Page 2 of Wishful Dreaming

Chapter Two

Rock you like a hurricane

Lacey allowed Philippe to stay at home and called Angel to give him the good news. Stella drove themback home, happy thatthings hadplayed out positively. Philippe looked tired, but alert and Stella wrapped her arms around him and rocked him back and forth.

The small cinder block home was down a side street from Stella’s. The pale mint-green househad beenperked up with small colorful pots overflowing with plants on the windowsill. The shutters were a bright pink and fit Laceys style. Five bright pink flamingos lined the walkway that led to the faded welcome mat in front of the door. Philippe begrudgingly went to the bathroom to take a shower and Stella sat at the kitchen table while Lacey tidied up the counter. There were stacks of magazines, a few dirty dishes, and several notebooks from Philippe. Lacey looked exhausted and Stella moved her aside and took over the cleaning duty.

“Sorry forthe mess, workisnon-stop, and thenthis fiasco. I don’t understand what that woman was doing here? Who was she? Why did she target Belle, and why the hell would she take Philippe?” Stella touched her face and smiled.

“I don’t have those answers. Ask Belle, perhaps she can fill in the blanks. The big thing ismakingsure Philippe doesn’t becomescarred from the experience. It may take him time to process it, and you’ve got to be here for him. If Angel can live without you for a spell, I’ll loan you whatever money you need to get you through the lack of paycheck. I’m not doing anything with it, and you two mean the world to me. Nothavinga family,you are the closest I have. Taketime off and take care of your boy and yourself, while you are at it.” Lacey wrapped her arms around Stella and cried.

“I love you. Thank you for that. Angel willhave to hirea temp for acoupledays. It willbe themuch-neededtime for us to recoup. You’re right, Philippe needs a momma’s touch to heal up and I want to make sure he gets the care he needs. I don’t know what I would have done had I lost him. He’s my world, Stella.” The older woman nodded as she rung out a rag and wiped down a sticky spot on the counter.

“Iwillhead over to the mainland today and I’ll pick you two up some groceries. I’ll get him Dr.Pepper, too. That boy has a one track mind as far as that soda-pop goes. If you think of anything else you need, let me know and I’ll grab it for you. I’ve got to get my book over to the publishers so I’ll kill two birds with one stone.” Lacey smiled and sat down, grabbed a piece of paper and jotted a few itemsdown. She handed it to Stella.

“Thanks again, you’re a lifesaver. I owe you one. You’re my hero Stella.” Stella wiped her happy tears away and then headed to Belle’s to pick up her edited manuscript.


Angel madesomecalls to secure help at The Lug, and Bree showed up an hour after his call, ready to roll. Angel called Lacey to give her the good news.

“We’re all set for covering you while you’re out. Bree will fill in herewhile you two recoup. How’s the boy doing? Can you bring him down to the Lug sometime today?I need to see him with my own eyes and make sure he’s doing good.” Lacey smiled, feeling his concern across the line.

“Yeah, we’ll stop down around three. You’ve got the largegroup arriving in for lunch today, right? I feel crummy not being ableto help, but Philippe needs me. He took a shower, and he’s snoozing. Our child issuch a tough kid. I don’t think I’d be feeling half as good if I went through all that shit. Iwill fixhim some lunch when he wakes. We’ll swing by afterward.” She hung up and rested on the couch. Closing her eyes, shefell asleep for the first timesince Philippe disappeared.


Angel stocked the coolers and Bree worked the kitchen. The sailing group showed up around noon and the twenty-plus revelers were boisterous. Bree moved efficiently, delivering the vast quantities of bar food they ordered, and Angel kept the liquor flowing. He loved groups like this. They ate and drank a lot and always tipped well. He thought about Philippe sporadically and smiled, happy his boy was alive.

