“Fuck yes,” I groaned. His light laugh reached me, warming my insides. God, I loved his laugh. Even on my darkest days, his sweet laugh and bright smile had a way of lighting me up inside. Noah was always my way out of the darkness.

* * *

My coffee cup was empty, and it was five minutes after nine. Noah sighed and leaned back with a groan. “Even at home, Thomas can’t manage to be on time,” he muttered.

I snickered. Noah was such a stickler for time management. “We can always pretend we’re making a video so they’re uncomfortable when they log on,” I teased him. Noah and I had gotten out of our TikTok phases a couple of months after we started working for Theo and Thomas. We’d been viral, but we didn’t want to do anything that would risk making the company or our bosses look bad. So, we did a live video, apologized to our fans for having to leave, and shut our account down.

Noah grinned at me. “Oh, my God, yes!” he shouted, practically bouncing up and down now. “Maybe it’ll teach Thomas how to be punctual.”

I found a viral song on YouTube, and Noah stood on my couch, dancing and pretending to strip tease. I pulled my shirt off, moving my body to the beat, and used it to whip Noah, making him laugh and giggle.

“Woah, what the fuck?” I heard Thomas snap. “Theo!” he shouted.

My eyes flew open wide, and Noah erupted into laughter, dropping down on the couch and waving at Thomas. Theo appeared in Thomas’s camera, and his eyes widened at the sight of me. I rolled my lips into my mouth to keep from laughing and pulled my shirt over my head, fixing the collar before I settled down beside Noah.

“We agreed on nine, right?” Theo asked, looking at his watch.

“Well…technically, it’s almost ten after nine,” I told him, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip.

His eyes focused on my lip, and they darkened a shade before he cleared his throat. “Right. We’ll try to be on time from now on.”

Noah snickered and covered his mouth with his hand. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my laptop, heading into my office so my meeting with Theo wouldn’t interrupt Noah and Thomas. Once I was settled in at my desk, Theo leaned forward, now at his own desk. He cleared his throat. “Tell me what I have on my planner,” he said.

I quickly pulled my planner in front of me and began to rattle off meetings and things that needed to be taken care of today, making notes when he told me to reschedule things, set things virtually, and so on. It took only about thirty minutes to go through everything.

“Call me when you’ve gotten everything arranged,” he instructed.

“Yes, sir.”

He logged off, and I slumped in my chair, groaning. He’d seen me half naked. I knew he’d liked what he’d seen. Fuck, after all, I was fit and toned, and my genetics left me practically hairless, so I was smooth, too. But he hadn’t said a goddamn thing.

Maybe I really was reading too much into Theo’s actions and words.

“You done?” Noah asked, popping his head around the corner of my office.

I looked up at him and shook my head. “Meeting is over, yeah, but I’ve got some shit to get done. What’s wrong, babe?”

He twisted his fingers in front of him. “If you’re busy?—”

“Noah,” I growled, rolling my chair back a little, “come here.” I hated it when he thought I wouldn’t make him a priority. He was always my priority, whether we were at home or at work. Nothing would change that.

He quickly made his way to me, and I pulled him onto my lap so he was straddling me. Sighing, he wrapped his arms around my neck and cuddled into me. “Are you sure this is okay?” he quietly asked.

I pressed my lips to the top of his head. “It’s always okay, baby.”

He pressed a kiss to my throat to show his gratitude, and I set to work making phone calls and writing out emails with Noah wrapped around my like my own personal little koala bear.

It was just another day in the life of Danny Turner, and I wouldn’t change it.



The storm lasted most of the day, though I barely noticed since I was buried under paperwork and virtual meetings. I was more than thankful for Danny and how well we worked together. I’d be lost without him. I had no idea how I survived before he popped into my life. Danny had an easy way of keeping me focused, on track, and organized. My life had never gone so seamlessly before him.

I logged off my computer and pushed back from my desk once I finished my last task of the day. I groaned when my bones popped. I was getting too old to be sitting as much as I did. Sure, I worked out every morning with Thomas, but sitting for long periods was going to eventually become bad for my health. Maybe I should invest in a standing desk.

Thomas knocked lightly on my open door, and I looked over at him. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt, a hoodie in his hands. “I called in food to the Thai spot a couple of streets over. Figured we could take Danny and Noah some food. We both know how they are about eating.”