Page 6 of Wishful Scheming

“I got this beauty in high school. Child, Ididn’t know any better. I had it touched up a few years ago, and the wrinkles add to itscharacter, don’t you think?” Belle smiled and nodded.

“I think it is perfect. Besides, they are back in now, even the elderly ladies I saw on the mainland had tat’s inkedover their arms and legs. Not my thing, but you wear it well, my friend.” Stella glanced at the clock on the oven.

“Shit, I’vegot to run. I just wanted you to know what happened to Willie. Iwill head over to the Lug and talk to Angel, see if he can offer any wisdom to who’s dealing poison around here.” She hugged Belle and left. Belle touched the cake and inhaled the sweet scent, then thought of what Sal would think when he saw it.


Stella passed Fred as she headed down to the lug. He had a chair out on the front porch where he reclined, reading a paperback novel. She stopped beside him, and he looked up at her.

“What are you reading, Fred? Anything good?” He closed the book and held it up for her to see the cover. The old timepiece and the skeleton key on the cover was familiar to her.

“I picked it up at the airport; It’sa good read so far. A thrift store mystery that has a serial killer withlove thrown in to the mix. Not my normal fare, but it looked intriguing. It kills time while I work on my tan.” Stella chuckled.

“She’sgood, I have read a few from her. I loved the mermaid one the most, andI write books, too. I don’t remember if I told you that or not. If you’re not into the steamy sex stuff, you may not like them.” Dick stared at her through his dark glasses as her lips moved.

“Have you lived here allyour life, Stella? Do you like it?” His voice was smooth and deep. It surprised Stella, beingthe first time he’d been open orinterested.

“No, I’m originally fromthe mainland thenmovedto be closerto someone. I’ve been here since then. Now I tend to my cottages and write my smut books. It pays the bills and I love creating new worlds where fun things happen. I’ve got an impressivefollowing, too. I have no wantsexcept clear sunny weather and family. Howabout you, Fred?” Fred looked at his watch and jumped out of his chair, sending it toppling over backwards.

“I’ve got to run Stella, my conference call begins in a couple minutes and I’ve got to set up my Skype. Hope you don’t mind, we’ll catch up later at some point, okay?” Stella moved back, and she watched as he turned and retreated into the bungalow, the lock clicking filled the silence.

“Whatever, Mr. big-time business man, Fred. It was nice talking to you, too.” She moved down the road and headed towards The Lug. Fred’s voice was ringing bells something fierce in her mind, the way he had said do you like it raised the hairs on her arm. She shook it off and hurried to catch Angel before he opened shop for the day. Dick slammed the door and leaned against it, panting heavily.

“Holy shit, what the fuck! I know you sweetie, you’re not a young thing anymore, no ma’am, but I remember that heart. Oh boy, I remember that heart.”

He paced the room, thensat down hard on the couch. The stirrings in his shorts reminded him of her face when he had found her walking through town that night. Berta had whipped him soundly for getting home late from work and he was still smarting from her hand slapping his bare ass. She found any excuse to spank him. It excited herto tell him what a bad boy he was. Yet it angered her often forhimnot being home enough. He had slipped out when Berta had passed out and drove through town to clear his head. Needing release, it angered him how Berta with-held her affection when she got that drunk. He loved his mama, but a man had needs, and he wouldfind someone to take care of that.

He saw the flash of denim and legs in his headlights and slowed slightly as he passed her. She kept her eyes forward, but he could see her hair sway down to her ass, the way it moved back and forth. He drove past her and turned the corner. The street wasn’t well lit, and he pulled onto the side of the road and parked, shut the car off and waited. She was coming closer. He got out and shut the car door, listening to the sound of footsteps moving towards him. The hedge was waist high on the corner house. He walked in the grass to muffle his footsteps, not wanting to alert theyoung thing that was moving his way. Feelinghimself growing hard, thoughts of the moments to come coursed through his senses and he held his breath. Stooped down out of sight, he lifted himself up to watch the woman. She looked upset, and he could see the wetness of the tears on her face. The woman sniffled once and then stopped. Like a deer listensfor danger, she lookedaround at the surroundings. After a moment, she began walking forward again. Dick watched her through the sparse bushes. Step by step, she moved past the shrubbery and as she came to the corner;He grabbed her from behind, his hand clamping down over her mouth. Her muffled scream only made him harder, and he dragged her backwards out of the street light to the side yard of the house on the corner. The For Sale sign moved in the breeze, the dried unkempt palm fronds scratched their song along the side of the home.

