Page 8 of Wishful Dreaming

Chapter Five

Truth and consequences

Belle and Sal sat out on her back upper patio and watched the waves beneath the moon. Sipping wine and unwinding, Belle smiled at him in the darkness.

“Sal,I’m happy you found me again, andI’ve been thinking aboutus. We can’tgo back toyesterday. Besides,I know why you did what you did. Gina was sosmug as shetold me the next day, and that’s when I left. I had to cut you both from mylife andI didn’t want to see you. You hurt me, I’ve forgiven you because I had to for me. Now,I’m older and wiser.Things could havebeen sodifferent. But what’s done is done. You and I have grown and I realize I’m still in love with you. I don’t think I ever fell out of love with you.” Sal sipped his drink and reached for her hand.

“Belle, Ineed to tell you something and it may anger you. BecauseI believe in honesty, my being here, or at least what I told you, isn’t totally true. SoI’m coming clean because I have to. God,I hope you understand.” Belle sat up straighter, her face showing her newconcern.

“When I freelancedfor the Silver Dispatch, my boss had me cover your trial. Dick is now getting out of prison and Bob’s concernedbecause he heard from one of his informants that he knew where you lived. He was in fear ofyour safety and sent me here to protect you. I jumped at the chance. Deep down,I knew you’d never speak to me again. But I kept as low a profile as I could. I just had to make sure I kept you safe. Trust me, I was never expectingto fall head over heelswith you again. I can’t apologize for that, ever. I’m sorry I lied to you about the calendar business.” Sal looked out on the water and held his breath, waiting for her reply.

“Hmmm… Well, if that’s the worst thing you’ve lied about, I guess you’re not so bad. You had me worried for a minute, thinking youhad gottenmarriedand had ten kids hidden away or something. That would have been unforgivable. I’m glad you were here for me, it means a lot. Thank you, Sal.”Sal leaned over and kissed her, and she set her wineglass down, wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him in close. He hefted her up and placed her on his lap, their tongues entwined as the kiss deepened.

“I love you Belle, I’ve always loved you. Will you marry me? I know it’s rather sudden, but I don’t want to waste another day without you in my life.” Tears fell from his eyes and Belle brushed them aside with her lips. One after another, she nodded with a grin.

“It would be an honorto marry you, Sal. I’ve waited a lifetime for you, and yes, I don’t want to waste another day without you, either.” Sal leaned forward and lifted her, carried her to the bedroom andundressed his bride-to-be. She lay back and watched as he stripped off his shirt and trousers. His manhood stood at attention and she giggled, realizing that soon, it would be hers to gaze on every day of her life. She reached out her finger and ran it down his shaft as he leaned his head back and growled.

“Baby, you don’t know what you do to me, or maybe you do. There’s no place that I’d rather be than beside you or inside you. It’s an amazingworld now that you are in it again.” He kneeled down and supped on her musky juices. Her legs widened, and he ran his fingers from her feet up her thighs and spread her lips apart. His tongue played with her nub and she rocked back and forth. He watched her as she watched him. Soft moaning escaped her lips, and she smiled.

“Now, Sal! I needyou inme. Please? With you on top?” She giggled again, and he inserted his thick throbbing member deep into her wetness. He could sense asher muscles clamp down around his dick and he thrust in and out, faster as she cried for more. He got himself to the edge and pulled out, then moved his mouth down on her again. Belle shifted around and took him in her mouth and they both rocked as they suckled each other to the edge. Belle shifted away when she felt him come close to the edge and she rolled him over and climbed on top. She impaled herself on his shaft and rocked back and forth as he tweaked her nipples. She leaned back, her taut stomach tingling as she felt her orgasm move through her body. Bucking and bouncing, her moans filled the room like a concerto, in tune with Sal’s.Layingside-by-side afterwards, he kissed the top of her head and pulled her in close.

“That, my lady, had to have been one of our best go’s yet. I hope I don’t wear you out before we tie that knot. I’d have to carry you down the aisle.” Belle giggled, dreaming ofhow amazingthe wedding day would be. She fell asleep wrapped in his arms, content as a cat with a belly full of cream.


Horst and Lacey reached the rocks at the end of the beach. Horst kissed her once more, and Lacey felt her heart beating a thousand beats per minute.

“I don’t know.I’mthinking there’ssomething to that lamp. Belle found it here on the beach after a storm, and if it’s bringing wishes to fruition, then I suppose I should pass it on to the next person. How many wishes can a person have in their lifetime? I’d hate to hog themfor myself. I’m an easy girl, one big whopper of a dream come true is enough for me.” Horst held her hand tight.

