Page 10 of Wishful Dreaming

“That is a fine choice, sir. I shall bring that out momentarily. Will we start with an appetizer? Or would you requiremore time toperuse themenu?” Horst gazed at Lacey, then requestedmore time. The waiter bowed, thenslipped out of sight. He re-appeared a few moments later carrying a bottle of red, he opened it and presented the cork to Horst, who sniffed it and gave consent. The man poured two wine glasses with the rich burgundy wine, wrapped a towel around the neck and set it on the edge of the table. Horst took a sip and smiled.

“Very nice, I haven’t had this vineyards wine in years and was happy to see it listed. Mmm… Yes, very nice, thank you.” The waiter retreatedand Lacey perusedtheextensive menu.

“There’s so much on here I’d love to try. I don’t know what I should choose.” He shifted and glanced at the menu with her.

“Why don’t we orderthe dinner for two? You cansample severaloptions. I’ve had their steak, their dry-aged beef issuperb. Do you like lobster and crab?” She nodded, and he smiled.

“That’s settled, atower for two it will be. Philippe, have you made your choice?” The boy nodded and turned the menu around to Horst and pointed at the Crab Souffle. He waited for Horst to approve his choice and as Horst grinned, knew he had picked well. Lacey gazedat the price of the selection. Forty-five dollars. Blanching,Horst placed his hand on her arm.

“I know what you’re thinking and I’d like you to not worry. To me that is pennies, and though you’re not used to this world of luxury, I want to spoil you and your boy. It makes me happy. Money is nothing to me, so please, let him get what he wants. Besides, I’ve had it before and one of their most popular features. He’s chosen well. I’m assuming he’s not got any seafood allergies, right?” She smiled and relaxed.

“No, it’s just hard for me to see that. Forty-five dollars is a long night of work for me, let alone buying just one meal with that, it’s still beyond my comprehension. Thiswilltakegetting used to. I’m sorry for being funny overit.”He stroked her armand smiled.

“Please, never apologize for being you. When you’re in my business, a dinner like this cost-wise is peanuts. I want to treat you like the Queen I know you are, and it will take getting used to, but it will happen, trust me. I canafford this andmuch more.” Lacey gazed into his eyes and felt her heart melting. She broke the moment and reached in to her bag and pulled out the lamp. Horst reached across and touched the metal. Turning it this way and that, he smiled.

“What a stunning find, and I would think it is pure gold, get it appraised.” Lacey laughed.

“It’s not mine, it’s my friend Belle’s. If it’s worth anything, it’s hers to claim. I’m contentif it makes wishes come true. I know it worked for her, so now…” she trailed off as he touched her hand.

“If you believeenough, it will come true. Didn’t your mother ever tell you that?” Laceys eyes watered and she looked out at the other diners. Horst leaned over and wiped a tear away.

“I’m sorry Lacey, I didn’t mean to make you cry. Forgive me, please.” She grabbed a Kleenex and dabbed at her eyes.

“No, it’s not you, it’s just been an emotional week, andyou came along and added some light. They gave me up as a baby. My adoptive mother was wonderful, but when my birthday comes around each year, I can’t help but wonder what was wrong with me to toss me aside. I’ll be fine, it’s just that time of the year. It always invades my mind.” Horst held her hand and Philippe askedto use the bathroom. Philippe slipped down on to the floor before Lacey could stop him and he crawled beneath the table before moving towards the sign showing the bathrooms.

“I’m sorry, he shouldn’t have done that. He’s a silly boy. Maybe I should have wished for answers to that riddle.” Horst held out the lamp to her and smiled.

“Perhapsthere’s an unused wish left in this beauty. Don’t youget three? If you’ve used one for chocolates and me, it means you have one left. Go ahead, ask to your heart’s content. You deserve to know the truth. Besides, what have you got to lose? Perhaps it is a regular old lamp, but if it isn’t, imagine the possibilities?” Lacey smiled and ran her finger over the rubies.

“I wish I knew why they didn’t want me. Magic lamp, please find me the answers I’vesearched for.” She closed her eyes,opening them as Horst touched her hair.

“You will get everythingyou desire Lacey, just keep believing.” Philippe returned to the table and motioned to Lacey for a penny. She looked at him and dug in her purse and handed him a nickel. He ran off, and she shook her head.

