“There’s nothing to admit because I didn’t do it. If Jewels hasn’t talked to you, that’s her decision, not mine.”

“That’s rich, coming from the brother who controls everything she does.”

Malakai punched Travis in the mouth.

First blood. Now, he was free to draw second—and third, and fourth, and hopefully last.

Travis laughed around the blood coating his teeth. “Finally! I’ve been waiting for this.” He punched Malakai back, splitting his brow open.

Max rushed down the stairs and attempted to step between them. “Alright, that’s en—” He was silenced by Malakai’s fist—hitting him hard enough in the mouth to make his gums bleed.

Dallas ran inside, calling for Aspen and Jewels.

Max swore under his breath. Rubbed his jaw.

Malakai advanced on Travis. “I don’t control her.”

“Words of a chronic denier and narcissist.”

Malakai swung, and Travis ducked. He tackled Malakai to the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of them both. Travis landed several hits, blood spraying, before Malakai pushed him off with a knee to the chest.

The Reaper pinned Travis this time and struck. Again, again—

Travis whipped his head up, the move lightning-fast, and head-butted the Reaper.

Malakai fell back, but stumbled to his feet before he could hit ground.

Travis got up and attacked again, fist landing in his gut. Another two strikes to Malakai’s ribs, and they were falling.

They rolled, hitting and kneeing and kicking, neither of them slowing down—

And then Dallas, Aspen, and Jewels were there.

“Malakai!” Aspen shrieked. She launched herself forward, latching onto Malakai’s shoulders. She had to try several times, her grip on him slipping as he and Travis kept hitting— “I’m calling halftime! Malakai, stop it!”

Malakai let go, but not before he spat a gob of blood and saliva on Travis’s face.

Travis wiped it off—and spat out a mouthful of his own on the ground. “You’re a disgusting pig, Delaney.” He got to his feet, wincing, only now just feeling the pain of their brawl.

Everyone took a second to breathe, including the girls, who wore expressions ranging from surprise and relief to fury.

“Okay, three things,” Jewels began. Her words were strained, her face paler than usual. “One.” She faced her brother and held up her thumb. “You are controlling, and you really need to lighten up. Two.” She turned to Travis, adding her pointer finger. “You baited him. And three.” She kept her stare on Travis, ticking a third item off on her fingers. “He’s not the reason I haven’t called you.”

Travis stared, blood running down his throat. He nudged a back tooth with his tongue—loose, the prick. “He’s not?”

“No!” She crossed her arms, her gaze ducking to the side. “I haven’t been feeling well.”

Shit—the Tricking. Of course Travis remembered, but he’d jumped to conclusions by blaming Delaney for her abrupt silence.

Malakai stomped closer. “And you—” He pointed at Travis. “Are a selfish prick who’s clearly not helping—”

“What did I just say?” Jewels fumed.

Everyone took another second to breathe in the cool night air.

And then Aspen said, “Max said you need a favor?”

Max, looking thoroughly pissed, rubbed at his jaw again. “And some ice.”