The satiated group broke up and moved on around two and Angel and Bree hustled to clean up afterwards. She washed the dishes while Angel restocked the beer and liquor. He went out to the storage shed, grabbed cases of bottles and brought them around the front. Bree emergedfrom the kitchen to catch thebreeze. Her shirt, drenched with sweat and splashed dishwater, clung to her breasts. She grabbed the soaked material and pulled it away from her skin.

“Angel, you’ve got to getair conditioning going in there. It’s hotter than hell. The dishes are done and put away. What do you want done next?” She wiped the perspiration off her forehead and leaned against the bar, trying to catch the overhead fan breeze. Angel walked by her and moved a tendril of her hair off her cheek. Her long hair was thick, the blonde/brown hombre suited her voluptuous frame. The French-braid hung over her shoulder, the tail coming to rest on her size D breasts. She and Angel had been buddies in high school; He was happy for her help. She reached out a hand and rested it on his arm.

“I’m glad they found your boy, Ang. You must have been freaking out. Is he going to be okay?” Angel nodded at her and relaxed his shoulders. Bree was always a good listener, and he unloaded what he knew about the kidnapping. She nodded and looked shocked when she learned ofthe woman who had tried to murder Belle.

“Poor Belle, I hope she’s okay? Didn’t she just get jumped a few days ago? So much for having a horse-shoe up her ass, I always thought she was beautiful, and I wish I had her money. Damn, man, I’d be traveling the world, I shit you not.”

Angel nodded and moved past Bree and in to the kitchen. The counter now spotless,the dishes organized by size. Impressed with her cleaning skills,he turned around and ran into her. She stood behind him, still waving her T-shirt to dry it out.

“You don’t have a spare shirt here, do you? Thisoneis soaked and Ihaveno sparetime to run home tograb anotherone. Your sprayer has a leak, you know that, right?” Angel walked over and turned on the faucet, grabbed the sprayer and water shot out sideways, all over his front.

“I guess you’re right. I’ll work on that tomorrow morning, sorry.” He turned and laughed. He peeled his shirt off, his pecs tight and firm and Bree glanced at him.

“Yeah, well, I can’t work topless, this joint ain’t that kind of place last time I checked, so do you have a shirt for me? And not the one you’re wearing, please, it’d be a dress on me.” Angel stood tall at six feet and Bree fell in at a mere five. He grabbed a towel and dabbed it on his shorts, trying to sop up some errant water.

“I have some Lug shirts in the office, let me check.” He walked past her and unlocked the office. Flicking on the light, he reached up on the shelf and grabbed a bright purple T. He glanced at Bree to gauge her size and chose a small. He tossed the shirt to her.

“The next size I have is extra-large and that will drown you, try this one.” Bree pulled her shirt over her head. Angel gazed at her lacy red bra and smiled.

“It may be tight. I didn’t think you were that big.” Bree blushed and smiled. She glanced down at her boobs and back at Angel.

“They’re not THAT big, silly. If they were any bigger though, I’dget them chopped. Damn,I’m not huge, right?” Angel felt himself getting aroused. Bree reached behind and unclasped her bra.

“This thing is soaked. If I wear it, the shirt will bejustas wet. You don’t mind, do you? The shirts dark enough and I suppose as long as I don’t get chilly, no one will know, right?” Angel walked over and reached out a hand and touched her nipple. He felt himself getting hard.

“Bree, maybe you should put on the shirt because I’m liking what I see and unless you want me to get you as excited as I am, the shirt may be your salvation.” Bree licked her lips and moved closer to Angel. She ran her hand over his bulging shorts and grinned.

“I always wondered if your height translated to the downstairs. From what I can see, it looks like it’s happy to see me, wouldn’t you say?” Angel exhaled and pulled her close, his tongue finding its way to her mouth as he kissed her hard. Bree returned the kiss in kind and undid the button on his shorts. She pulled his manhood out and leaned back to gaze at it. He was long and hard, the skin stretched tight. She leaned down and licked the tip, then smiled at him as she rubbed his cock over her breasts.