Page 9 of Wishful Dreaming

“If I keep this up, I’ll never go home. Goodnight Horst, I’m looking forward to tomorrow, too.” He bowed and turned, jumped into a shiny blue BMW and pulled out onto the road. The red tail lights heading towardsthe compound. Lacey smiled to herself and headed towards home, deep in thought ofher coming date with Horst.


Knocking on the door startled her. Philippe sat on the couch dressed to impress, butmiserable, unable to go to Belle’s forthe game. Lacey had scoured the house from top to bottom, and she checked her lipstick in the mirror before opening the door.

Horst stood on her doorstep, a dozen pink roses and a shining gold box of chocolates in hand. He eyed her from head to toe. She set her hair high with curled tendrils hanging down on each side of her face. Thewhite dress threaded with gold,a match to the one fromlast night.His eyes growing wide at the vision before him.

“Oh, looks as if I’ve found Aphrodite, my you look edible, my dear. What an amazing dress, it becomes you.” He handed her the bouquet. Philippe popped up behind her and he eyed the man before him. His eyes gazing at the shined shoes, the pressed khakis, and the crisp white dress shirt. Horst smiled at him.

“Here, I’ve brought you bothchocolates. I’m not sure if you like chocolate or not, but my family makes them and I thought you’d enjoy.” Philippe eyed the box and his mouth broke out in a wide grin. He snatched the box from Horst and ran to the kitchen. He grabbed a notebook and pen and raced back.

“That’s not nice to just take it and run, thank Horst for the gift, you know better.” Philippe jotted down a note and turned it back towards Horst.

“Thank you for chocolate. I love love love chocolate!” He grinned and Horst nodded to him.

“You’rewelcome.” He looked at Lacey, then beyond her to the living room.

“Oh God, please come in, where are mymanners?” She held the door open and ushered him into her home. He followed her as she moved towards the kitchen and grabbed a pale blue vase. She cut the stems, filled it with water and added the nutrient packet, then arranged the flowers. Content, she placed it on the table that sat off of the kitchen.

“They are gorgeous flowersHorst, thank you so much. Philippe loves chocolate. You’ve just scoredmajor points.” She glanced over as Philippe unwrapped the gold seals and edged the top off of the box. A tray of several varieties lay below and he thought for a moment before selecting the one he wanted. Popping it in his mouth, he closed his eyes and chewed. When he swallowed it, he smiled bright. Jotting in his book, he stood up and handed it to Horst.

“One with caramel is wonderful. May I have another? Won’t spoil dinner, promise.” Horst burst out laughing and looked at Lacey.

“It seemsto be a family favorite. The chocolates are a hit, he wants to know if he can have another, he won’t spoil the supper.” Lacey held up one finger towards Philippe.

“One more,that’s all, we’ve got to go.” Philippe had his second choice in mind and plucked out one with jagged chunks and visible nuts.

“Ah, now that one is my favorite, hazelnuts in every bite, scouts honor.” Philippe looked like he died and went to heaven as he took small bites, relishing every taste.

Lacey gave Horst the quick tour of their home, and they rustled Philippe off the couch and headed for the complex. Lacey had never ventured past the gates, having no reason to go there. She gazed at the perfectlandscaped scenery as they drove through the gates, and Horst pulled in to a vacant spot pastthe large gleaming glass doors. He opened her door, took her hand as she exited, then Philippe grinned, shellshocked at the views of the restaurant. Large fountains with spaying dolphins graced the front terrace, and he stopped to reach his hand into the water. Change littered the bottom of the blue water and he glanced at Lacey. He grabbed his notebook, his hand moving lightning-fast.

“Why money in water? Is it free? Can we take it?” Lacey laughed and showed Horst the paper. He joined in and looked at Philippe. Digging in his pocket, he produced two quarters.

“You get to keep one of these, the other you have to make a wish and close your eyes as you toss it in the water. It’s a custom, the moneyis for wishes, not pockets.” Philippe took the coins and nodded. He held one in each hand, closed his eyes, and then tossed them both into the blue wetness. He opened his eyes and grinned at Horst.

“Why did you give the fountain both? You could have kept one for yourself.” Philippe took his notebook back and wrote a message.

“I have everything. I wished for money for the needy and something else that I don’t want to say.” Horst tousled the boy’s hair and smiled, his heart filled with joy.

“You’re an unselfish and good boy, Philippe. I hope you know that.” Philippe grinned and nodded.

“You should be proud, Lacey. He is a well-mannered boy, most his age are hellions, I know, I was that age once. You’ve done a great job.” Lacey blushed, and he touched her cheek, then took her arm and escorted her and the boy into the restaurant.

Lacey gazed around at the opulence of theinterior. The gold and pink tones mashed well, and she was glad she dressed upscaleas the host ushered the trio to a white tablecloth bedecked booth. Philippe slid in and Lacey sat beside him. Horst sat across from Lacey. She stretched out her feet and connected with his shin. Horst jumped and glanced at her.

“God, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to do that, forgive me.” He laughed and reached out his foot and ran it down her calf.

“Two can play at that game, dear, I don’t mind.” She glanced at Philippe who perused the menu, flipping pages with wide eyes.

Lacey touched him on his arm, then flipped the menu over to the child’s section. Philippe looked crestfallen. Horst leaned over and flipped the menu back.

“Philippe, you’re a growing lad, order what you wish. I’m buying, so choose what you desire.” The boy grinned, then sobered as he glanced at Lacey. She grinned and nodded.

“Horst gave you free-reign, just don’t get something you’re unsure of. Escargot is snails, I don’t think you’d like those.” Philippe smiled and continued paging through the extensive choices. A young lady came over and filled their glasses with water, smiled at Philippe and then left. A waiter materialized a moment later.

“Welcome to Chez Luis, I am Franz and I shall take care of you, may I start you with a drink? We have a wonderful wine selection.” The man smiled at Horst, who glanced at Lacey.

“Do you like wine, Lacey?” She nodded, and he pointed to a bottle on the wine list and the waiter smiled.