Page 33 of Ruby Tears

He wouldn’t.

Not now.

Not after—

“First fuck?” Henri went fatally still. “Here? Right now?”

“She made you hard at the bar.” The older man smirked. “Might as well do something about it.”

Henri flicked me a glance before a dark cloud settled over his face. “Fine. If that gets me into your club…I’ll fuck her.”

The older man narrowed his eyes into slits. “You don’t sound enthused. I thought this was what you wanted, Ward? Why you sought me out. If it’s not, then we have a serious fucking problem.”

“No.” Balling his hands, Henri forced a grin. “Sorry, yes. I mean. I’ve spent my entire life hiding. I’m, eh, I’m not used to talking so freely about this. Not used to being free to do this.”

“You can be honest with him, Henri,” the large-bellied man said. “Go on, you’ve got this far. Don’t clam up now.”

“Yes, go on.” The older man crossed his arms. “You were honest in the nightclub; I expect you to be honest now. What do you want? What do you want to do to her now you’ve stolen her?”

For a tattered heartbeat, Henri didn’t reply.

Finally, his grey eyes darted to mine and he cleared his throat. “I want to strip her and feast on every inch of her delicious skin. I want to wrap her in ropes and lock her in chains so she can’t run. I want…” Closing his eyes, he growled, “I want her to scream like she did as I dragged her through the dancers, only this time…I want that scream to be because I’m deep, deep inside her, riding her, fucking her, showing her without a shadow of a fucking doubt that she belongs to me and I’ll never let her go.”

My lungs seized.

He opened his eyes.

I tumbled into his torment.

My tears welled with terror as the older man chuckled. “Excellent. It’s settled then. Fuck her like you own her and we’ll see what’s left of you when you’re through.” Clapping his hands, he returned to the bar and picked up his glass. Pressing a button beside the beer taps, the red carpet in the middle of the room rolled back.

A trapdoor opened.

A narrow table shot upright.

A table with cuffs dangling on chains and a leather strap with a heavy bronze buckle in the middle.



Shooting to my feet, I yanked on the door with all my strength. “Let me out. Anyone! Help!”

Come on.

Open. Open!

It didn’t so much as creak.

The leader raised a toast. “Strap her down, bind her tight, spread her legs, and fuck her. Fuck her like you’ve wanted to fuck but never could. I want to hear her scream, Ward. Prove to me you are what you say you are, and you may spend the weekend at my estate.”

I lost myself as self-preservation kicked in.

I ran.

This door might be locked, but…there could be others. I bolted around the room, my boots flashing in the many mirrors, my black hair streaming behind me.
