean?”

I hear other people coming off the field, but I don’t stop until Finn grabs my arm. “Sims, you can’t quit.”

I look up at Finn’s panicked face. “Technically, I shouldn’t be on the team. Anyway, I’ll have to quit, since I’m going back to Dover.”

“After the season.”

I shake my head. “I’m quitting now.”

I see Greg, Nico, and Hadley walking together off the field. Greg seems indifferent. It only solidifies my decision, and I head to my car.

“COME IN,” I SAY, USHERING Archer into the apartment and closing the door.

He jams his thumb over his shoulder. “Why are there clothes outside?”

“They’re Greg’s. I figured he can pick them up without bothering me. I’m glad you’re here.”

“I don’t really get a choice, do I? You said to be on call. This is me, on call.”

I sigh. “Right. I thought maybe you’d want to watch a movie with me.”

Archer yanks his eyebrows together and looks around. “Is this a joke?”

“No. Maybe it’s a little weird after everything that happened in Durham.”

“If I say no, are you running to my grandpa?”

Holding onto the banister, I frown. “Yes, I’ll super enjoy that convo.”

Archer blows a heavy sigh. “Okay. Where are we watching this movie?”

I swing my hand toward the staircase and the fucker frowns at me. I cross my arms when he doesn’t move. “Please don’t tell me you need wined and dined or sweet nothings whispered in your ear. My bed is comfy. I’ll bring some Doritos and beers.”

“Uh, sure.” He frowns, and it miffs me.

“Go ahead up. It’s the door on the left. There’s a bathroom you can use.”

Archer goes upstairs and as soon as he turns the corner, I sulk into the kitchen and bury my face in my hands. This was one hell of a painful day. How will I go on without Greg? Arguing with him didn’t even keep him close to me. Dropping my hands and sighing, I grab a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and two bottles of beer. I hope he likes light beer. Greg did.

Who fucking cares about that callous asshole?

Me. I can’t help but still love him. God, I’m a fucking idiot.

Balancing everything, I start up the stairs when a loud banging on the door scares me, and I become an expert juggler in two seconds. I go back downstairs, set the bottles and bag on an end table, and peer out the front window to see Greg’s car double-parked behind mine.

“I know you’re in there, Simone!” Fuck me to France.

Against my better judgment, I chain the door, but unlock the other two locks. Opening the door as much as the chain allows, I see Greg’s bowed head before he looks up at me. His frantic brown eyes devour my face, and I snap, “What the hell do you want? Everything of yours is outside. Oh. Except for this.” I reach around my neck, unclasp the necklace, and slip it through the door opening.

He shakes his head and grabs my hand. “I don’t want it. Can I come in?”

I yank my hand out of his, swinging the necklace. I ache for his touch, but also for him to hurt like me. “No. I’m not alone.”

“Who parked their car in your other space?”