Page 34 of Ruby Tears

There has to be a way out.

There has to be—

A strong arm lashed around me, catching me mid-flight.

“No! Let go of me!”

I didn’t think.

I just fought.

Fast and furious, I struck and pummelled, kicked and scratched.

I screamed as Henri plucked me from my feet and carried me squirming and thrashing to the table.

He didn’t speak.

He didn’t let me go.

With inhuman strength, he pressed me flat on my belly on the table. I tried to punch him, but he merely snatched one wrist and snapped the cuff around me before imprisoning the other.

In a few short moments, he’d overpowered me, trapped me, and proven just how wrong I was about everything.

Tears burned the back of my throat as I tried to stand. The cuffs kept me bent over the table, the edge of the wood digging against my hips, teetering me on my tiptoes.

The debasement.

The awful, awful sensation of being held down against my will.

“Let me go,” I hissed, squirming in the cuffs. “Please.”

“I told you before…I can’t.” His hot breath wafted over my ear as he folded himself over me, pinning me against the table. The iron rod in his trousers pressed right against my ass.

I moaned.

I couldn’t help it.

It was a moan of helplessness, sheer fury, and absolute despair.

His voice soaked into my heart, almost silent and just for me. “Our deal still stands. It’s just…complicated.”

“Fuck you!” I threw my head back, striking his nose.

“Ow,” he cursed, pulling away and prowling around me. One hand nursed his bruised nose, the other trailed over my back, sending shivers through my blood. His finger skated along every rib and every bead of my spine. A caress. A marking. The most sickening, mind-twisting touch of my entire stupid, short life.

“Let me go!” I struggled to keep track of him as he circled me again.

Coming to a stop behind me, he folded his dominating weight over me. Wedging his erection firmly against my crack, he breathed, “I’ll do what I can to protect you, okay? Just…don’t fight me. I can’t promise I won’t snap if you fight back.”

My eyes flew to the two men muttering together as Henri’s weight vanished. His powerful hands landed on my hips, his thumbs digging into my flesh with a possessive pinch full of ownership and tyranny.

I wanted to curse him in every language, but my throat resembled a sandpit. I tried to buck my hips to remove his touch, but he merely clamped his hands around me, pressing me against the table. The lowest, blackest groan echoed in his chest. “I said…don’t fight.”

Every hair on my body stood to attention.

I couldn’t catch a proper breath as he ducked his knees and placed his right hand on the inside of my thigh. “Just…lie there and be quiet. I won’t hurt you. You have my word. It’s just sex. That’s it. You were prepared to fuck me for a million euros…I’m only taking what you offered.”

“I didn’t offer anything. I agreed to see where the night took us, you bastard.”