Page 1 of Wishful Dreaming

Chapter One

Finding Philippe

The churning water was dark, their murky depths pulling her as she reached her hand to the surface. The evil grin from the woman as she reached her long fingernails towards her drifted through her thoughts. She wondered if she would live to see Sal again. Laughter, menacing and sinister, cackled in her ears as she swallowed the salty sea.

Then the water was gone, and she heard his voice, playful and teasing, as he cupped her breast and smiled into her eyes. They lay on his dorm bed and he ran his finger around her nipple, giving it a playful bite with his mouth before tracing his tongue down her flat stomach. His dark hair was long, his stomach muscles tight. Straight white teeth etched in a smile as he gazed up at her. The Cure played on the turntable and she figuredhe’d be getting ready to flip the album to something soft and sensuous. His dark blue blanket lay across his ass as he moved down past her navel to her sweetest spot. The look in his eyes saying everything, and in that moment she knew she loved him.

The dark water returned and her heart broke as she kissed him once more before the waves carried her back out. It etched fear across his face, and she closed her eyes, unable to say the goodbye thatwas imminent.

“Hold on Belle, just hold on,” he yelled through the darkness. His hand clasp tight on hers, tugging her closer to him. Tired of struggling, her energydrained and empty as she relaxed into the hardness of his chest, knowing the moment had come. The weight was heavy, and she struggled to rise. Sheopened her eyes and looked down at Sal’s head as he lay sleeping.

Belle woke to a pounding headache and Sal half-laying across her chest. She attempted to slip out without waking him, making it half-way out before his hand clamped down on her breast. His fingers tugged at her nipple and she grinned. Turning, she caught the shit-eating grin on his face.

“How are you feeling, sleeping beauty? I sat up with you for a while. I suppose youwere having nightmares, tossing and turning. I know that you’ve been through the wringer. Anyone woulddeserve to sleep in after that nightmare.” His fingers traced a heart on her shoulder blade and he leaned over to kiss her.

“You’re so lovely, but your hair is a fright.” Belle jumped up and shifted to the edge of the bed.

“That’s no way to wake the sleeping goddess. Where did you learn your manners from? Please, I’m just as amazing lookingas I was when I went to bed last night.” She attempted to rise and felt likethey had used her body fora punching bag. Her gaze in the mirror confirmed the prognosis. Her cheek was black and blue, and her neck was double the size, streaked with red bruises.

“Oh shit! How could I have forgotten? I’ve got to get dressed and go help look for Philippe. They haven’t found him yet, did they? You would have woken me up if they had. Oh Christ, that poor boy, god I ache. What went on last night? My memory is a fog bank” Sal slipped his shorts on and moved around the bed to her side. He kissed her naked shoulder and shook his head.

“The cops gotthe information and a bunch of yourneighbors scoured the beaches throughthe storm. They left no stone unturned and Stella went into Berta’s bungalow to see if she may have had him locked in. No luck, I’m sorry. They’re searching, or at least will be. We’remeeting at Stella’s this morning. I believe a few tourists came down to help, not that they know the island, but every bit helps.” Belle’s eyes welled up with tears.

“It’s been a hell of a night, what if he’s somewhere starving, what if he’s hurt? If anything happens to him, I’ll never forgive myself. It’s my fault he’s missing. That son of a bitch Dick, I’ll kill him if it’s the last thing I do. Mark my words, that man is dead.” She shook her head as tears welled up in her eyes. Sal kissed her head.

“Don’t worry love, that bastard will get his reckoning.” Sal wrapped her in his arms. She sighed, burying her head in his shoulder as the tears streamed down her face.

“The police on the mainland will contend with him. She wouldn’t have had time tostashPhilippeoff the island andattemptto kill you. He has to be someplace close. The question is where? Why don’t you get dressed and I’ll go fix you something to eat? You must be famished. Go shower, I’ll take care of the food.”

Belle nodded and slipped in to the bathroom. She turned the shower to a light pulse and stood below it, feeling the tacky crustiness of the salt water stream out of her hair. Her body ached, and the water felt like needles pelting her tender skin. The coconut body wash that consistently brought her happiness, only increased the sorrow. The scent of paradise now felt like a scent of doom, and she cried as the white foamy bubbles circled around the floor drain and slippedout of sight.


