Page 6 of Wishful Dreaming

Chapter Four

The winds of change blowing

The Lug was hopping when Lacey wound her way through the throngs of people waiting in line to enter. Since The Elementals, tourists from the compounds found that drinks were cheaper and the entertainmentbetter. Angel lovedthe increase in new business and knew if it kept up, he may have to keep Bree on, if she was hip to it. He saw Lacey and gave a wave, contemplating if he should put her to work with the crowds, but decided for tonight, she could let loose and relax. She looked good, and he remembered the last time he’d seen her in that dress. It was the night they conceived Philippe. She still rocked it like a goddess. Lacey moved up to the bar and gazed around at the crowd.

“I’m surprised you didn’t pull me in to work. This place is mad-packed. Are you sure you are goodwithout me?” Angel smiled and handed her a slippery nipple on the rocks.

“I’m good, love, me and Bree can handle it, but if you feel like coming in tomorrow, I won’t mind. If it’s dead, you can always scoot early. You’ve had a rough few days and you deserve to unwind. Where’s the kid?” Lacey smiled.

“Philippe decided he wanted to do a movie marathon down at Johnny’s house and Anita was good with it. I didn’t want to sit home and stare at the walls, so figured I’d come here and unwind.” She took a sip of the drink and grinned.

“Ah, that hits the spot. Who’s playing tonight?” Angel checked his watch.

“I’ve got Lou “Bang Bang” Rio starting at 10. He had a prior afternoon gig and couldn’t make it till then. The crowds don’t seem to mind, so I booked him. He’s good. We had him two years ago. I’mnot sure if you remember. They allblend in.”

Lacey glanced over at the tall Jamaican man setting up his gear on the corner stage. He still had fifteen minutes before start. Lacey remembered himfor the dancers that packed the floor when hejammed the popular old-school tunes. She sipped her drink and scanned the crowd. The mix was older couples, and the aroma of perfume permeated the place.

“How much Opium and Poison can one woman wear before they faint in a cloud of ick?” she said to herself. A deep laugh from behind startled her. She spun around and walked smack-dab into a very tall man. Her drink splashed on his crisp white shirt and she opened her mouth in shock.

“Well, now, I suppose you don’t have a towel handy? Seems my shirt has gotten a tad soiled.” His accent was thick, and she stood gawking at the tall God standing before her.

“Um, I’m so sorry. Hold on a minute. Let me get something to clean you up with.” Lacey went around the bar and into the kitchen, grabbed thewad of paper towels,wetting them down in the sink. She stopped back behind the bar and grabbedthe club soda and worked her way back to the Adonis who stood waiting. He watched her as she moved towards him and grinned. Opening the bottle of club soda, she jumped as the liquid spewed out sideways over the two of them. She screamed, gazingat the man, horrified. He reached out for the towels and dabbed them on his shirt, poured some soda on the towels and completed the cleanup. Lacey looked down at her frontmortified. Her dress clung to her breasts that thrust out, nipples pointing the way towards the blond God.

“Christ, I am soooo sorry, I hope you got it out. I don’t think OJ stains that much, not like red wine. I’m such a klutz.” The man handed her the towel.

“If you’d like to take care of yourself, feel free, but I’menjoying you this way. You’re an exquisite looking woman, if it’s not too bold of me to say. You Americans can get finicky these days with what is allowable and what’s taboo. I don’t mean to offend.” She listened to the rich timbre of his voice and grinned.

“Thank you, no offense taken. It’s been a long time since someone’s complimented me, I guess I’m not used to it. Hi, I’m Lacey.” She held out her hand, and he kissed it.

“I’m Horst, pleasureto meet you. Don’t worry about the shirt, I’ll send it out for laundry tomorrow. I expect to be dancinglater and the sweat will just dampen it. As long as it doesn’t get sticky, I may have to remove it. This seemsthe place to allow it, with the beach alongside it. I’veseen two bikini’s… With the womenin them, it’s not an attractive thing to see.” Lacey ordered another drink.

“Can I buy you one? I’m in good with the owner. I’m sure I can rustle you up something if they’re busy. What will it be Horst?” she waited while he pondered it, eyeing the man from his head down to his feet. His shoulders were wide, his waist tapered in and Lacey could only image well formed abs. His blond hair was wavy and thick, and his eyes twinkled like bright stars. She imagined her fingers running down his chest to the edge of his pressed khakis. Her cheeks turned red as he snapped his fingers in front of her.

“Penny for your thoughts Lacey, you are miles away, but smiling, so itmust be good. I said, I’ll take a Scotch on the rocks. If that’s too much trouble, a Red Label will be fine.” Lacey looked up into his eyes. The wrinkles lined the corners of his eyes, gracing his face with a lightness. His hair, though curly, was neat and trimmed, and his chin was as well definedlike his cheekbones. Her heart beat faster and she wanted to touch the cleft. He grinned at her and waited.

“Oh, I’m sorry. Woolgathering again, I’ll grab that for you.” Turning around, she found Angel watching the exchange. He perked his eyebrows up, looking from the man to Lacey and laughed.

“Hey hon, you need something? What can I get for you, mate?” Horst glanced over and back to Lacey.

“Oh, for nowa Scotch on the rocks will do. Later, I may want somethinga bit stronger…” He grinned at Lacey and she smiled at Angel.

“I’ll take another Slippery… Um, nipple. I lost most of it on this gentleman here. It wasan accident, I swear. So another one for me, please.” Angel poured them their cocktails and moved down the bar to the next customer who waved for his attention. Lacey glanced down at Bree, who was dripping sweat and hustling tables. Bree was gazingat her body,want blatant in her stare,and Lacey looked away.

“Nope, and no thank you,” she said, a look of disgusted etched across her face. Horst leaned down to whisper in her ear.

“I don’t know if you noticed or not, but that young lady over there seems very intrigued by you. Is she a close friend of yours?” Lacey burst out laughing.

“Bree? Hell no, I mean, she’s not bad, but her and Angel, the guy bar tending were doing the nasty on the counter in the back earlier. Angel and I had a thing years ago, we have a son together but are just friends. Bree likes to swing both ways, but my heart holds a huge preference for men, so she can just get her thoughts right out of her head. I’m not going there, thanks but no thanks.” Horst burst out laughing and ran his finger down her arm.

“You missed a spot, might want to tidy that up or you may find yourself a sticky mess later. The bees may like it, but I don’t think you want any colored residue on thatdress of yours.” Lacey walked back around the bar and grabbed a damp rag and wiped down her arm. The sticky orange juice taken care of, she moved back to the other side.

“So, would you like to dance, Lacey?” The singer had switched from a fast ditty to a smooth slow song and she smiled.

“I’d love to dance, Horst, thank you.” They set their drinks on the bar and moved through the crowd to a small opening in the dance floor. Horst wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close. Lacey rested her head against his chest and moved to the music. Horst was a good dancer, and she inhaled his scent. Beyond the drink, he smelled of a slight woodsy citrus and she relaxed in his embrace. She chuckled, and Horst leaned back and gazed in to her eyes.

“Something funny, my friend? Care to share?” Lacey glanced up at him and shook her head.

“I was thinking of something that happened tonight. Earlier, I was with friends for a drink and Belle brought in a brassy gold lamp. It looked like one of those genie ones and we were kidding around and making wishes. Mywish just popped into my mind so fast, and it made me laugh.”