Page 5 of Wishful Scheming

“I’m not done with you, yet. You hear me Richard? Get your fanny back here and take care of your mother. She needs you. You coming, Richard?” Her words slurred, and he took a deep breath and moved through the kitchen and back to the living room. The sound of music began to play and Mack The Knife filled the air.

“Get me a glass of lemonade on your way. Put some of my medicine in it.Just a little, mind you, and hurry.” He looked down athis nakednessand hated her in that moment. Pulling a tall glass down, he filled it with ice and moved to the refrigerator and grabbed the plastic pitcher of lemonade. The scent gagged him, and he filled the glass three quarters full and then pouredher “medicine” out of the tall clear bottle. He looked around and saw the tall spoon on the counter and stirred it up, hoping if she drank it, she’d quit picking on him. His small hand shook as he grabbed the drink and moved back into the living room. Theonce open front door was now closed. Shehad moved the floor fan to direct the stagnant air at her as she sat on the couch. Her housedress now bunched up around her waist and shespread apart her thick legs and propped them up on the coffee table. The floralpanties sat in a heap on the couch beside her. Richard watched as her fingers caressed her woman parts, and he stopped mid-stepwhen he saw her.

“I’m waiting. Bring me my drink, love. Your lady is thirsty. Come here, I won’t bite.” He moved forwardand reached out his hand with the drink as she waited. Her chipped fingernail polish reminded him of the peeling paint on the walls.He kept his eyes on her hands and nothing else. She brought the glass to her chest and tugged her top down, then planted the glass between her breasts and exhaled loudly. She took a sip and smiled at him, her head cocked at an angle.

“Do you think mama is a looker? Richard, do you think I’m the prettiest girl you’ve ever seen?” He nodded, hoping that he answered correctly.

“I think you are beautiful mama, you’ve always been the most beautiful girl in town.” She took a big sip of her drink, and giggled, then nodded.

“That’s why you’re my sweet boy. Mama loves you more than anything in this whole wide world. Do you want to make your mama smile? You’re becoming a man, and mama likes that. Look at these! Have you seen anything like thembefore?” She sat the drink down and began unbuttoning her top, staring at him as she exposed her breasts. Her finger circled each nipple and his eyes gazed at the huge round orbs, the thick dark brown circles and the protruding nubs. She pinched her nipples and wiggled her finger at him.

“Come here Richard, I want to show you something.”

The sound of knocking pulled him out of his thoughts and he looked downward. His hard-on protruded from his swim trunks and the thick hardness lay in his fist. He inhaled and rushed to the bathroom and splashed water on himself. He took a washcloth and soaped it up, then cleaned himself. Wrapping a towel tight around his waist, he moved to the door and peered out through the peephole. The knocking had been hammering, and Stella was walking through the front yardwith a hammer in hand. He smiled.

“False alarm, bitch. Eh, time to hit the beach.” Thoughts of Berta slipped away as he locked the door and moved around the house to the path to the beach. The place was deserted,and he lay his towel down on the sand. He had thrown on a large straw hat and dark Ray Bans to block the sun. Both in place, he waded out into the crystal-clear blue water. The warmth was soothing, and he walked until he was waist deep before turning around and glancing at the view. His bungalow was second in line, and he could see the yellow house further down, then the grand pink mansion that belonged to the Queen Bitch. He saw no signs of life at the house, though the drapes blew inward in the breeze. Her house looked different from the last time he had been here, minus the wedding finery and flimsy-assed trellis, he bristled. He began humming Mack the Knife and giggled.

“Had I gotten you then, I would have been rushing it. But after what I saw you do, how good you were at sucking a man off, I’m glad I waited. I’ve got two weeks, and you and me are gonna have a reunion party. I can take out your man easy, and there won’t be a single shot fired, at least not the firearm variety, right Junior?” he said to his cock.

He felt himself grow hard again, the warm water soothing him as he relaxed and ducked down beneath the water. He sawfish darting here and there near his legs. Taking himself in a hard grip, he pulled at his rod until he came, watching her windows, picturing her mouth on him, he shivered and closed his eyes.