“If you scream, I’ll gut you like a fish and leave you dead. You hear me? Now shut the fuck up,” he whispered into her ear. She whimpered like a scolded pup, and he threw her down onto the grass. She grunted once as her head contacted the ground and she yelped as he grabbed her by the hair and flipped her over on her back. Straddling her, he tore at the buttons on her petal pink blouse. Her breasts heaved up and down, and he ran a finger over the pale-blue heart tattooed on her left breast. Tugging her bra up, she came forward as he jerked the elastic material, the stays in the back snapping as he yanked harder. He smiled as the tears ran down her face and he smothered her mouth in a hard kiss as he fumbled with the button on his pants. She squirmed as he yanked her jeans down and he silenced her movement with a fist to her face. Her eyes closed, and he laughed as he slid her pants off of her one leg, then flipped her on her side, he slapped her hard on the ass.

“Ooh, am I hurting you, baby? Do you like it? Come on, you can tell me, do you like it? I didn’t mean to hurt you, my sweet.” He moved his mouth over her exposed ass cheeks and bit one, then the other hard, tasting the blood as his mouth broke her skin.

“That’s my tattoo, love, you’ll remember me for these.” She flinched and screamed out. His fists pummeled her face again and again until rendering her unconscious.

“Oh, look at you, such a beauty. A little older than I like them, but beggars can’t be choosers. Do you like it? I like it a lot, and I know you’ll never forget tonight.”

Dick felt the sweat bead up on his forehead as he relived the scene in his mind. She’dbeen one ofcountless others, but the tattoopissed him off. Figuring ita sign of love for another, he left herbruised and bleeding. Watchingthe news, hesaw nothing regardingthe attack and relaxed. Giggling as he realized he had gotten away with it once more, he exhaled and settled back on the couch. He knew her now, and it excited him. His secret had a name.

“Maybe I can tap that sweetness again before I’m through,” he said aloud as he looked down at his cock that stood at attention.

“Gotta take care of junior, first. Don’t worry, papa’s gonna take care of you…” wrapping his hand around his stiff shaft, a wide smile erupted as he closed his eyes, and praised the heavens for his newfound recollection.


Chapter Five

Dealing Desire And Danger

Angel filled the holes in the cooler beneath the counter with beer. He heard Stella calling his name and scared her when he popped up from below the counter.

“Jesus H, Angel! You trying to give me a heart attack, or what? It’s not nice startling an old broad like that, you know.” Stella grabbed the edge of the bar and Angel looked contrite.

“Sorry honey, I didn’t expect anyone this early. I’m just killing time and restocking the coolers before we open up for the day. Want a drink? Or is it still too early for the booze?” Stella shook her head no and pulled up a stool.

“Honey, I’m sorry about Willie. Lacey told me what happened, and that’s so damn sad. I’m gonna miss his happy old face around this place. What was it, a heart attack?” Stella felt herself tearing up.

“No, that’s why I’m here. We thought that’s what it was at first, but the hospital hinted at poisoning. I’ve been waiting for the autopsy results and they called me this morning. They said it was an accidental overdose of fentanyl. You know Willie, like I know Willie, and that’s just pure bullshit. He was here before coming over to my house the night he collapsed. Do you remember seeing him talking to anyone? He doesn’t have any enemies, but someone slipped him something and it killed him. The shit they come out with these days, my God. I know drugs aren’t good, but they never seemed as lethal as they do in this day and age.” Angel grabbed a beer, came around the counter and sat down beside Stella.