“I can’t believe you’ve said that. Most women I know would lock that treasure away and use it till it broke. You’re one of a kind, Lacey, I hope you know that. Would you be interested in meeting me for a day at the compound tomorrow? You can bring your boy, I’d love to meet him. There’s not much there for children, except a heated salt-water pool, but I can take you to dinner at the restaurant there. The food is spectacular. If you are up to it? I’ve gottwo days leftanddon’t knowif I can extend it. Thehotelmay be booked to the hilt. Not comfortable using my name and connections to take advantage,I’d love to get more time in with you before I leave. I’d invite you to the seminar, but I’m afraid it would bore you to tears. It’s a classon marketing and internet ads. Dry stuff, but I excel at it, but that’s why they pay me to do these. People make mucho bucks off of what I can teach them. I may even grace you withthe finest chocolates this side of Switzerland, too.”

Lacey laughed and thought ofher future. Horst was an amazing kisser, and his body was to die for, but she needed more than that. She wanted love, excitement, and a man who loved her son as much as her. Unsure, yet willing, she made the only decision that made sense.

“I’d love to come over, and yes, I’ll bring Philippe. I have to pre-warn you though, Philippe is deaf. He can lip-read like a master, but he writes out questions or observations he has. If you’re not up to it, I understand, but if I ever expect to get serious withsomeone, I need to make sure Philippe is good with it. Angel is a good dad, but being a full-time parent is not his strong suit. He’s like a kid himself, most of the time. I need a man, not another child.” Horst walked beside her and nodded as he listened to her concerns. The bar was in the distance, the lights twinkling, and Lou was singing a fast tune. He stopped her a short span away and took her in his arms.

“I’d love nothing more than to meet your son, Lacey. I can tell you’re a good woman, and seeing-as-how you’d do anything for him, it tells me you’re a solid sort. If I can’t extend my stay, I will return, or I could whisk you away? I wouldn’t want tointerfere with his schooling. Dinner tomorrow? I’ll come pick you up, if that’s acceptable to you?” Lacey thought ofwhat waited at home and knew she’d have to do a quick spruce up job.

“Sounds great Horst, I’d like that.” They walked up to the bar and Horst looked at his watch.

“I’ve got time for another few dances, if you are game?” Lacey smiled and nodded.

“I thought you’d never ask, lets.” They moved out to the floor, the crowd was still in full swing and the music was a fast-paced and lively set. Horst ran his fingers down her side as she swayed and swung her hips. She felt sexy, the way he watched her, with fire in his eyes. She hoped the lamp was casting real magic on her.

Two hours later, Lou finished up his last round of tunes. Lacey and Horst moved to the bar, sweat dripping from their bodies. Sipping their drinks, they grinned at each other, thenHorst excused himself and slipped into the men’s room.

“You bothlook liketeenagers. It must be the magic of the night air, orperhaps it’sLou? It is good to see you happy, Lacey.” Angel leaned over the bar and whispered to her.

“I like him too, Angel, we’re having dinner tomorrow. I don’t know why, but when I talk to him, I feel like I’ve known him forever. Is that weird? I’m taking Philippe with me, so they can meet each other.”

“How’s that going to work? Isn’t he a vacationing tourist? Will he be traveling back here? I’d hate for you to get hurt Lace, you’re a sweetheart, and I don’t want to see you get your heart broken.” Angel glanced up as Horst exited the bathroom. Moving towards them, Horst only had eyes for Lacey.

“Well, sweets, I’ve got to call it a night. The seminar is tomorrow bright and early. There’re things to do to prepare. I need your homeaddress so I can fetch you.” Lacey jumped up and turned as Angel handed her a pad and paper, grinning. She shooed him away and jotted her information down, contemplating drawing a heart and thought better of it. Ripping off the sheet, she handed it to him.

“Come on, I’ll walk you out, I should get home, too.” They walked through the dying crowd and made it out to the street. Horst touched her faceand smiled.

“Lacey, it’s been amazing meeting you and I look forward to what tomorrow brings. You don’t have to get dressed up for dinner, in case you’re worried. What you have on is spectacular, so that or anything similar would make me happy, you’re an exquisitewoman, and I’mlike a kid on a first date. It’s been years since I’ve felt that way. Bring the lamp along if you’d like, I’d love to see it. Maybe it has a wish left for this old bachelor, although It’s done a mighty fine job. Can I offeryou like a ride home?” Lacey shook her head.

“I’m right down the street, I could almost spit on my place from here, but I will see you tomorrow.” He took her in his arms and kissed her. She met his kiss and melted into his body as she wrapped her arms around him. Tongues moved in unison and she pulled away first.