Sal had a wound to his shoulder, but Lacey was unconscious and losing blood fast. The paramedics tag teamed Lacey, slid her onto a gurney and tore off towards the hospital. The second ambulance came a moment later and the man and woman tended to Sal’s shoulder. He screamed for Belle and she ran to his side. Tears streamed down her face as she looked into his eyes.
“It’s happening again. Someone is targeting us, or me. I don’t know. I’m terrified,” she said, her voice shaking.
“This is our wedding, it’s supposed to be the happiest day of our lives and he ruined it. It’s got to be Dick, it has to be…” She buried her head in his embrace, his one arm barely usable. The paramedics demanded he headto the hospital and Belle nodded.
“Go on, I’ll staywith you. He won’t come to find me there, he’s too much a coward.” She gave Mick the code to the door, and he closed it after they left. The police spread out, searching for clues onthe shooterand where he was now. One stayed behind and interviewed the group. Stella was fidgeting and Minnie looked terrified.
“Who would do this? This is my baby girls day. I hope Lacey is okay, Sal seemed to handle it well, but that poor girl. Her boy is in shock, and rightfully so. I told him it was just pretend, but he knows. He doesn’t talk, I think he’s in shock. That poor, poor girl, I will pray that she makes it.” Stella listened and burst into tears.
“I’ve got to go. Please, don’t let the boy leave,” she whispered to Willie.
“I have to get to the hospital, shewill need a blood transfusion for sure, she’s AB negative, it’s rare and I doubt the hospital has enough on hand. That is if she makes it.” Willie looked at her and gave her a quick hug, glancing over at Philippe as she moved towards the door.
“Don’t you think the boy is more likely to carry the line? Are you sure you don’t want to bring him too? I know it’shard, but he is her son.” Stella stopped and shook her head.
“No, keep him here, he’ll watch television, I’ll explain later, I’ve got to go now.” She slipped out the door and Willie locked it behind her, shaking his head. In the living room Philippe sat watching a rerun football game on Belle’s flat screen. His eyes watched the movement as tears welled up in his eyes. Willie sat down beside him and the boy glanced up.
“Don’t worry, son. Shewill be fine. They’re taking care of her and Stella will go to be with her. They don’t allow children in, so you are better off here with this big tube to watch. Do you want a soda or something to eat?” Philippe shook his head no and wiped at his running nose with his finger. He sat for a moment, thenwalked to the fridge, grabbed acan of Dr. Pepper, andsat down. The sound of the can opening caused Minnie to jump, then she laughed lightly.
“I’m as nervous as a cat. What a day! This has been a spectacular, but horrid day all rolled into one.” She prayed and popped a crab puff into her mouth, chewed and shook her head back and forth.