“You got the cameras in the elevator?” Kylar asked Tanner as they finished hacking, keys clicking.

Tanner closed his laptop. “And the hidden one behind the mirror.” He grabbed his laptop bag from the floor and stuffed the computer inside.

Kylar shot Darien a grin in the rear-view mirror. “Now I know why he’s so famous.”

“We ready?” Darien asked. Ivy and Jack were waiting in the car that was parked behind the truck; Darien could see them watching in the mirrors.

Everyone answered in unison. “Ready.”

Darien carried Loren into the building, Kylar leading the way while the others took up the back. There were a few people leaving the building and the many businesses within, but most of them were employees who appeared so done with their shift that they didn’t spare them a second look.

They rode the elevator to the top floor, a song that had to be thousands of years old floating through the speaker.

Darien was careful not to look at his reflection in the glass. He knew that if he looked, he’d see the monster pacing hungrily in his soul. He’d managed to go this long without a Surge, but it was only a matter of time before the beast went for his throat and pulled him under.

The elevator doors slid open with a hiss. On the wall straight ahead was a sign welcoming them to Caliginous on Silverway.

Kylar got out first, Darien second, Tanner third. Jack, Ivy, and Joyce walked together at the back of the group, Ivy carrying one of Loren’s bags. She’d insisted on bringing it, in case Loren woke up after her first treatment. Darien hadn’t argued with her; he hoped—prayed—it would be that easy. He’d never been the type to pray often, but he prayed for her.

Footfall clapped on spotless floors as they crossed the spacious room. A massive desk sat at the back, too tall to see if anyone was there. Salt lamps and diffusers were grouped together on either end of it, the latter scenting the air with peppermint and lavender. Loren had set up one of those things in the bedroom a little while ago; the scents and gentle gurgling helped her sleep.

Come to think of it, they helped Darien sleep too. Not enough to combat the nightmares and Surges, but enough to notice the benefits. Funny how something as simple as a plant could do so much.

“Tanya,” Kylar said as they neared the desk, greeting the young, red-haired witch who sat behind it.

She looked up from the computer and smiled. “Kylar.” She glanced among their group. “What can I help you with?”

Kylar took in the empty waiting area behind them. “Are you the only one working?”

“I have closing duty, yes. Is there—”

“We need to use the Reverse Chamber,” Darien said, hoisting up Loren as her legs began to slide down his waist. She felt so small in his arms, like a bird with broken wings.

The open and friendly expression on Tanya’s face cleared, and in its place was apprehension; Darien could sense it coloring her aura, and with it was the shade of fear. She spluttered, “I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Tanya.” Kylar spoke softly, a patient smile on his face. “This is Darien Cassel, Roman’s cousin. We need you to do us a favor and let us use the Reverse Chamber.”

Tanya’s throat bounced with a tight swallow. “I’m not supposed to—”

“It’s an emergency,” Darien said. His arms tightened around Loren, hugging her to him. “This is my girlfriend. She fell into a coma during the security breach in Angelthene, and the only way we can save her is if you let us try the Reverse Chamber.”

“A coma,” Tanya repeated, looking lost. “I don’t know if the chamber can work…that sort of…” Miracle, Darien knew she was about to say, but didn’t.

Darien held her stare. “Please. Just let us try it.”

“I could get in a lot of trouble,” she whispered fiercely.

Kylar said, “We’re taking precautions. We’ve already masked the cameras.”

“I could lose my job, Kylar.”

“I’ll pay you,” Darien said. Her attention snapped to him. “What’s your annual salary?”

Her eyes darted about. “That’s not—”

Darien said firmly, “Your annual salary, Tanya.”

Her hesitation was brief. “Fifty-five thousand.”