Chapter Four

Tasty Cake And Total Creeps

Five days later

Stella hung up the phone and sobbed. The finding by the coroner was an accidental overdose,and she shook her head back and forth. The amount of fentanyl in his bodywas lethal, and she knew Willie better than they did. Arguing with the woman on the phone, she explained that Willie only smoked dope, nothing harder than that. She sat on her back porch and watched Fred out in the water. Having many tenants, he stuck outas the most peculiar.

“An odd-duck, that one is for sure,” she muttered and watched him as he wallowed in the waves. She never saw him outside except in the water. Her invitation for happy hournever accepted, and she figured that was fine, too. Something about the man unnerved her, and she would stare at him as he moved through the water, the silly hat and sunglasses propped on his head. Finding it odd that he never submerged,he’d get out, wrap his towel around his waist and slip into the bungalow. He hadn’t asked her for anything, and she found it strange. In her experience, someone alwayshad a request forsomething. She grabbed the lamp and headed over to Belle’s.

Belle answered the door after the second knock and Stella laughed. Covered in white powder, she had a smudge of a doughy substance across her nose.

“Um, I could come back later.” Belle giggled and bade her to enter. Stella followed her down the hallway, and the scent of yellow cake rose to her nose.

“What the heck are you doing girl? You’re a hot mess.” Belle opened the oven, peeked in, then closed it tight.

“I’m craftinga wedding cake, or at least trying to make it. The damn powdered sugar bag blew up on me. I’ve been following the recipe for the frosting, but not sure if I missed something, it’sawfully thick. Here, what do you think?” She held up a beater and handed it to Stella. The thick paste clung tight, clumped in the openings and she peeled a wadoff and popped it in her mouth.

“Well, it tastes good, maybe if you addmore liquid?” Belle walked over to the fridge, grabbed the small bottle of milk, scraped the beaters into the bowl and pushed the milk into the thick frosting. Once it became creamier, she turned on the mixer. A minute later, the consistency was better.

“Stella saves the day! I thought ofputtingliquor in it, but wasn’t sure. I like it this way better, don’t you think?” She took a finger full and tasted it;Stella tried some and agreed.

“Yummy! That’s much, much better, love. I got a call earlier from the hospital. The autopsy is done, and they found out that Willie had an accidental overdose of fentanyl. I know that man, he did nothing stronger than his herb. Maybe a hit of acid in the seventies, butneverthe hard-core shit. Where would he have gotten it?” Belle stared at her shocked. Stella pulled the lamp out of her bag and handed it to Belle.

“I found my answerand need nothing more. It will not bring him back. Use it yourself, I’ve had enough.” Belle took the lamp and set it on the counter.

“Sal will be back tomorrow. I never thought I’d miss him so much. This lamp brought him back to me, I’m convinced. It’s been a crazy few weeks, that’s for sure. I’ll ask it for something good, like a beautiful wedding with no shooting and no snafu’s.” Stella smiled, seeing the glow on Belle’s face.

“Why are you making the cake now, the wedding isn’t until next week?” Belle laughed and shook her head.

“I wanted to make sure I could perfect it.Thepractice run won’tgo to waste. Sal loves sweets and you getsome, too. Those little flowers lookedeasy onaYouTube video. I didn’t want to wait till the big day to make a shitty cake.” She pulled a tube out of the fridge and sliced off asmall piece, then showed Stella how she made thepetite creations. Stella worked alongside her friend, and an hour later, the flowers laynestled on a tray that Belle put back in the fridge.

“I wish I had something blooming that was edible, much easier, but this willbenice.”Stella looked at the clock and jumped up, sliding her thin strap to her tank back up on her shoulder. Belle glanced at the image of the small blue heart that was peeking out from her floral tank top.

“I never noticed the ink, Stella. When did you get that done? Looks old.” Stella touched the heart on her chest and smiled.