Please eat breakfast, and enjoy your first day back at work. I love you.


Theo grunted. “How come I don’t get coffee?” But when I looked up at him, he was smiling. He nodded his head toward my seat. “Sit. Eat. I can manage on my own for a few minutes.”

I did as he instructed, wincing in pain when I settled wrong on my ass. I grabbed the edge of my desk and slid myself closer to the desk before grabbing the food and digging into the bacon, eggs, and pancakes Noah had taken the time to make me this morning.

Grabbing my phone once Theo set it in front of me, I pulled up Noah’s contact to shoot him a text.

Danny: Thanks for breakfast, babe. It’s fucking delicious. Have a good day at work. *kiss emoji*

After finishing my breakfast and drinking the perfectly made coffee, I dove headfirst into work, ready to tackle the shit ton of things Theo and I needed to get caught up on.

At least this could give me some semblance of normalcy.

* * *

I sighed as I stared at the email from my apartment complex. I’d been toying with the idea of renewing or just moving in with Noah or Thomas and Theo, and the cut-off date for renewing my lease was in two days. There was no sense in me having my own apartment anymore really. Not any that made sense anyway.

“What’s on your mind?” Theo suddenly asked.

I leaned back in my seat and rolled my shoulders, trying to ease some of the stiffness in them. “The cut-off date to renew my lease is in two days,” I told him. “Not sure if I want to renew.”

“No sense in doing so,” Theo said, echoing my thoughts. I looked over at him. He shrugged. “The past few months, you’ve barely even been in your apartment except to dust and give it a regular cleaning. Maybe do some laundry. Why don’t you just move in here?”

I sighed. “I’ll need to talk to Noah,” I told him.

He frowned at me. “Why?”

I scratched at the stubble on my jaw. Shit, I forgot to shave this morning. Wasn’t like I had time to do so anyway. “Because I’m his safe place. Always have been. And if he needs somewhere to go, I’m who he looks to. I just need to make sure he’s okay with me not being near his apartment anymore.”

Theo set his pen down and steepled his fingers together. I suddenly felt like I was about to get scolded, and I didn’t understand why. “How many times do Thomas and I have to tell you that we can take care of Noah, Danny? It’s not just you and Noah anymore. We’re here, too.”

I grunted. “I know, but that switch isn’t so easily turned off, Theo. I’ve been the center of Noah’s universe for years. I’ve been the person he turns to for so long that it’s second nature for me to think of him when I make any decision. I need you to understand that.”

“I do, baby boy,” Theo told me. “But I also wish you’d think about yourself just a little more. Be a little more selfish, especially now that you have the means to do so. If Noah needs you, we will take you to him immediately. No questions asked. No hesitation. The proximity of your apartment will not be an issue.”

“And if he’s trying to get to me instead?” I asked, arching a brow at him.

Theo’s eyes darkened. “If that silly boy tries to drive in a panicked state, I will personally bend him over my knee and spank his little ass red. And you can tell him I fucking said that.”

I snickered. “At least we’re both on the same page with that.” I hated it when Noah drove while panicked. It freaked me out every single time. “But I’m still talking to him about this.”

Theo grunted as I grabbed my phone. “Stubborn boy,” he muttered.

I just winked at him. And I didn’t miss the way his lips quirked in amusement when I did.

* * *

“Why would I care if you moved in with them?” Noah asked me incredulously. I stretched my legs out beneath my desk with a wince. I would need to get up to move soon. “My lease is up in four months. I plan to do the same, Danny.”

I chewed on my bottom lip. “You sure you don’t want me to at least do a month-to-month lease?” I asked him.

He laughed softly. “Danny, you’re never even there anymore,” he reminded me. “You living with them would be no different than it already is. Just let your lease go when the time is up and move in with them. It won’t be long before I join you.”

I hummed. “Only if you’re sure, babe.”

Noah huffed. “You make me want to smack you sometimes.”