Page 7 of Wishful Dreaming

“What did you wish for Lacey?” he said and smiled.

“It’s too silly, really, forget that I told you.” She lay her head back and giggled, then pulled away.

“Okay, I wished the lamp would bringBelgian chocolates and a fine European man to sweep me off my feet. I know, it’s childish, but it was the first thing that popped in to my head when I rubbed the stupid thing.” Horst stopped dead in his tracks and let her go.

“Is thatallyou wished for? Did you hope to have a mad-romantic fling with a foreigner? What is it you trulydesire, Lacey?” She thoughtfor a moment and sobered.

“I’m a single parent, mostly. I haven’t been on a date since my son was born ten years ago and we get along great. Dating has not been on my agenda. What kind ofguy wants to start a relationship with a woman with two-legged baggage? I’ve avoided romance for my son. I don’t want him to get attached to a man who may not stick around. This island doesn’t havegood jobs for a man, it’s mostly tourist trade, but we like it here. It’s a great place to live. I’m not sure, but someday I’d like to have a sweet man that I can come home to, someone who would love me. I know, it’s silly, but I believe there’s someone out there waiting for me, for my love.”

Horst kissed her on the forehead and wrapped her in his arms again. They finished the dance in silence and came apart as the song ended and the singer moved back to a faster playlist.

Lacey walked towards the bar, unsure if her honesty was a good thing or bad. She felt Horst’s hand on her lower back and she turned to smile at him. His eyes held a myriad of emotions and she reached for her drink. Handing him his, he took a sip.

“Thank you for telling me that Lacey. You’re a beautiful woman and I can see how much you care foryour son. Women I come in contact with areafter one thing. The lamp thing is intriguing, though. Do you believe in it, in its potential for magic?” She smiled and shook her head yes.

“That lamp helped to find my son. A crazed woman kidnapped him because she was hell-bent on destroying a friend of mine. From what I hear, it helped my friend to find her old love once again. So, mustbe some kind of magic happening.” She watched the dancers on the floor and jumped as Horst touched her cheek, then he slipped a strand of her hair behind her ear and gazed into her eyes.

“I don’t know if this helps you or not, but there’s something about you that makes my heart beat a touch quicker. I’m not sure what I’m looking for either, so I guess we’re matched in that manner. My last relationship ended quite rough, and Itake things rather slow. Yes,I know, boring. I’m a business man and work sometimes day and night certain times of the year. All these yearsI’ve never looked to get tied down, but my last romance died a sudden death when Eva realized I wanted children. She’s a model in Paris and a child would ruin her body, she told me that several times. I’m finding that you needthe whole package for arelationshipto work out. We were too far apart with what we wanted. So, it’s been a few months and now I’m here on business and find you here, looking irresistibleand it excites me.”

Lacey stared at him, unsure of what to say. Horst knocked back the now watered down drink and set it on the bar.

“Would you walk with me on the beach Lacey? I promise I’ll behave myself.” Lacey nodded and held up her finger.

“Iwill grab a water, do you want one?” Horst smiled and nodded, and Lacey motioned over to Angel.

“Can we get two bottled waters, hon?” Angel looked at Horst and the smile across Laceys face. He reached down below and pulled out two ice cold bottles.

“Have fun kids, do nothing that I wouldn’t do. Lacey, you coming in tomorrow or do you want another day?” Lacey thought about it, glanced at Horst.

“I think I’ll take one more day off. Philippe will be home in the morning and I want to make sure he’s adjusting well. I’ll be in day after, okay?” Angel nodded and glanced at Horst.

“Take care of our girl here, she’s special to us and I’d hate to see her get hurt.” Horst nodded and took Lacey by the elbow, guided her through the dancers, and out on to the beach. They removed their shoes and walked towards the water. The sand felt cool below their feet and Horst clasped her hand in his as they strolled through the gentle surf.

“I’ve always loved the ocean, something about it just soothes me. This vacation has been a godsend. My business is wrappingup. I have to do one more seminar tomorrow and then I have two days left to soak up the sun and surf before heading across the pond.” Lacey stared at the moon that hung high above the water, the reflection rippling in the small waves. She breathed in and stopped to take a sip of her water.

“Horst,I haven’t even asked you, whatbusiness are you in?” Horst let out a loud laugh and looked at her, his head moving back and forth.

“Oh my,I don’t know if I should say, it may give you grand ideas, not that that would be a bad thing, but still. I’m a chocolatier. My family has made chocolates and confections for almost two centuries. My sister Elia and I run the business.” Lacey dropped her bottle mid sip and gawked at him.

“Holy shit, oh, I mean no frigging way? You’re lying to me. It can’t be true, come on!You’re pulling my leg.” She shook her head and bend down to pick up her now half empty bottle. She wiped the sand off with her hand and stared at him.

Horst chuckled and touched her hair. He took a deep breath and resumed walking again.

“I knew you wouldn’t believe me, but it’s true. The sad part is that I don’t live here, and I don’t want to lead you on but I am attracted to you. I know you’re hoping for a knight in shining armor to come down and sweep you off your feet, but I like to get to know someone. Any guy can do a bang and run, that’s not my style. I needto get to know you, the real you.We cansee where it leads,I’m open to that, if you are?” Lacey thought about it for a moment.

“I’m not rushing into anything, either. I have Philippe to think about, but with the lamp thing and now meeting you, I find it intriguing, too. Who knows? If I don’t take a chance, I guess I’ll never know, I’m willing to risk it, though. Besides, you make chocolates, and I love chocolate… You are kind of cute, too.”

Lacey blushed and Horst closed the distance between them. He wrapped her in his arms and inhaled the scent of the green apple shampoo in her hair. She gazed up to meet his eyes and his mouth descended upon hers. His kiss was intense and took her breath away. She moved her hands up his chest and felt the solid muscles below his shirt. His hand stroked down her back and ended at her butt, his hands gripping her buns and bringing her close to him. He broke away a moment later and took a sip of his water.

“Come, lets keep walking lest I do something we may regret. We’ll go slow, I respect you and want to get to know youmore, if you’re okay with that?” Lacey sighed and smiled.

“Horst, that sounds like the second best thing I’ve heard today. Come on, lets walk.” They moved down the beach holding hands in the moonlight.
