“One, two, three ice packs,” Jewels said, passing the last one to Travis.

“Thanks.” He pressed the ice that was wrapped in a cloth against his mouth—and winced.

Aspen eyed Malakai—and the ice pack dangling from his fist. “If you don’t use that, you’re going to have trouble keeping your eye open tomorrow.”

He grumbled, but pressed the pack to the bruised skin.

Clover was seated at the dining room table, three laptops open before her. Aspen stood just behind her, offering suggestions whenever she needed them.

Travis wasn’t surprised by how well the two worked together. They were twins, their faces nearly identical, their thought patterns and movements too. The only way you could tell them apart was by their hair; while Aspen’s was shorter and poker-straight, Clover’s fell to the middle of her back in perfect waves.

Jewels stepped up to Travis’s side, so close her arm nearly brushed his. “How are you feeling?” She kept her voice low.

“Like a blueberry.” He shifted the ice on his lip.

She smiled up at him. “You’re starting to look like one.”

Travis nearly smiled back, but stopped before the cut on his lip could split back open. “How about you? How are you feeling?” He felt dumb for even asking. He couldn’t begin to imagine what it was like to live with a disease like the Tricking.

“I’m doing better today, all things considered.” She directed her next words over her shoulder. “Malakai, quit glaring.”

Travis made to turn—

Jewels stopped him with a hand gripping his arm. “He’s less likely to attack if you don’t make eye contact,” she whispered.

Malakai drawled, “I can hear you.”

“Well aware,” she shot back.

About an hour later, they finally cracked the system. Travis realized how spoiled they were to have Tanner Atlas working for Hell’s Gate; he was way faster than most hackers.

Aspen and Clover whooped and clapped. The latter slumped in her chair and said, “I need a drink.”

Aspen faced the group. “I’ll stay here with Clover. When do you need the spells down?”

Max said, “We’ll call.” He checked his watch. “But probably thirty, forty minutes from now.”

“Speaking of calling,” Dallas sighed, flashing them her phone screen. “It’s Sab again.” She stepped away from the group and answered the call.

Travis glanced down at Jewels. Maybe he was imagining it, maybe he was being too hopeful or plain fucking desperate, but he thought she might’ve been peeking at him out of the corner of her eye. “You coming?” he asked her.

She pursed her lips in thought. “You know what? I think I will. I want to live my life, and I’ve been stuck inside for the past three days. I’ll go get changed—I’ll be right down.” She disappeared down the corridor.

Travis watched her go, and when he turned back around he was met with Malakai’s icy glare. “You look worse than me,” Travis said.

“Fuck you, Devlin.”


The Financial District


Caliginous on Silverway was on the top floor of a skyscraper in the Financial District of Yveswich.

It was just past eight. The block was quieting down, employees heading to their vehicles in groups of at least two as the darkness thickened. Street lights flared to life, and security systems came on, extra layers of spells rippling over windows and doorways. In the alleys, parking facilities, and subway system, predators began their hunt, eyes shimmering in the gloaming.

Kylar and Tanner worked together to mask the live video feeds with old footage. They were in the truck with Darien, Kylar squished up against the door in the back to give more room to Loren and Joyce, Tanner in the passenger’s seat. Cords were tangled across the dash and the center console, the floor and the back seat.