Belle and Sal met up with Lacey at Stella’s. Willie arrived a few minutes later after gathering more friends to aid the search teams. Stella mapped out the various places where the boy could be, and the tenseness filled the air. Time wasticking fast,and Lacey sat dazed and terrified. Sal went to grab his sneakers to contend with the terrain they tasked him and Belle with traversing. He glanced at Berta’s former bungalow and grimaced. Notexpecting thewomantoattackBelle, nowangry at himself for not seeing any signs.

The storm had blown through in the night, having shifted south. The worst of it had missed the island, and he was thankful for that small miracle. He moved towards his bungalow at a fast pace, his feet splashing in the puddles that lay between the cottages. Hurried, he stopped and gazed down at his reflection in the small rippling pool, then bolted upright. A strange noise filtered through on the breeze.The noise was quiet, muffled, like a small mewl of a kitten. He glanced to his left then right. Stella’s car was beneath the lofty banyan tree, tucked into the shade. Sal got down on a knee to check underneath the carriage. Seeing nothing, he resumed walking towards his house.

He heard the sound again. Moving closer to the car, he bumped his hip against the trunk and heard the quiet noise again.

“Oh shit! Please God, oh, please be you, Philippe, please let it be you. Stella, STELLA! Come here, and bring your car keys. There’s something inside of the trunk, God, I hope it’s him.” Stella poked her head around the side of the house.

“What? What did you say?” She looked hopeful and Sal smiled, his face hopeful.

“There’s something in here, get your keys, quick.” Stella ran into the house, emerging with her keys in her trembling hands.

“Oh dear lord, please let it be the boy.” She fumbled with the keys and unlocked it. The lid to the trunk lifted and Philippe lay inside, dripping wet with sweat, terror in his eyes. Camouflage duct-tape stretchedacross his mouth,it bound his feet and anklestight. His eyes squinted in happiness when he saw Stella and he made a small moaning noise.

“Lacey! Belle! Come quick, we found him,Sal found the boy.” The women ran to the car as Sal lifted the boy from out of the trunk. Stella ran to get scissors to cut the tape and Lacey held Philippe tight, rocking his small body back and forth.

“I’m so glad you’re alive, Mama’s here, baby. Itwill be all right. Thank you God, thank you.” Stella carefully cut the tape, making sure to not hurt the boy and she smiled. She had to slice throughhis hair to remove the last vestiges of tape and his tears ran across her wrist.

“The police are on their way, thank God he’s alive.” Willie said as he wiped a tear away. Sniffling, he turned and moved towards the house, giving the ladies time to tend to the boy. Sal carried Philippe into Stella’s and laid him on the couch. Belle brought a small glass of water and he drank it down and handed her the empty glass. His hand shook, and he motioned for something to write a message with. Stella handed him his notebookand pen. His cramped fingersmoved slow, but he smiled when he finished with his note.

“Mean lady, hurt Belle? Dr. Pepper, Please? Sleep a lot, don’t remember. Dark.” His sad grin filled his face and Belle laughed.

“You’re dehydrated and I don’t know if Dr. Pepper will be the best thing for you right now. But, you may have water until then, I’ll make sure I have lots of pop for you.” The boy smiled and Lacey stroked the matted hair on his head. Sal looked at Stella.

“It makes sense, Berta didn’t know the island well enough. Where better than right below our noses to hide him?Thank God, at least he’s alive.” Belle giggled.

“Well, the lamp comes through again. It’s funny how things are happening. It brought me you, Sal, and in doing so, you found Philippe and saved my ass.” The knockinterrupted their jubilation,and Stella opened the door to allow the officer entry. A paramedic followed and took over ministrations on the boy. Belle hugged Lacey tight before she and Sal departed, allowing the men to take care of Philippe.

“Let’s go to my house. I need to go thank that magical lamp and afterward, show you my appreciation.” Sal grabbed her hand as they strolled down the road towards his bungalow, his heart light. Glancing at her, jubilant as the emotion of love and need rose higher.
