I grinned. “Oh! Speaking of smacking,” I said, glancing at Theo. He looked up from his computer, arching a questioning brow at me. “Theo said if you ever drive panicked again, he’s going to bend you over his thighs and spank you until your ass is red.”

Noah squeaked. “You-you told him?” Noah finally spluttered.

“Mhm. He’s not happy about it. But I bet you’ll now call one of us before doing something reckless like that, right?”

“Traitor,” he hissed.

I chuckled. “Always looking out for your safety, Noah.”

He sighed, ignoring me. “We’re almost home. I was going to bring you a bowl of ice cream—yummy cookies and cream—” I groaned, “but you betrayed me.”

I pouted, though he couldn’t see me. “But Noah…” I whined.

He giggled. “You know I can’t deny you, Danny.” I grinned, my heart giving a couple of rapid thumps in my chest. God, I loved the way he said my name. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”

Theo loomed over me and turned my screen off on my computer. “Hey!” I protested, narrowing my eyes at him. “I wasn’t done.”

“You are now,” he told me as he eased my chair back from the desk with his foot so I could get up. “Thomas and Noah will be home shortly, and we’re not cutting into Noah’s time with everyone just so we can work.”

I sighed. “I’m never going to remember where I was with that email in the morning,” I muttered.

Theo ignored me and helped me up from the desk chair. I wobbled a bit, pain throbbing through my thighs and ass. Closing my eyes, I drew in a deep breath, my hands clinging to his thick biceps as I did my best to breathe slow and steady until the pain subsided.

“Easy,” Theo murmured, brushing his lips to my closed eyelids. “You’re doing great, baby. So good.”

I slowly opened my eyes. Leaning forward, I pressed my lips to his. Theo groaned, his fingertips sliding down my body until they dug into my hips, clinging to me like a man desperate. Starved. Fuck, I knew we were both starved for each other.

“I think I might punch that fucker in the face for you,” Theo growled against my lips.

I laughed softly and forced myself to step back from him, even if it pained me to do so. “As soon as I get a clean bill of health,” I told him, “I expect to get fucked so hard, I forget my own name.”

His eyes darkened, a sinful promise lingering in their depths. “Baby boy, when I get done with you, you’ll be worshipping me as your god.”




Noah rolled onto his side, snuggling closer to me. A soft, sleepy smile tilted my lips as I nuzzled my face into his sweet-smelling curls. Sleeping with this boy next to me every night was amazing. Beyond words. Ever since his lease had been up two months ago, Noah had been living here, and the house was finally complete with him in it.

Danny had been here for six months now, and while Noah spent most nights here while he was waiting on his lease to be up, it wasn’t the same as having him living here. His clothes taking up space in my closet and in my dresser. His bath products in my shower. His toothbrush next to mine. It was all finally perfect. Just how I’d wanted it to be since I laid eyes on him.

“What time is it?” Noah mumbled into my chest.

I glanced at the clock on his side of the bed. “Little after ten,” I told him, my voice thick with sleep. Saturdays were made for relaxing and sleeping in. It was a rule Theo and I had created after the boys officially moved in with us.

The door suddenly opened, and Danny walked in, wearing nothing but his boxers, a frown on his lips. Theo was right behind him. I quickly sat up on my elbow, my chest tightening at the familiar sadness I saw lingering in Danny’s eyes.

Something happened.

Noah looked up and immediately reached for Danny. Without a word, Danny crawled onto the mattress, and our boys curled up together, wrapping themselves around each other. Theo settled on the bed behind Danny, and together, we held them between us.

“What happened?” I asked, sounding much more awake now.

“His parents reached out this morning,” Theo informed me. Rage simmered in his eyes. “I handled the phone call. Contact will not be happening again without my consent.”

A low growl rumbled from my chest. I stroked my thumb over Danny’s bare shoulder. He didn’t move—just continued clinging to Noah. “Why did they contact him?”