I chuckled. That was always our biggest argument with them. They never grabbed breakfast, so we always ordered breakfast for them, and unless we forced them to stop working and go to lunch, they never took a lunch break either. They were hard-working and dependable, but they were pretty crap at taking care of themselves properly.

“Think they’re still at Danny’s apartment?” I asked him as I stood and made my way around my desk.

“I can probably place money on it. Noah is scared of storms, remember?”

I’d never forget the day we found that out. The day had started off clear and sunny, and then a storm rolled through around mid-afternoon while Noah was downstairs getting Thomas another cup of coffee. When he’d been gone for fifteen minutes, Danny went searching for him.

We were on the verge of hunting down both of them when Danny emerged out of the elevator with a clinging, shaking Noah wrapped around him. Thomas and I both were gutted at the sight of them. I wanted to comfort Danny so badly while he held Noah in his arms, and I knew Thomas had felt like he was crawling out of his skin since he couldn’t comfort Noah.

Instead, I closed all the blinds in Danny’s office and instead of the soft, classical music we had playing on our floor, I turned on white noise to drown out the sound of the storm. Thomas went downstairs and got Noah a cup of lavender tea and some cookies, and Danny quietly rocked him to sleep.

“I can never forget,” I told him honestly. We walked out of my office and toward the front door. Our house wasn’t a mansion—we didn’t want anything huge. It was just a two-story brick home on about thirty acres of land. The yard was surrounded by trees, giving us the privacy we craved. Instead of living lavish lives, we did what we could to help people who were less fortunate than us.

We’d paid for numerous school systems to give kids free breakfasts and lunches. We donated food weekly to numerous food banks. We’d even partnered with some independent contractors to build homes for homeless people to help keep people off the streets. We funded missionary trips to poorer countries, giving them medications and the healthcare they needed. We’d even set up schools out there with highly educated teachers so these children had chances at good futures.

Thomas and I had grown up poor and randomly came up with a brilliant streaming service in college that set us on the fast track to success. We knew what it was like to be down on our luck. We wanted as few people as possible to suffer. We’d been blessed. It was only right we did what we could to help others.

The drive to the Thai spot was quick, and I waited in the car while Thomas went inside to pay and grab the food. Once he was back in the car, he quickly merged back into traffic, and we headed for Danny’s apartment building. I’d never been there before, but I knew his address by heart because I was a creepy ass boss like that.

I stalked my personal assistant, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

I was a bit obsessed with him. I had no idea what his feelings were for me, so I’d never pushed him, terrified of making him quit. I was a desperate enough man that I’d have him any way I could, even if that was just as my personal assistant and nothing more.

Once Thomas found a parking spot in the visitor area, we rode the elevator to Danny’s floor. The closer we got to his door, the more I swore I heard moaning. Anger burned in my chest. Jealousy reared its ugly green head. I did my best to shove them both down. Danny was hot, young, and single. And even though I considered him mine, he didn’t know that.


“Danny, fuck, please,” I heard Noah whimper as we stopped in front of Danny’s door.

Thomas blinked in surprise, and my eyes widened. I’d known they were close, but I’d had no idea they were that close. Holy fucking shit. My cock hardened behind the zipper of my slacks, and I licked my lips to make sure I wasn’t drooling.

This was better than anything I could’ve imagined.

I tested the doorknob, clenching my jaw when I realized it was unlocked. I’d lecture them on that later. Twisting it completely, I pushed the door opened, choking at the sight of Noah riding Danny’s cock like his life depended on it. Both men were naked, and Noah’s hair was a mess around his shoulders. Danny’s hair was all over the place, most likely from Noah’s fingers.

They’d never looked more fucking beautiful.

My dick was so hard, I was afraid my slacks wouldn’t be able to contain it.

“Shit!” Danny yelled when he opened his eyes, immediately spotting us. He quickly pulled Noah off of him and stood, blocking our view of the twinkish, slightly feminine boy. “What the hell, Theo?” he demanded, his fists clenched at his sides, his eyes wide with disbelief.

He hadn’t bothered covering himself. I tried not to run my eyes over him. I really did. But I couldn’t fucking help myself.

Danny was goddamn beautiful. His skin was smooth and hairless, his stomach flat but not as tight as I imagined it’d been in his college days. His thick shaft, which was pointed out from his body—still hard as fuck—was nestled in a nest of blonde curls. His thighs were thick with muscle, and I so badly wanted to run my palms over the hair-roughened skin.

“Theo?” he asked again, his voice a bit rougher.

I cleared my throat and snatched the bag of food from Thomas, letting my eyes meet his. “We, um, brought you guys dinner because we didn’t think you two would remember to eat, and um, yeah, really sorry about just barging into your place. The door was kind of open, and?—”

“We were just leaving,” Thomas said, reaching out to grip my shoulder, squeezing hard enough that it hurt to make me shut up. I’d never stumbled over words in my life, but Danny had rendered me stupid. “Again, sorry for barging in, but make sure both of you eat.”

With that, Thomas tugged me out of the apartment, and we quickly rushed toward the elevator. Thankfully, it was still on this floor, and we were able to climb in quickly.

“Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit,” I whispered, sweating now as I leaned back against the cool metal wall.

“We’ve got to do something,” Thomas told me quietly, looking as flustered as I felt. “We can’t keep living like this.”

I nodded, but what exactly could we do, I didn’t fucking know.