Page 16 of Wishful Dreaming

Chapter Eight

Here comes the…

11:55 a.m.

Stella moved the chairs into their proper arrangement. The trellis on the beach nowdecorated with white blossoms and the breeze had kicked up, moving them back and forth. She checked to make sure they planted the feet, hoping it would hold through the ceremony. Lacey sent Philippe up with a tray of food she’d prepared, and Angel carried a large cooler filled with beverages. Willie made it a few minutes later, carrying a pristine white two-layer cake decorated with teal frosted flowers and a husband and wife dolphin figurine on top. The two mammals were side by each and he smiled as he handed it to Stella.

“Where do you want this? Are we taking it up to Belle’s or are we eating it out here?” Stella glanced at the cake and smiled. Willie had a reputationfor his desserts, and he had outdone himself with this creation.

“You know there’s a childat this party, right? You didn’t slip any of your wacky weed in here, did you?” Willie burst out laughing and shook his head.

“Stella, I would do no such thing. The wacky weed is in the brownies for the adults later. In a cake? Now wouldIdothat?” Stella smiled at him and asked him to anchor the trellis.

“I’m gonna run this up and I’ll be right back.” Willie walked over and rocked the trellis, moved around to the garage and grabbed the heavy ironstakes. He glanced up as Philippe popped up around the corner.

“Hey kid, they getting ready to roll up there?” He checked his watch and smiled. Philippe nodded and watched as Willie grabbed the stakes and headed towards the path to the beach. Lacey came walking down the stairs in a peach flowing dress. She smiled at Willie and waved.

“It’s almost time, Willie. Can you believeI’ve never beeninvitedto a wedding?I just realized that this morning, andI’m more excited about it than anyone.” Mickey came walking over from Sal’s bungalow. He stopped when he saw Lacey.

“I’ve died and gone to heaven. I wondered if we would have any delicate creatures here, and I see my wish came true.” He held out his hand towards her and she smiled.

“I hope you didn’t rub the lamp, and I hate to burst your bubble, but I’m Lacey and spoken for, my guy isn’t here, but I’m unavailable. You must be Mick?” He smiled and turned red.

“I know nothing about a lamp, and yes, I’m Belle’s little brother. Though I’m taller than her, so I don’t think little is appropriate anymore. It’s nice to meet you, Lacey.” Philippe ran over and pointed towards the chairs. Lacey checked her watch and nodded.

“Second row, not the first,” she said to the boy. He nodded and ran over and sat in a seat in the middle. He pulled out his book and began writing.

“After you, my dear,they will be starting the ceremony soon. Sal is coming, I just had to do his tie, his fingers were twisting the damn thing in a bunch. You can tell it’s his first time walking the aisle. I hope I gave himgood advice, being divorced, damnedif I know the rightwordsto say.” Soft elegant music streamed from a speaker in a lower window, the soft sounds of classical piano creating a magical atmosphere. Stella and Minnie came down and took their seats as Mick headed back up to walk Belle down to the ceremony.

She stood at the top of the stairs. The guests craned their heads to watch as she moved down. Her gown flowed around her and her movement left the watchers feeling as if she were floating on air. Mick looked around and realized Sal wasn’t there yet. He whispered something to Belle, and she laughed. They proceeded down and around to the path beside the house. Sal moved fromthe blue bungalow and scurried down the beach to the trellis, sand flying in his steps behind him. Willie donned his white blousy shirt and turquoise scarf, then stood to wait at the trellis for Sal to arrive. He nudged his head in Belle’s direction and Sal ran the rest of the way. He leaped onto the bamboo mat and caught his breath before turning towardsthe house where Belle would emerge.

Belle moved forward around the corner and Sal smiled. His eyes caught her gaze from the distance and he felt his heart beating faster.

“She’s exquisite,” he whisperedand Willie chuckled.

“That she is, you’re a lucky man Sal, but youknow that.” Belle moved forward and Mick glanced at Minnie. Tears coursed down her cheeks, and she pulled out a handkerchief and dabbed at the offending drops. The winds shifted and Belle’s dress blew sideways. She glanced at the clouds and prayed the rain would hold off until after the event. Mick handed her off to Sal as they approached the trellis. Belle blushed as she looked at her soon-to-be husband. Angel slipped in towards the back and took a seat as the ceremony started.

The wind blew Willie’s ponytail over his shoulder and the guests chuckled as they held on to their own hats as the wind picked up speed. He glanced at the trellis that rocked back and forth and began.

“We gatherhere as friends and family to take part in the celebration, joining in marriage, Tinkerbelle and Salvatore. Love takes many paths and time holds no meaning when true love is present. These two youngsters came through the fires of betrayal,turningtodiscoverallthat mattered was believingand allowing love todoits magic. They know the way of the heart as many of us here do and have chosen to spend the rest of their earthly days together. Love knows no boundaries. Lovefinds apathto spread through whenneeded. We owe a debt of gratitude for how this universe works. The miracle way it concocts instances to bring together friends and strangers, so we may reach out to touch the fine web of life. In doing so, we come together with a unity that creates strength.” The trellis rocked into Sal and he leaned back to steady it. Angel and Lacey came up the aisle and stood outside the trellis, holding it in place. Lacey smiled at Belle and nodded.

“Belle, do you take Sal here to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love and cherish him, through sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?”

Belle felt a tear slip down her cheek as she nodded.

“Belle, say I do now, if you would.” Willie said, and she giggled.

“Yes, I most definitely do.” Willie looked at Sal and smiled.

“And Sal, do you take Belle here to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love, cherish, and spoil her rotten, through sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?” The guests laughed as he ad-libbed the spoiled rotten segment and Sal burst out with a loud laugh.

“I do, I do, and I promise, I do.” Willie brought their hands together and give them their rings. The silver platinum bands were a matching set, dotted with small diamonds. Exchanging rings, their hands shook as they gazed into each other’s eyes.

“All righty then, by the supreme power vested in me to do this whole shebang, I now happily pronounce youboth, husband and wife. Congratulations to you both, you lovebirds can smooch now.” Sal wrapped Belle in a tight embrace and kissed her, his lips gently melding with hers and she fell into him and returned the kiss in kind. Cheers erupted from the guests and the music on the speaker changed to Mendelssohn’s Wedding March. Sal and Belle turned to the group and took a bow as their group tossed small seashells in the air.

A gust of air blew across the sand and the trellis went careening forward. Lacey lunged around Belle to catch the side of it as a shot rang out. Her back bright with blood, she collapsed in a heap at Sal’s feet. Everyone stopped andgazedaround the beach, unsure of what hadhappened. Belle screamed when she glanced down and saw the river of blood running down Lacey’s back. Another shot rang out and Sal moved to protect Belle. The ragged blood red gaping hole in his back shoulder seen by the group as he turned. The guests screamed and ran for the house. Stella grabbed Philippe and took the stairs two at a time, with Minnie and Willie following up behind them. Mick crawled across the aisle and grabbed Belle. Sal and Angel helped move Lacey across the sand and out of the line of fire. Hearing the silence and the absence of gunfire, they rushed towards the house.The small group made it around the corner to the garage and punched the buttons to lift the door. Once inside, Mick took the stairs to the house to check on the others.

Stella was on the phone with the police, hysterical. As he listened to her explaining what had happened, he left to double checkthe door. Moving to Belle’s room, he scanned the beach for signs of wherethe shots had come from. The view was barren, no sign of life or a gun-toting madman. He turned, then headed back down to check on Lacey and Sal. Five minutes later the sounds of sirens rang through the air and they opened the garage door to allow the paramedics access.