Page 9 of Wishful Scheming

“If I call the cops, I don’t even know if he’s taking her to her resort. Do you know how many white Lexus’s roam the roads? Besides, women shouldn’t accept drinksfrom a stranger. That’s arule everyoneshouldfollow.” Bree reached out and smacked him on the arm hard.

“That’s so not right, Angel. What if it were your mother, or your sister, what if it were me, for Christ’s sake?” Angel nodded and picked up the phone.

“They’re gonna think I’m a whack job, you know the cops here, they’re inept but if it makes you happy, I’ll try.” He spoke into the phone, and nodded, then hung up a minute later.

“There’s an accident on the other side of the island, they said they’d stop by when they’re done, but it could be a few hours. I can’t do anything else.” Four cars pulled into the driveway and Angel glanced at Bree.

“Looks like we don’t have time to do much, anyway. Here comes the next busload.” Twelve elderly people emerged from the cars and made their way towards the bar. The men were grouped together, and the women chatted amicably, a loud cackle emitted here and there. Angel smiled. He liked rambunctiousgroups because they alwaystipped well. Bree cleared away the half-eaten burger and grabbed her pad before descending on the group that began shoving three tables together. The loudest man let out a hearty chuckle and announced the first round of the happiest hour drinkswere on him.


Chapter Six

Bubble Gum Kisses And Bad News

Dick drove the Lexus through the path of tall palms and emerged at the isolated beach. There were nocars, and he smiled as he glancedat the womanpassed out beside him. She had told him that her name was Lissa Goodwin, and she was on vacation with friends. She was a student in New York, working on her Master’s degree in Child Psychology. He listened as her words wound down,her mouth trying to squeeze out sentences as the spittle began falling from the edge of her shining pink lips. He found a smallarea, backed the car into the brush, and steered the car deeper into the greenery. If any cars happened by, they’d have to be paying close attention to see him. He parked the car and rolled the windows down before shutting the purring motor off.

Grabbing Lissa’s purse, he pulled out the items tucked away. Her ID, stating her name as Melissa Holmes, was from Newburgh, NY, and he noted that she was six foot, one inch tall. She murmured in her deep sleep state and he blew her a kiss. He pulled the tube of bubble-gum lip gloss from her small make-up bag. Twisting off the cap, he slathered the gloss on his lips as he gazed into the mirror below the visor. Pursing his pink lips, his mouth turned up in a sneer.

He leaned over and began unbuttoning her shirt, then becoming impatient, tugged at the fabric and snapped off the last two buttons tucked below the seat belt. He pried the pieces of material open and ran his finger along the lace of her black bra. Breathing deep, he felt himself grow excited. He slapped his hand alongside her face and her eyes opened for a moment before rolling back in her head. The car was too tight,and he glanced around before stepping out of the car. Hemovedto the passenger side, his hard-on now full bore, and he giggled as he unbuckled the lap strap.

“Oh my sweetness, you and me, you are so luscious, you’ll love how it’s gonna be. I’m gonna ride you hard, maybe ride you all night long. Sweet little thing, I know we are meant to be together, you and me, until your trip to eternity. Oh, I’m such a poet, my princess.” His voice was at a high-pitch as he sang, and he blew her another kiss with his glossy lips. Grabbing her by the arm, he wrapped his fist around her ponytail and dragged her out of her seat. She hit the ground with a loud thump and a small whimper. The cut on her forehead where she hit the gravel hard began bleeding. He hauled her backwards, deeper into the thick green palms, his sinister giggle and sound of her body dragging through the weeds were the only sounds heard.


Lacey hugged Philippe as he grabbed his flip-flops and tried to slip out the door. He gave her his best bothered look, then grinned and kissed her cheek.

“Don’t forget to text meif you will be out for lunch. I’d like to know so I don’t whip up something that will go to waste.” Philippe nodded and pulled out his iPad.

“Won’t be home for lunch, going to Belles and to hug Stella. Bye.” He raced out the door and Lacey grinned. He took it well. The news about Willie was beyond his comprehension. Not having lost anyone before, she figured it would come when he expected to see Willie, only to find him absent. Horst came up behind her and hugged her tight.

“Where’s the lad off to now? He seemschipper. Did your chat go well?” Lacey turned in his arms and kissed him.

“He seems okay. He’ll get it, but he’s a good boy. Are you ready to goshopping?” Horst shook his head and checked his watch.

“Ah love, I’ve got a business call in a half-hour, do you mind going alone?” Lacey shook her head.

“Not at all, someone’s got to keep earning the big bucks to pay for our wedding. I can’t believe it’s only three days away. I am over the moon excitedto know you and I will be official. Baby girl, here, will have a proper daddy when her time comes.” She smiled, patting her stomach, as Horst pulled her in close and locked down on her lips.

“Philippe is gone, so that means I have you to myself. I think I can entertain my love for the thirty minutes before the real world drags me away. What do you say, want to get lucky, my lady?” Lacey grinned and shook her head.

“Nope, later, but baby girl is kicking me and I don’t think she’d like the attention right at this moment. Rain check?” Horst smiled and kissed her on the nose.

“We haveour tomorrows to play house. You go get your shopping done and I’ll see you back here later, okay?”

Lacey nodded, grabbed her purse, then blew him a kiss as she headed out. Belle was home busy with something and unable to join her, and Stella was coping with the loss of Willie. She hopped in her car and headed the few miles into town to buy presents for her best man and woman.

The gift shop was quaintand intimate. Lacey eyed the bangles, bracelets, and jewels in the front window. The dainty strand of pearls in a choker length kept drawing her eyes, and she imagined Belle in them. Unsure if Bellehad a strand, she moved through the door to see what else the shop offered. The polished woman behind the countered eyed her as she moved through the place, and Lacey stopped here and there to inspect the pieces in the glass cases.

“Can I help you with something?”

The womanmovedforward, a smile across her face. Lacey smiled at her and pointed to a silver necklace that held a beautiful heart shaped shell.

“I’d like to see that one, if I may?” She said with a smile. The woman moved behind and unlocked the cabinet, then draped the necklace across her palm.

“You’re Lacey Knowles, right?” The womaneyed herin recognition. Lacey giggled and nodded.

“And you’re Tona, we went to school together. I haven’t seen you in eons. Have you worked here long?” The woman smiled and nodded, eager at seeing a familiar face.