“Some daysI don’t know what gets into that boy, but he’s never seen a fountain. I guess he has his own wishes. If Iask him, maybe he’ll share.” Horst chuckled and held his glass up in the air.

“I propose a toast, to the most amazing woman I’ve ever met, whose beauty runs from head to toes and all the spacesin between. You’ve got a kind heart. Lacey, you are an unbelievablewoman.” They clinked glasses and sipped their wine. Philippe returnedlooking happy and Lacey got up to let him slideback inthe booth. A few minutes passed anda young woman carried their meals to the table. Philippe’s eyes grew wide when he saw the tall creation heaped high on his plate. Looking from Lacey to Horst, he nodded his appreciation to Horst.

“You’re welcome, I hope you enjoy. It isgood, but hot, so be careful.” Horst spoke about his homeland while Lacey relaxed and took bites from their tower of food. Juicy steak, steaming hot crab claws, and a lobster tail for each of them filled her plate, and she felt like a Queen. They spent two hours eating leisurely and talking, as the waiter stopped by regularly to check on them. Philippe finished first and Horst encouraged him to order desert. Philippe glanced at the choices and chose a chocolate molten lava cake with fresh whipped cream and chocolate ganache on top. Lacey declined, feeling stuffed and beyond hungry. She leaned back and sipped her wine and watched as Philippe dove in to his confection with relish. Horst asked for a taste, and the boy moved the plate between them. Horst took a small spoonful and smiled as he felt the chocolate melting down in his mouth.

“They’ve worked marvels with that. It’s our chocolate that they use in it, another reason I have conferences here. They are one of my biggest clients,and they leave the candies on the pillows for the guests. Theysell the sweets at their gift shop, so I’m much admired around here.” He nodded to the waiter who delivered the bill. He slipped his credit card in the plastic slot and handed it back asLacey stared at him.

“I’d hate to see what this bill is, my God. I’d have to work a month to eat here.” Horst touched her hand.

“Enough, you speak as if you are nothing, and you’re amazing. You need to believe, don’t forget that. Are you almost ready? I’ll take you up to my place and Philippe can change into his suit. We can sit poolside while he swims, if you’d like to.” Happy the evening wasn’t ending, she nodded.

“That sounds wonderful, Philippe loves swimming. He’s like a fish.” She glanced at Philippe who nodded.

The waiter brought the leather book back and Horst penned out a tip, signed his name and then stood. Philippe scooched out and followed as they moved to the bank of elevators outside of the restaurant. The foyer of the complex was like the restaurant, opulent and spotless. Lacey couldn’t believe she was here with this beautiful man. Patting her purse that held the lamp, she spoke with a smile.

“If wishes do come true, lamp, I will never forget you. Thank you.”Horst’s suite was opulent, withtwogrand bedrooms, a huge living area, and a small kitchen. His bag lay open on the bench at the foot of the bed and she sobered, realizing he would leave soon.Horst came up behind her and wrapped his arms around to pull her close.

“I’ve got two more days here, after that, they’re booked solid. So,I know what you’re thinking andfeel the same way. My lovely,I’m not ready to let you go, Lacey. I want to know everything about you and for you to learn moreabout me. I’ma what you see is what you get. Really, I don’t know if you’refeeling it too, but I’m getting so connected to you.” Lacey turned and kissed him gently.

“You are an amazing man, and Philippe seems to like you, too. Thank you for this, for dinner, for everything. I felt sad when I saw your bag. I’m not ready to let you go yet, either.” Philippe ran into the room in his swimming trunks, ready to hit the pool and Horst released her.

“Come on champ. Let’s see how good you swim.” Horst led themto the elevators, then down a corridorto the pool. They set it up like a lagoon, the lush green landscaping giving it a romantic sense. Horst grabbed a towel off a stack by the door and tossed it to Philippe. He moved along and found two reclining chairs by the far edge of the pool. Tiki torches glowed and the pool light was a blue-green hue, dim and not obtrusive. Philippe threw his towel down and walked to the shallow end, slowly stepping in and then sinking down below the surface, a wide grin on his face. Horst kicked off his shoes and leaned back, Lacey reclined reclined him.

Awaiterinuniform cameandoffered them botha drink. Horst looked at Lacey, who nodded. He ordered a bottle of champagne and Lacey giggled.